Arimidex Side Effects


Arimidex with the chemical name Anastrozole is a powerful aromatase inhibitor (AI) which means that it’s an anti-estrogen, therefore, it’s obvious it can cause some side effects. This is a very popular compound (ancillary) among bodybuilders using anabolic steroids. If you plan on using steroids, you need to learn about Arimidex, including its side effects. You may wonder why.

Well, that’s because most steroids you use for growing muscle mass and gaining strength increase estrogen levels. They convert into estrogen through aromatization. Often, the increase in estrogen leads to negative symptoms. Since Arimidex (Anastrozole) inhibits aromatization, it reduces total levels of estrogen. This helps steroid users prevent or reduce estrogen related side effects.

Nonetheless, Arimidex comes with its own side effects. As with any other drug, administering something, you may experience negative effects. Here, I’m going to share more information about Arimidex side effects, how to control them, and why they occur in the first place.

What is Arimidex – Anastrozole?

anastrozolex-anastrozoloe-arimidexBefore we continue, you need to understand what Arimidex is. This is the brand name (the most popular one, but there are many others) of Anastrozole.

Anastrozole is an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) and an anti estrogen. There are also SERMs as anti-estrogens, but AIs are different types of medications because they work in fundamentally different ways. AIs reduce serum estrogen levels. They bind to the enzyme called aromatase and inhibit them. Aromatase is the enzyme that produces estrogen hormone. Because you administer AIs – the aromatization decreases, and so do the levels of estrogen hormone.


Administering aromatizing (wet) steroids, they convert into estrogen. Depending on the aromatization of each steroid, the number of aromatizing steroids, cycle length, personal aromatization liability, and the dosage of steroids that you use, estrogen may increase. Sometimes, it increases too much causing side effects. That’s when you need Arimidex (or any other Aromatase Inhibitor).

Arimidex is the most popular AI because it is the cheapest and many people report less side effects from it.

What Are Arimidex Side Effects?

Arimidex does come with a set of negative side effects. They usually disappear within a matter of a few days or maximum weeks. Nonetheless, if they are unbearable or won’t go away or even increase in intensity – reduce the dosage or stop its use altogether.arimidex-side-effects-in-bodybuilders-men

Most bodybuilders tolerate it very well. When you use Arimidex properly, side effects are rarely a problem.

  • It’s important to understand that chances are much higher that you’ll experience side effects from letting estrogen remain high rather than using Arimidex when you need it.

Some side effects to mention:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Bone/joint/back pain
  • Headaches
  • Low sex drive (libido)
  • Erectile dysfunction (inability to get and/or maintain an erection)
  • Weakness and/or tiredness
  • Insomnia
  • Mood changes
  • Anxiety
  • Hot flashes
  • Reduced strength
  • Inability to gain muscles
  • Allergic reactions (common allergy symptoms, might be mild or severe)

You are unlikely to experience these issues when you use it in proper doses. Even if you do, as said, they are likely to disappear soon.

Explaining Side Effects

The main reason why people experience side effects is that they use too high doses. Doing so inhibits too much estrogen and you have low estrogen levels. Too high estrogen levels lead to negative side effects (gynecomastia, water retention, erectile dysfunction, and many others). But too low estrogen levels lead to negative side effects too (check above).

  • Arimidex is reducing (suppressing) estrogen levels and if you’re using too much of it (or when you don’t need it) your estrogen is too low. This is an important hormone even for males (despite the common myth that it’s a female hormone).

So, you need to use Arimidex (or any other AI) in order to keep estrogen within a normal range (and not suppress it too much).

Letting estrogen too high (by not using enough Anastrozole) you experience side effects.
Reducing estrogen too low (by using too much Anastrozole) you experience side effects too.

So, just try to use Arimidex to keep your estrogen within the proper range. That’s why you need to get a feeling of the dosage that you need.


Dosages are very different depending on so many factors. I would recommend starting with the lowest dosage and only increase when you need it. Use 0.5 mg and see how it feels. Determine if you need more or less. Some people may need to use 1 mg EOD while others don’t need to use it at all during the exact same cycle (for example, 500 mg/week of testosterone).

At the same time, it is quite obvious that if you use one aromatizing steroid in a lower dosage you won’t need as high dosages as when you attempt using 3 highly aromatizing steroids stacked together all in high doses!


Only use Arimidex as needed in order to avoid the side effects. Bodybuilders rarely experience side effects if they use the product correctly. Try to keep estrogen within normal range and that’s why use Arimidex only as needed. Find your sweet dosage and stick to it.

Also, buy the best quality Arimidex (Anastrozole) from for the best quality and cheapest price!



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