Grow Trap Muscles with These Exercises

We all can agree that the bulging trap muscles look absolutely awesome. Even if you have bigger biceps and triceps, your arms are simply not looking the way you’d wish without those huge trap muscles. That’s why, if you really want to get those arms that everyone’s turning heads around, you need to learn the best ways to train your traps. So, today, I’m going to share some of the best traps workouts out there.

  • Keep in mind that the exercises here are just examples. You could use them for your best traps workout. Yet, there are numerous others to try. But if you’re struggling to grow those trap muscles, make sure you add these exercises to your next traps workout.

In the end, working out your traps is essential because it won’t only create an amazing physique, it will also help maintain a great posture with your heavy lifts. So, make sure you increase muscle mass and strength in your trap muscles. Exercises such as those I’m going to share below are an essential addition to your upper body workout routines. They will significantly help you get the biggest gains. So, let’s get started.

Face Pulls

Unfortunately, face pulls are some of the most underestimated movements when it comes to building muscle and strength in the upper body. This exercise won’t only help build big upper and trap muscles, but it will likely help you a lot with your everyday activities. This exercise will significantly help correct your posture, build muscle, and improve your overall health, helping you lift everyday objects. Ensure to include face pulls in your workout routines.

Face pulls are pretty similar to upright rows and are a shoulder exercise that will make you feel the burn in those trap muscles. In order for you to properly do it, you need to perform them in a controlled motion, ensuring that your trap muscles are loaded. Proper form is essential to avoid injury. Most bodybuilders add these as a finisher to their workouts to destroy their muscles (for bigger gains).

Upright Rows

I’ve just mentioned them earlier. But if these aren’t already part of your workout routine, then it is just about time for you to add them! Show upright rows some love, and they’ll show how big your trap muscles can be! They won’t only help build muscle mass and strength in your traps alone, they will also be a challenge for your rear and anterior deltoids. Some bodybuilders use them for delt muscles, actually. This is another exercise that you need to add to your workout plan in order to help improve shoulder health. On the other hand, it is crucial to perform this exercise in the correct form. If it’s not, it works the other way around and it causes shoulder pain and impingement. When you’re not executing this movement correctly, shoulder pain is common to experience when performing upright rows.

That’s why, if you’re a beginner in this exercise, you should start off with lighter weights to gain confidence and learn how to do this movement correctly. Focus on muscular contraction, and do it in a controlled manner. You do not need lots of reps or heavy weights. Do it in a controlled manner, with proper form, and lower weights will still burn your traps. Moreover, the upright row is a vital part of the clean and press. If you practice this movement, it will allow you to throw more weight above your head. This will definitely benefit you, even if you’re not planning to become an Olympic lifter (essential exercise if you do). Avoid it if you experience a lot of shoulder pains, however.

Rack Pulls

The rack pulls are not very common, that’s why a lot of people may not even be sure what they are. Well, that’s a huge mistake because they are very helpful. In short, rack pulls are just the top part of a deadlift. Instead of lifting the bar from the floor, you are pulling it from the rack, at about knee height. I know what you’re probably thinking right now – why not just do deadlifts? Because they are still different. Since you’re pulling from a higher starting point, rack pulls concentrate on the upper part of the deadlift movement. By doing so, they will demand more from your upper body, back, and those extremely important trap muscles. They’ll allow for heavier weights too.

In short, rack pulls could be a great opportunity for you to work your trap muscles if you’re not training your legs. Or if you combine legs with trap muscles. The rack pulls are not going to give you the same full-body strength gains as the conventional deadlifts would. However, they are an awesome exercise for your traps. So, it’s not to say that rack pulls are better or deadlifts are better. They are just having their own advantages.

Barbell Deadlift

People often talk about wanting to build a specific muscle group, and yet, deadlifts are almost always coming up. Because of how efficient they can be for muscle growth, and because of how many muscles they engage, that’s actually pretty expectable. That’s why, executing deadlifts correctly will prove to be one of the best compound exercises out there. It is for the simple reason that they demand so many different parts of your body. This movement will require your entire back to work, therefore, your traps will get involved in it too.

I know what you may be thinking – trap muscles are not the main focus when performing these lifts. Well, I do agree with you. However, the beauty of a deadlift is that all three parts of your trapezius muscles are working, and that’s something that far not all exercises can do. So, you can start your workouts with deadlifts, and then end your workouts with shrugs. This way, trust me, you’re well on your way to best traps workouts, getting big trap muscles.


A list of trap exercises without shrugs is not a list of trap exercises. Shrugs should actually be one of the first exercises on the list of lifts when it comes to training your traps. They may not activate all your three trap muscles, but they will make your upper and middle traps burn! Do them correctly and they will help you build mass, strength, and muscular endurance. This is a highly adaptable exercise, which means that it is great regardless of your ability or experience. You can do it with anything from dumbbells to cables or even a trap bar. So, it is a perfect exercise not only because you can do it even if you’re a beginner, but you also do not need to wait around for equipment at the gym (we all hate it, don’t we?).

Shrugs are perfect for best traps workouts because they isolate the trap muscles. This also makes them a great finisher. Keep in mind that you should choose a weight that is doable for you, keeping a proper form, in a controlled manner. This applies to any other exercise. Usually, you can go for 3-4 sets of 10-20 reps to get the burn!


So, here’s a list of five awesome exercises that you can do in the gym in order to get those bulging traps that help carry your big arms. It is important to remember that these are just examples, as there are numerous others you can (and should) do. But when you plan to go for the best traps workout, choose the exercises above, or add a couple to your current routine. I’m pretty certain that you’re going to notice a difference.

Those exercises will greatly help you build serious strength and muscle in your traps. However, you may also need extra support to grow those trapezius muscles big. Body Gear is here to help you. We provide the proper gear for your body, which will help you get big, muscular, lean, and shredded.


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