What is Testosterone Enanthate?
Testosterone Enanthate is one of the many esterified variants of testosterone and is one of the most popular. It comes as an injectable compound (in the form of an oil solution) that has a slow-release rate. This particular slow release is thanks to the presence of the enanthate ester attached to the testosterone molecule, which slowly releases testosterone after performing the administration (injecting the oily testosterone solution into the body). Test enanthate is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication that is mostly used in the treatment of low testosterone levels in men (hypogonadism). However, it has numerous other medical uses as well. In short, Testosterone Enanthate simply increases serum testosterone hormone levels in the body, with enanthate being the ester that slowly releases this hormone after an injection.
What is testosterone enanthate half life?
Testosterone Enanthate half-life is 4 to 8 days. The exact half-life of Test C is individual because each body will metabolize and flush out this product at different rates. This is considered a long version of esterified testosterone, which is why it doesn’t require a often injection schedule to maintain stable levels of this hormone in the system. Medical settings suggest that one injection every 1 to 4 weeks is enough, however, this schedule will most likely cause high fluctuations. That’s why it is best to inject Test enanthate twice per week to maintain stable levels. At least once a week is necessary to ensure somewhat stable levels.
How to store testosterone enanthate?
You need to keep your testosterone enanthate injection stored at room temperature and away from light, excess heat, UV rays, and moisture. Do not keep it in the bathroom, do not refrigerate or freeze it. Also, do not keep it in direct sunlight. Usually, you store it between 68°F and 77°F (20°C-25°C).
How long does testosterone enanthate stay in your system?
Testosterone enanthate half-life is 4-8 days. This is the time necessary for half of the dosage administered to be metabolized and flushed out of the system. That’s why it is considered a long version of testosterone. However, it takes a long time to flush out of your system. While it stays active for a week or two, it will take way longer than that for testosterone enanthate to clear your system. According to some studies and research, the detection window of Test enanthate is up to 3 months after the last administration. So, the active time that it stays in your system is 1-2 weeks, but the detection window for Test E to stay in your system is 3 months.
How long does testosterone enanthate take to kick in?
Test E is a long version with a long half-life and for this reason, it takes longer to kick in than shorter versions of testosterone. You may start feeling it working after about 1-2 weeks of use, although its benefits will start to be more evident after 4-6 weeks. That’s why Test enanthate takes about 4 to 6 weeks to kick in and provide benefits. This is the reason why the testosterone enanthate cycle is almost never shorter than 10 weeks unless you experience side effects and you need to stop. Testosterone E will enhance the effectiveness up until weeks 6 to 8 of continuous use.
How much testosterone enanthate per week?
How much testosterone enanthate per week you should use depends on various factors such as your height, weight, age, personal response to the compound, and goals. A typical testosterone enanthate dosage for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) ranges between 100 mg to 200 mg per week, rarely more or less. Test Enanthate dosage for beginners (who never used steroids) using it for physique and performance enhancement purposes ranges between 200 mg to 300 mg per week. While sometimes higher dosages are also used, it increases the chances of side effects. Dosages higher than 300 mg/week are usually for bulking purposes and are used by people with previous experience.
How often to inject testosterone enanthate?
It is best to inject testosterone enanthate two times a week. Or at least once a week, on the same day of the week. While you may find information suggesting that you can use testosterone E only once every 1 to 4 weeks, this administration schedule is not enough to maintain stable levels of testosterone. That’s why to aim for one injection per week, but it would be best to inject twice a week, evenly apart throughout the week. Split the weekly dosage into two halves and administer them evenly apart throughout the week (like every 3-4 days). Such as if you use 200 mg/week, then use 100 mg every Monday and 100 mg every Thursday, for example.
How to inject testosterone enanthate?
It is best to inject Test enanthate slowly into a muscle. Intramuscular (IM) injections are always best when you plan to inject anabolic steroids. While you may find that you can also inject testosterone enanthate subcutaneously (SubQ) under the skin, this increases the risk of injection spot issues. You inject Test E slowly and carefully, into a muscle (usually in the shoulder, hip, thigh, or buttock) after disinfecting the area. Hold the needle at a 90-degree angle, pierce the skin in one smooth move, and carefully inject the oily solution. Learn how to inject testosterone here.Â
Where to buy testosterone enanthate?
You can easily and effortlessly buy testosterone enanthate online for sale directly from Body-Gear.to. You can buy testosterone enanthate for sale fast and safely when doing business with us. We work with the best manufacturers on the market, meaning that you can buy the best quality products on the market and be worry-free. We also offer the best prices, allowing you to save money while getting these quality compounds. So, buy testosterone enanthate for sale from Body Gear and make sure you are on your way to a better version of yourself!
What is testosterone enanthate used for?
Testosterone Enanthate is a manufactured (synthetic) version of the naturally occurring male sex hormone, testosterone. This means that it is used for increasing the serum (total) levels of this hormone (testosterone) in the body of the user. The reason a patient may need to increase serum testosterone levels varies from one person to another. Most commonly it is used in adult men for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to increase the levels and deal with health issues associated with the lack of testosterone (male hypogonadism). There are also other medical uses such as breast cancer treatment, hormone therapy for transgender men, and others. However, it is also highly popular in bodybuilding. Higher testosterone levels will aid men grow lean muscle mass, get stronger, recover faster, burn body fat, enhance endurance, and so on. Increasing testosterone comes with various physique and performance enhancement benefits.
What is the half-life of testosterone enanthate?
The half-life of testosterone enanthate is about 4 to 8 days. That’s the time necessary for half of the last Test enanthate dosage administered to be metabolized and flushed out of the system. This half-life is significantly longer than that of testosterone propionate or raw esterless testosterone suspension (base), yet shorter than that of testosterone cypionate, decanoate, or undecanoate.
Is testosterone enanthate good or bad?
Testosterone enanthate can provide good and bad effects, depending on who uses it and how. Generally, Test E provides good effects for the vast majority of men who use it correctly. However, it is definitely a good compound for people who suffer from low testosterone levels. On the other hand, it can be a bad medication for some people with pre-existing health issues such as prostate cancer, heart problems, or cholesterol issues.
How much Test E per week?
Test E dosage per week depends on your goals and personal tolerance to it. If you never used Test E, it is better to start at a dosage of 200-300 mg/week. If you’re only searching for ways to boost your testosterone levels, then a dosage of up to 200 mg/week is usually enough (the exact dosage depends on your T levels). You may attempt dosages higher than 300 mg per week of Test E only if you have enough previous experience and tolerate it well.
Does testosterone enanthate build muscle?
Yes, testosterone enanthate can be highly effective in helping users build muscle. It is especially effective for men suffering from low testosterone because these men will find it very hard to build muscle. Adding Test enanthate will significantly help them increase muscle size and strength, while also decreasing fat mass. It is also going to be highly effective even for those who have their testosterone levels within range. You will get the best results and effects in terms of muscle growth (hypertrophy) when combining Test E with proper lifestyle choices such as strength training, dieting, less stress, more sleep, and so on.
Can I inject testosterone enanthate every 4 days?
Yes. In fact, it is highly recommended to inject testosterone enanthate every 3-4 days. Rather than just once every 1-4 weeks as stated in numerous other sources. Considering that it has a half-life of 4-8 days, one injection every 1-4 weeks will not be enough to maintain stable levels of testosterone in your system. At least once a week is recommended. But an injection given every 3-4 days (split weekly dosage into two even parts) will maintain maximum stable levels of this hormone in your body. This provides the best results.
How fast does testosterone enanthate work?
Testosterone enanthate will take approximately 4-6 weeks of use to kick into your system and provide benefits. You may start feeling it somewhat working sooner, after about 1-2 weeks of use, but it will provide full benefits after 4-6 weeks of use.
Can I inject enanthate once a week?
Yes, you can inject testosterone once a week. However, be aware that this injection schedule may not be enough to maintain maximum stable levels of testosterone in the blood. Moreover, you may inject testosterone once a week if you run lower dosages. Such as TRT dosages, up to 200 mg/week. If you plan to inject dosages higher than 300 mg/week, it is best to split the weekly dosage. Both to maintain maximum stable levels and to avoid injecting too much at once. It can cause Post Injection Pain (PIP).
When is the best time to inject testosterone enanthate?
The morning is traditional, but in the end, it doesn’t really matter. You can inject it whenever you please. Consistency is way more important than the time of the day. You better make sure you keep a proper frequency of injections which is at least once a week (same day of the week), or twice a week, evenly apart throughout the week. Many tend to split weekly dosages 3.5 days apart. This means one injection in the morning, and the next in the evening. Such as Monday morning and Thursday evening, for example.
Is testosterone enanthate clear?
Yes, testosterone enanthate is a clear liquid solution that is injected into a muscle. If it is cloudy, check the expiration date. If it’s crystalized, you may need to warm and gently shake the solution.
What is better, testosterone cypionate or enanthate?
There is no one testosterone version overall better than the other. Each version of testosterone comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Testosterone cypionate has a slightly longer half-life than testosterone enanthate and this dictates their advantages and disadvantages. To find which one is better, particularly for you and your needs, you will need to administer both and make a decision. However, most people who use both say that they do not really feel any differences between the two whatsoever, that’s because they are very similar with very similar half-lives.
Is testosterone enanthate safe?
Yes, testosterone enanthate is safe to use, as long as it is used carefully. Misuse and abuse of Test enanthate can cause side effects. But correct usage in healthy adults is not only safe but highly effective too. It should not be abused and should not be used by people with particular health conditions. Such as heart issues, allergic reactions to any of its compounds, cholesterol issues, and others. This way, Test E will be safe.