Winstrol Side Effects

Winstrol side effects should be considered when you’re thinking of running a cycle with this steroid. It comes in both oral and injectable versions, but regardless of the form of administration, side effects remain the same.

Some people consider that Injectable Winstrol is less hepatotoxic than Oral Winstrol pills, nonetheless, there is no scientific proof of that. Yet, injectable Winstrol is painful to administer (plus the risk of infection if the injection technique isn’t correct) and that’s why Winstrol pills form is by far the most popular version of administration.

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The active substance is Stanozolol and can be found in numerous other brands. Yet, it remains the same as Winstrol (since it is just the most popular brand). In the end, regardless of trade name or form of administration, as long as you use Stanozolol, you can expect the same side effects and benefits.

While most people read as much as possible about benefits, the side effects are often overlooked. That’s a huge mistake. Please learn about Winstrol side effects. Additionally, learn about the proper administration of this anabolic and androgenic steroid.

  • Remember that people are reacting differently to different compounds. That’s why side effects might be different. Additionally, their intensity and frequency, and overall appearance depend on various factors such as dosage, cycle length, personal response, genetics, and many others.

Winstrol Side Effects in Women

Taking into consideration that Winstrol isn’t extremely androgenic with high anabolic activity, combined with the fact that it burns body fat, women also resort to Winstrol cycles. Nonetheless, Winstrol is a powerful steroid, so adverse side effects are definitely possible.

Here are the possible side effects for women:


  • Deepening of the voice
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Breast shrinkage
  • Body hair growth
  • Hair growth on the face
  • Enlargement of clitoris
  • Liver issues
  • Behavioral changes
  • Insomnia
  • Stomach issues

Women can’t control these side effects. That’s why the only way to avoid them is to stop the use of Winstrol as soon as you notice the first signs of virilizing issues (masculinization). That’s also the reason why women shouldn’t use Winstrol for longer than 4-6 weeks and in very low dosages.

Winstrol Side Effects in Men

Although women are more susceptible than men to experience side effects, improper use of Winstrol would definitely lead to several issues in men. Some of them can be dangerous and possibly life-threatening.

We urge you to follow a proper Winstrol administration schedule. Commonly, those side effects are reported by people who use Winstrol (Stanozolol) in higher dosage and/or for a longer period. Using it within recommended guidelines might help you avoid experiencing any side effects at all or allow you to control and tolerate them.

Common Winstrol side effects in men include:


  • Liver issues
  • Dry and painful joints
  • Increased cholesterol levels
  • Cardiovascular issues like hypertension
  • Androgenic issues like acne and oily skin
  • Increased aggression known as roid rage
  • Hair loss (male pattern baldness)
  • Decreased testosterone production

No estrogen related issues would occur due to the use of Winstrol since it cannot aromatize. Hence, no estrogenic activity. But even the above listed side effects can be avoided if you’re going to intelligently use this AAS.

It’s not necessary that you’ll experience all those side effects. They depend on various factors, as mentioned, like your age, gender, steroid dosage, cycle length, and many other things.

Avoid Winstrol Side Effects

The first thing you can implement into avoiding the side effects of Stanozolol – Winstrol is to make sure you get the maximum quality compound. Unfortunately, lots of sources offer low quality Stanozolol which is leading to more side effects that you should experience and fewer benefits than you should obtain.

You can make sure you’re getting maximum quality and purity Winstrol by purchasing it from’ll also buy Stanozolol for sale for the cheapest price regardless of the brand you get.


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Yet, even with the highest quality AAS, both men and women can avoid those adverse effects by starting slowly with the dosage and short lengths. This should be worked up as you gain more experience and notice how the compound works for you.

  • Liver toxicity issues of Winstrol can be controlled with the help of cycle supporting supplements meant to protect the liver.
  • Dry/painful joints are also controlled with supplements meant to lubricate your joints and ligaments.
  • Men control the natural testosterone inhibition issues with the help of a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan after each cycle with any steroid.

The rest side effects can be reduced and controlled with a proper diet and exercise schedule. Generally, a healthy lifestyle. And again, most importantly, with correct steroid dosages and cycle length.

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