

Somatropin is the synthetic form of HGH. This means that while HGH is naturally occurring, Somatropin is created in laboratories. Other than that, there’s no difference because as soon as you inject Somatropin – it’s the exact same HGH.

Human Growth Hormone is a hormone that, as we can guess from its name, is a hormone that is responsible for the growth as well as regeneration of cells. So, HGH is not only extremely important for increasing bone density and muscle mass, but it’s also essential for maintaining the proper health of tissues. Including those tissues that you can find in vital organs such as the heart or the brain and all others.

Overall, HGH is a vital hormone that is responsible for a lot of different things. A person without proper HGH can’t live healthily. That’s why people with HGH deficiency get a prescription for Somatropin from their doctors.

Despite the fact that Growth Hormone remains active in the blood for only a few minutes after secretion – that’s the time your liver requires to transform the growth hormone into growth factors. I can assume that the most vital in terms of growth factor is IGF-1. Bodybuilders already know the huge importance of IGF-1. This is a hormone with powerful anabolic properties. It’s obviously highly important when it comes to building muscle.

When the first synthetic recombinant human Growth Hormone (rhGH) appeared (Somatropin), it was soon enough that it got huge popularity as a performance enhancing drug due to its amazing benefits in terms of muscle growth and fat loss.



Somatropin (HGH) Benefits

Somatropin (Human Growth Hormone) has become extremely popular in the bodybuilding and fitness world because of the variety of different benefits that it offers. This is a compound that can lead to rapid fat loss, has anti-aging effects, helps build more muscle mass (and much faster) as well as leads to better sleep and an overall quicker workout recovery including recovery from injuries.

HGH is offering a wealth of benefits as much as we can see. Many of these benefits are helpful even for those who do not really want to pack on a lot of muscle, but just want to feel good and be healthy. Somatropin helps with that too.

Nonetheless, I need to warn you that HGH is not a product that you can expect almost “overnight” benefits. It can greatly help melt fat, pack on muscle and allow you to look and feel more youthful. Yet, all of these benefits can take weeks or even months until they appear. Expecting fast results is likely to disappoint you.

You should know that this product works nevertheless. It doesn’t offer quick results, but those who used it agree with one thing: it’s worth the wait.

Somatropin (HGH) is offering a number of positive changes in your health and overall life. It can also help with your physique and performance enhancement goals too. That’s why it is so popular for almost anyone: patients with HGH deficiency, men and women, bodybuilders and athletes, older people, or those who simply want to get a better life.

Fat Loss

Somatropin-benefits-bodybuilding-hghHGH is actually one of the best compounds out there for fat loss. That’s because Human Growth Hormone is actually a fat regulator and metabolism enhancer. Studies prove a very tight connection between HGH and obesity. There are studies in human trials with HGH suggesting that patients lose a big amount of body fat (on average, more than 10%) and gain lean muscle tissues while on this hormone.

It takes a few weeks to see some fat loss results, but the drastic fat burning effects occur after a few months of use.

Muscle Gain

HGH is not an anabolic steroid, it doesn’t work in the same way as steroids do. However, it works in different ways that steroids don’t. That’s why it’s capable of helping you grow muscles like steroids can’t. This is why lots of people use both these compounds in their cycles in an attempt to grow muscle. And they usually have huge results.

HGH helps you recover fast, increases IGF-1, and helps your cells reproduce and grow. Obviously – it helps you pack on muscle. After about two months on HGH, most people say they notice a huge improvement in body composition due to the fact they burn fat while gaining muscle concomitantly.

Recovery From Workouts and/or Injuries

HGH is a compound that can greatly help you heal the ligaments and tendons because of better collagen synthesis. It plays an important role in bone density so as you can guess, it helps with a rapid recovery from bone fractures or back injuries too.

It also helps you recover faster from workouts too. This will allow you to be ready for your next intense workout faster. More training a week results in better and faster results.

Better Sleep Quality and More Energy

Most users of HGH report they feel a surge in their energy and stamina while they use this drug. People say they feel way more energetic after only about 2 weeks of using Somatropin. Needless to mention that more energy results in getting your job done better in and out of the gym.

This is partially due to the fact that HGH helps you have a deeper and longer sleep. Due to an overall more restful sleep, you get more energy, recover faster and enhance your cognitive functions too. Lots of people suggest they sleep way better on HGH.

Enhanced Mood and Cognitive Functions

Growth Hormone is definitely having a lot of physical benefits. But this compound offers lots of mental benefits too. Low growth hormone will lead to mood swings and lower cognitive function. Somatropin will help you maintain a positive mood and overall positive attitude toward things.

There are studies suggesting that HGH improves mood and cognitive function considerably after about 6 weeks of continuous use.

Somatropin Side Effects

It’s important to understand that HGH is not all about benefits. You are likely to experience side effects too. However, it seems like most people tolerate this hormone very well. It’s those who abuse Human Growth Hormone that usually experiences side effects.

It’s important to understand that by administering Somatropin injections, you’re basically administering HGH. If you administer too much of this hormone, it may lead to negative side effects. Here are some side effects associated with the excessive use of synthetic HGH:

  • Increases risk of diabetes
  • Low blood sugar levels
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Numbness and tingling of the skin
  • Swelling (edema)
  • Bloating
  • Muscle, nerve, or joint pains
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness
  • Gynecomastia
  • Enlargement of internal body organs
  • Acromegaly

There are other side effects as well. Pretty much as with the benefits, side effects usually appear after a while of using this compound.

This is the reason why I recommend starting with a lower dosage and then gradually increasing it only if you actually need to increase the dosage. But you shouldn’t increase too soon because, as said, it takes a while until the effects of increased HGH levels start to kick in.


Administering Somatropin – HGH

This is a product that comes only in the form of injection. There’s no oral (or whatever other) version of HGH. Those who claim to offer different versions are scammers or are offering just supplements (natural and herbal compounds, not actual Somatropin).

You need to inject it intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The most popular way to use it – subcutaneously. HGH usually comes in the form of a powder that you need to mix with bacteriostatic water (or other solutions) before injecting.

Somatropin cycle length is at least 8 weeks (two months) but many people use it for up to six or even eight months. That’s because, as said, it takes a while until the effects start to kick in.

It stacks with almost any other compound. It can be steroids or weight loss compounds. A lot of bodybuilders stack it with Testosterone (and other steroids). For weight loss, it goes well with T3 and/or Clenbuterol.

HGH dosage for weight loss and general health purposes is ranging between 1 and 4 IU a day. I do not recommend beginners or women doses over 4 IU daily.

Higher doses are increasing the risks of side effects and usually, only men who previously had experience with Somatropina and are searching to gain lean muscles attempt higher doses than 4 IU a day. Usually, that’s 6, 8, or up to 10 IU daily. Even higher doses are extremely dangerous. Anything over 4 IU daily is likely to cause side effects.

In The End


In the end, HGH is a vital hormone. A little boost in this hormone with the help of Somatropin injections will greatly help you feel, look and perform better. But you need to be careful with it as it carries side effects like any other product.

HGH is pretty expensive, that’s why it’s often faked. You’ve gotta be very careful where exactly you’re buying HGH from to avoid purchasing fakes. At you’ll find the best quality Somatropin and you’ll also save money. That’s very important considering the price of this hormone.


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