Liothyronine Sodium


Liothyronine Sodium is the chemical name of a synthetic form of a thyroid gland named triiodothyronine T3. You may find it as numerous different brand names. The most popular one is Cytomel among others. Liothyronine is pretty much the same as naturally occurring T3, the only difference is that it’s made in a laboratory. Therefore, when you use Liothyronine, you basically increase thyroid hormone T3 levels.

So, you’re basically increasing overall thyroid hormone levels by using synthetic T3 (Liothyronine sold by different brand names) and this is causing your metabolism to speed up. Considering that your metabolism has a direct impact on how fast and how well you can lose weight and burn fat, it’s obvious that a lot of bodybuilders and athletes got interested in this product.

Liothyronine Sodium Uses


Medical Uses

Like most other compounds, Liothyronine was developed for treating health conditions in patients. Some health conditions when doctors prescribe Liothyronine include myxedema coma treatment of major depressive disorders (in combination with other drugs) and others. But by far the most common use of Liothyronine is to treat hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism means “hypo” (reduced) “thyroidism” (thyroid levels). It is the exact opposite of hyperthyroidism of too much thyroid level (overactive thyroid). In case a person suffers from hypothyroidism, a doctor is likely to prescribe Liothyronine (T3) or Levothyroxine (T4). T4 is another thyroid hormone but T3 is more powerful. That’s why T4 is preferred in medical settings while T3 is preferred in bodybuilding communities.

Hypothyroidism symptoms include tiredness, weight gain, poor ability to tolerate cold and various others. Hyperthyroidism also comes with its own symptoms such as weight loss, anxiety, tremors, insomnia, heat sensibility, and others.

Liothyronine in Bodybuilding

T3 is regulating the oxidative metabolism of energy. By using Liothyronine, you increase the levels of T3 and this increases the uptake of nutrients into the mitochondria. This results in a raised activity in the oxidative metabolic pathway. In short, you get a faster metabolism. Your body works harder and it demands more fuel. This increase in metabolic rate and ATP will make your body burn more fat and do it faster. In addition to that, using T3 can increase Growth Hormone (GH) production too. It’s all beneficial for bodybuilders. Although using Liothyronine for increasing HGH is a big mistake.

Anyway, for these reasons, pretty much the only use of Liothyronine Sodium in bodybuilding, athletic, and fitness circles is for fat burning and weight loss purposes. Nonetheless, it’s very important to remember that it is effective only alongside a proper diet and workout plan (with lots of cardio). That’s why I would only recommend Liothyronine Sodium only to those who were dieting and working out for many months until starting to use it. It is most helpful to help users burn the last stubborn 1-2% of body fat that is hard to burn only through diet and cardio.


Liothyronine Side Effects

Remember that by increasing T3 levels because of using Liothyronine, you’re likely to go into the hyperthyroidism state where your body has too many thyroid hormones. So, using too much T3 is going to lead to hyperthyroidism symptoms, the opposite of hypothyroidism. Some examples of these symptoms include weight loss, stomach issues, body tremors, headaches that can be pretty strong, irritability, sensitivity to heat, appetite increase, excessive sweating, difficulty sleeping (insomnia) as well as others.

Except for hyperthyroidism symptoms which are basically the most common Liothyronine side effects, high doses of T3 can stress your heart and cardiovascular system. It can be dangerous! That’s why it is very important to use the correct dosages.

In addition to that, because everything in the body works harder, it may demand more fuel which your body may take from muscle tissues. That’s why some people experience muscle loss (and even tiredness) during the use of Liothyronine Sodium. Especially when using it for too long and/or at a higher dosage. That’s why many bodybuilders use T3 alongside anabolic steroids in order to avoid muscle loss.

Except for that, when you use T3 to increase your thyroid hormone levels for increasing metabolism and helping you to burn fat and lose weight – it will stop your body from producing T3 naturally. That’s until you stop the use of Cytomel. When you stop the body starts recovering its ability. But if you seriously abuse Liothyronine, it may permanently damage this ability.

A similar thing happens when you use testosterone (or other anabolic steroids). They suppress the natural production of testosterone in the body.

Post Use

After you cease the use of Cytomel, you may experience hypothyroidism considering that your body doesn’t produce T3 on its own (it requires time to regain this ability).

  • For this reason, I strongly recommend gradually stopping rather than a sudden stop from a high dosage. In the last 1-2 weeks start decreasing the dosage. Usually 1-2 weeks of 25 mcg/day and maybe even lower.
  • Moreover, in the last few weeks before stopping and some weeks after stopping supplement yourself with some elements that may greatly help recover the natural ability to produce enough thyroid hormones such as iodine, selenium, ashwagandha, zinc, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D, magnesium, and others that boost thyroid hormone production.


Using Liothyronine Sodium

Liothyronine comes in various forms but the most common form and the one that I would recommend is tablets. It has a 1-2 days half-life so better use it once a day, every day, around the same time of the day, for the best results. Usually first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

The common cycle length is 6-8 weeks, although 4 weeks is enough to offer some results. Some increase cycle length longer, but I do not recommend anything over 12 weeks. First off to avoid the increase of side effects but most importantly – to avoid permanent damage to the natural ability to produce T3.

As said, during the use of T3, most bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to avoid muscle loss and tiredness.

Dosage and cycle length for men and women is pretty much the same, although men may attempt slightly higher dosages only because of their body weight which is usually higher. The most common dosage for men ranges between 50-75 mcg/day. Although starting with a 25 mcg/day is a wiser option. Women also should start with 25 mcg/day, but I do not recommend a dosage over 75 mcg/day for women. Men never should go over 100-125 mcg/day! That’s pure abuse.

So, it’s best to keep cycles under 10 weeks, start slowly at 25 mcg/day and then end your cycle slowly by slowly reducing the dosage. It’s like a form of the pyramid but with two ends. Start with a low dosage, gradually increase and then gradually decrease back.


ultima-t3.jpgLiothyronine Sodium is a great compound for weight loss and fat burning, but it’s best to use it carefully. Moreover, make sure you get quality Liothyronine T3 to ensure it works the way it should be working, without nastier side effects or reduced benefits. Moreover, remember that the quality of results greatly depends on your diet and workout plan! Better start using T3 only if you’ve been dieting and exercising hard for the last few months!

  • At you will find the best quality Cytomel (T3) for sale. You are going to find all other compounds that you may need to run with this hormonal medicine for the best weight loss and cutting cycle.


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