Lots of people may wonder which is better, Anadrol vs Dianabol? You may know that these are both orally active anabolic steroids that are great for bulking cycles. Both are popular steroids for bodybuilders and both are powerful anabolic steroids. Nonetheless, which one is better? What are the differences?
Indeed, in the bodybuilding community, there’s an ongoing battle when talking about Anadrol vs Dianabol. Although both are offering similar benefits and both are offering similar side effects, they are actually having some different effects on the body. We’re going to talk about Dianabol vs Anadrol in more detail here and will share what you can expect out of using it.
- But remember that this information is true assuming that you have a normal reaction to these steroids. Remember that people are different and they may have different reactions to compounds. Some people may have allergic reactions, abnormal reactions, or allergies to them. Moreover, these are the effects that you can expect assuming you use them correctly. This assumes that you’re also following a healthy lifestyle with the correct diet and workout plan too.
Considering these are oral steroids, you could easily use them by swallowing the pills. You need to use them daily. They are also both great for bulking cycles. Bulking up is the goal for a lot of people. That’s why the question of Anadrol vs Dbol often comes up. But after reading this article where I am going to compare and contrast these two anabolic steroids – you are going to be able to tell which is a better steroid for you.
Anadrol vs Dianabol Overview
- Anadrol daily dosage is about 25-50 mg a day. Some use up to 100 mg a day which is a huge dosage.
- Dianabol daily dosage is about 20-50 mg a day. Some use up to 80 mg a day (or even 100 mg/day) but, of course, that’s a huge dosage.
Both steroids are used for a period of 6-8 weeks, usually in the first weeks stacked with longer injectable bulking steroids. Both are working as kick starters of the bulking cycle and both will yield very fast results. None are popular for cutting, although some people use either of them. They are not popular for cutting because of their very big likelihood to cause water retention and bloating. People use them for bulking cycles. Anadrol is the most powerful out of the two with greater success in terms of muscle mass and strength increase. However, Dianabol is more popular. Why is that? Although Dbol does not bring as many gains in terms of strength and overall weight and size as Anadrol does, the side effects are much easier to manage. It’s much better for beginners and is still great for advanced users who want to stay away from side effects and remain healthy.
Let’s have a closer look at each one of these two best oral bulking anabolic steroids below.
What is Dianabol?
Dianabol (short – Dbol) is the most popular brand/trade name for the active substance Methandienone / Methandrostenolone among other brand names. Dianabol promotes muscle growth, improves athletic performance, enhances endurance as well as speeds up weight gain and recovery.
People who are using Dianabol usually use it for bulking cycles and very rarely for cutting needs. Dianabol is perhaps the most popular oral steroid among people who are in bodybuilding and powerlifting. It’s also an immensely popular steroid for athletes who want to improve their performance at the gym.
At the same time, Dianabol comes with various side effects that we’re going to talk about below. Before actually using Dbol, you should be learning about it as much as possible. About how to use it, its side effects, benefits, and so on and so forth.
What is Anadrol?
Anadrol (short – Adrol, A50, Abombs) is the most popular brand/trade name for the active substance Oxymetholone among other brand names. Anadrol is promoting rapid strength gains and is increasing muscle mass. It promotes heavy amounts of strength and muscle mass during heavy training extremely fast. Anadrol is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) unlike Dianabol which is a derivative of testosterone. Anadrol is having a stronger anabolic activity and is overall stronger.
People are using Anadrol for significant gains in strength, muscle mass, and endurance. It is the favorite steroid among powerlifters and mass monster bodybuilders who are searching for as much strength and as much muscle addition as it is possible.
Being a more powerful steroid, Anadrol is more effective in muscle gain, packing on size, weight gain, and strength increase. However, it’s also causing more side effects too. Considering that both steroids offer almost the same results and the same side effects, the overall effects are more pronounced with Anadrol.
Anadrol vs Dbol – Which is Better for Bodybuilding
It’s pretty obvious that both Anadrol and Dianabol are highly effective in bodybuilding circles, both offering amazing results. Dianabol is an amazing choice for those people who want to bulk up without the huge risk of nasty side effects. The risks are higher with Anadrol, much higher than with Dianabol. That’s why Dbol is a much more popular option for beginners. In fact, it’s the option that I would actually recommend for beginners.
Dianabol is going to be amazing in terms of muscle mass gain. It will help you gain weight at a much faster rate. It does so by increasing nitrogen retention and protein synthesis in your muscle. Therefore, it is going to allow for more amino acids available in your muscles. This is going to help you build new cells such as proteins in the muscles that are so important for their growth. Anadrol offers similar effects too. But it’s likely to make some even more pronounced effects.
Moreover, both steroids will make you hold water, about 20-40% of the entire weight you’re going to gain is going to be water. But water retention is actually important for increasing strength and gaining muscle mass.
More To Say…
Generally, we cannot answer the question of which is better for bodybuilding – Anadrol or Dianabol. That’s because it depends on various factors.
Anadrol is more powerful and is better for professionals who want to get as many results as humanly possible and they can tolerate the side effects well. Nonetheless, Dianabol is milder and is a much better option for beginners and those who want to keep it safer and remain healthier. The gains are great with both steroids, but the side effects and benefits are somewhat better with Anadrol.
Anyway, most people still seem to choose Dianabol over Anadrol. It’s more popular and some people suggest that Dianabol is having a better benefits vs side effects ratio than Anadrol. While Anadrol is more powerful and likely to cause much better results, the side effects with this steroid are also likely to be worse too.
Which is Best for Muscle Mass, Size, and Strength?
I assume you already know the answer to this question if you carefully read through this article so far. In short – Anadrol is best. Both of these orally active anabolic steroids are great for bulking cycles. None of them are great for cutting cycles, yet they are still working somewhat differently.
That’s the difference that makes Anadrol the best for mass, size, and strength. It is significantly stronger than Dbol. Mg per Mg, it seems like Oxymetholone is about twice as powerful as Methandienone.Â
Anadrol increases strength more and this is what helps you lift heavier weights. It’s pretty obvious that this results in more muscle gains too. Moreover, while both increase appetite, Anadrol seems to increase hunger feeling even more. Considering that you are likely to eat more with Anadrol, it’s obvious that you can gain more weight with it. But this is also part of the reason why, usually, Anadrol will make you hold more water than Dianabol would. In whichever case, the extra calorie intake during a bulking cycle, of course, is highly beneficial.
- Both steroids Anadrol (Oxymetholone) and Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) are great when it comes to increasing nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, alongside various other processes such as an increase in red blood cell count and others. Of course, it all means that you will grow muscles much faster. It’s also immensely effective when it comes to massive strength gains too. Again, Anadrol is somewhat better than Dbol in this department too.
So, it seems like Anadrol is producing better results than Dbol. Does it mean that it’s better? Not actually. It still depends. That’s because we should also take into consideration the side effects.
Which is a Safer Steroid With Milder Side Effects?
While Anadrol is stronger and is leading to more benefits, Dianabol is actually the safer steroid out of the two. It produces milder side effects. Generally, that’s true when talking about steroids – the stronger an anabolic steroid is, the more benefits and more side effects it offers.
Both these oral steroids cause a lot of side effects that you should be aware of. But with Anadrol, they are likely to be more pronounced and harder to bear with.
Some side effects that I can mention are:
- Causes higher retention of water and fluids
- Causes oily skin and acne
- High blood pressure and cholesterol
- Negatively affects your cardiovascular health
- May accelerate male pattern baldness
- Causes virilization issues in women
- Suppression of natural testosterone
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Increase or decrease in libido
- Negative effect on your liver
Pretty much both of these anabolic steroids are causing all of these side effects. At least, they are capable of causing them. And Anadrol is more likely to cause them and the side effects are likely to be more pronounced than with Dianabol.
So, Anadrol causes more mass, muscle, size, and strength, but it is more liver toxic, causes more water retention, suppresses your testosterone more, and affects your cholesterol and cardiovascular health more too. Sometimes, these issues may become bad enough to kill the appetite which obviously destroys the bulk.
In Addition To That…
Overall, it’s important to remember that both of these steroids are highly effective at helping users to bulk up quickly, but they both come with their own set of common and uncommon side effects. Considering that Anadrol is more powerful, the side effects are likely to be worse with it. Some people report that the side effects are so bad that they can’t go away with it so they had to stop the use of it sooner. It also happens sometimes with Dianabol, but it’s more likely to occur with Anadrol.
For example, Oxymetholone causes nastier water retention. Despite it being a DHT derivative that does not aromatize (unlike Dianabol, it won’t increase estrogen levels), it directly binds to estrogen receptors. It’s pretty obvious that it is dependent on each person, but Anadrol is more likely to cause more water retention since it’s stronger than Dbol and because of the way it works.
Moreover, both Anadrol and Dianabol are likely to cause androgenic issues such as hair loss and acne, for example. However, Anadrol is more likely to cause worse issues in this department. That’s because it has a stronger androgenic activity and is a derivative of DHT. Higher levels of dihydrotestosterone are very likely to cause hair loss, especially if you’re prone to it due to genetics.
Conclusion – Dianabol or Anadrol?
Remember that Anadrol is a better choice for those who want to bulk as much as possible. It helps gain muscle mass, size, and overall weight a bit more than Dianabol with a bit more increase in strength indicators. It is more potent and helps you more with muscle building.
But on the other hand, Dianabol is somewhat milder and is causing fewer side effects. While both are doing an amazing job for bulking cycles, people will better tolerate Dianabol. Anadrol side effects seem to be worse and nastier, making more people stop the cycle prematurely.
In the end, which is a better oral bulking steroid Anadrol vs Dianabol highly depends on various factors that you should take into consideration. Make sure you buy the best quality steroids for the best results and get the least possible side effects. At Body-Gear.to you get the best steroids for the cheapest possible prices.