Side Effects of Equipoise


Equipoise is widely popular for producing very mild side effects if any at all. That’s why Equipoise (active substance Boldenone Undecylenate) is a very popular steroid in the first place. It can greatly help users achieve their goals in terms of physique and performance enhancement without nasty side effects.

Side effects of Equipoise are possible to occur though. Being a milder steroid doesn’t mean it’s safe. There are no safe steroids in the first place. Also, it’s worth noting that Equipoise side effects are pretty much the same as Testosterone side effects. The difference is that Equipoise possesses half estrogenic activity and half androgenic activity in comparison with Testosterone. Therefore, in theory, it should offer androgenic and estrogenic side effects that are half in intensity and/or frequency in comparison with Testosterone.

Other than that, if you’re familiar with Testosterone side effects, then you have a good idea of what are the side effects of Equipoise.



So well, let’s go over a few common Equipoise side effects that you need to be aware of before you start using this anabolic steroid. Some side effects that are commonly associated with the use of Boldenone are:

Mildly Estrogenic

As said, Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise) is half as estrogenic as testosterone. This means that it’s mildly estrogenic. Therefore, estrogenic side effects can still occur while using Equipoise. But since it’s far not as aromatizing as testosterone, the estrogenic side effects should be milder and/or less frequent.

By using it, it doesn’t aromatize very much, but some estrogenic side effects can still occur. Some examples include water retention, increased blood pressure (usually as a result of water retention), erectile dysfunction, tender nipples in men (which can lead to gynecomastia – man’s boobs), and others.

Of course, the chances of experiencing estrogenic side effects are having a very strong connection with the dosage, cycle length, and your body’s ability to aromatize into estrogen.

Therefore, despite it being half as aromatizing as testosterone, it’s still a very good idea to have AIs handy and use them if you experience such issues. Keeping estrogen within the normal range during the cycle is essential for a successful cycle.


Oily Skin

Absolutely all anabolic and androgenic steroids are causing androgenic issues. The good news is that Equipoise is half as androgenic as testosterone making it a safer compound. Due to androgenic issues, females are at risk of developing virilization issues too such as menstrual irregularities, developing male secondary characteristics, and others. But being a very long anabolic steroid (with long ester), Equipoise is not common among female athletes at all.

Androgenic side effects among males are commonly the following issues: increased aggression, hair loss (male pattern baldness in individuals that have this genetic predisposition), as well as oily skin that can lead to acne.

For whatever reason, Equipoise is a steroid that can especially trigger oily skin and acne among androgenic issues. A lot of people report such issues on their faces, back, and shoulders. I recommend taking proper anti acne measures such as anti-acne solutions, creams, etc., drinking enough water, having a proper diet, and so on and so forth. The good news is that such issues usually disappear after the cycle ends.

Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Issues

All steroids can increase LDL (bad) cholesterol and decrease HDL (good) cholesterol. This can cause blocked arteries including many other issues. All steroids can increase cardiovascular risks and lead to possible heart issues.

People who are already suffering from some cholesterol and/or cardiovascular issues shouldn’t use anabolic steroids. Including Equipoise

Testosterone Suppression

Equipoise-side-effects-eqThen again, another side effect that is associated with absolutely all anabolic and androgenic steroids is the suppression of natural testosterone production. Equipoise is not an exception to this rule so it is going to suppress endogenous testosterone and HPTA regardless of what you do.

The only way to diminish the damage done to HPTA and testosterone production is to lower the dosage and shorten the cycle length. The longer the cycle length and/or the higher the dosage – the stronger the suppression rate would be.

That’s why excessively long cycles can lead to permanent damage and complete shut down. In such cases, the individual requires treatment in form of injection in order to maintain proper testosterone levels. It goes with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). In this case, you need to use testosterone injections for life.

So, it’s important to have a proper cycle. It’s also important to have Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) following each steroid cycle. A PCT reduces the chances of permanent damage and reduces the time required for your body to naturally produce enough testosterone levels. A PCT protocol is very important after each steroid cycle (including Equipoise) for maintaining gains and remaining healthy.

Hepatotoxic Issues

Among the side effects of Equipoise, we cannot indicate any liver issues because Boldenone lacks the C17 AA chemical modification. This is not an oral steroid and it doesn’t pass through the liver. Therefore, Equipoise is not hepatotoxic and won’t cause any damage to the liver.

Liver enzymes should remain intact during the Equipoise cycle. However, they can increase by adding some oral steroids as Equipoise is definitely not going to protect your liver.

In The End

Generally, estrogenic, androgenic, cholesterol/cardiovascular, and testosterone inhibition are the main categories of side effects of Equipoise. As you could notice, they are pretty much the exact same side effects of Testosterone. But they are likely to be less frequent and/or less intense. 

It’s obvious that when talking about the side effects of Equipoise (or any other steroid), it also greatly depends on the dosage, cycle length, your personal tolerance (response) to the drug, age, gender, height and weight, lifestyle, and other factors.

To take the maximum benefits out of an Equipoise cycle and to keep side effects at bay, you’ve got to use it correctly and take all the proper measures. Such as proper lifestyle (diet and workout plan), preparing a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) program as well as Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) during the cycle. That would protect you from low testosterone symptoms post cycle and high estrogenic issues during the cycle.

Buy Equipoise from for the best quality Boldenone Undecylenate. We offer a lot of other anabolic steroids all of the high quality and the best prices on the market from whatever manufacturer you need.



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