Cutting Cycle – Diet and Workout Plan

Cutting Cycle - Diet and Workout Plan bodygear

Cutting is a highly popular workout technique that helps users lose fat and maintain lean muscle mass. It involves a cutting diet plan and a cutting workout plan combined. Many people also add cutting steroids to their cutting cycle to help them achieve their goals easier and faster. That’s because steroids are popular for maintaining (and even growing) lean muscle tissues during cutting cycles and enhancing the fat loss benefits while preserving energy, endurance, and strength of the user.

  • The cutting phase helps fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders get as lean as possible displaying a hard, vascular, dry, and ripped physique. Most people start a cutting cycle a few months before a major event. It could be a photo shoot, modeling, competition, or whatever. Gym lovers go into cutting simply preparing for summer time.

The cutting is meant to lose weight (excess fat) and maintain lean muscle tissues as much as possible. A cutting plan is completely different from a bulking one in terms of calories you need to eat, workout plan, and other factors. It involves fewer calories than maintenance (unlike bulking when you need more calories), more cardio exercises, less weight lifting (although you still need to have weightlifting exercises), fewer amounts of carbs and fats, and more proteins including various other differences.

Cutting Cycle Plan


If you’re planning to use anabolic steroids to assist you in your cutting journey, it is highly important to remember that they only ASSIST you. You can’t use steroids without a proper cutting workout plan and diet and expect losing fat while preserving/gaining lean muscle tissues.

Keep in mind that during a cutting cycle you’re eating less calories than your maintenance calories (the calories that your body needs to maintain its current weight) on a daily basis. This is the reason why users often report loss of energy, endurance, strength, and even muscles during cutting cycles. Steroids help preserve them and aid a faster and more effective fat loss, but only when you’re doing them correctly.


Anyway, for all these reasons, a cutting plan usually doesn’t last as long as a bulking one. After all, you can’t keep cutting for too long. The exact time depends on various factors such as goals, experience, etc. But generally, a cutting diet lasts around 8 weeks. Rarely up to a maximum of 16 weeks. You should time it around the events that you’re cutting for such as competitions, athletic events, holidays, etc.

Also, most people go for a bulking cycle (gaining as much muscle as possible) and then go for a cutting cycle. That’s because usually, during the bulking cycle people can gain unwanted fat. So they go to the cutting cycle to get rid of that excess fat and maintain the muscles they gained during the bulking cycle.

Should I Be Cutting or Bulking?

I know that many of you are wondering if they can burn fat and grow muscles simultaneously. While you can (and only if you’re a beginner at training and dieting), it’s much faster, easier, and more efficient to achieve your dream body with bulking and cutting rather than attempting both at once.

So, you want to burn fat and grow muscles too. As you can see, it’s much better to attempt losing fat in one cycle and gaining muscle mass in another cycle phase.

However, you don’t know what you should be doing? Cutting or bulking? Well, of course, it depends on what you want more – lose fat or gain muscles? But you should also take into consideration your current body fat amount. Take into consideration the fat vs muscle amount ratio. If you’re skinny, it’s obvious you should be bulking. If you’re overweight – start with cutting.

First, it’s a myth that fat turns into muscles, and second, during a bulk, you are likely to add even more fat. So a cutting plan is your best option. But most people seem to go first through a bulking plan and cutting to get rid of the excess fat gained. But it’s important to preserve the lean muscle tissues too.

Cutting Cycle - Diet Plan

Cutting Diet Plan

It’s important to understand that I’m only going to share some basic information. The exact cutting diet that you should run is very different from one person to another. You can determine it based on your nutritional needs, preferences, allergies, and so on and so forth.

But the 2 main factors that you should do when you’re in a cutting cycle are:

  1. Calculate your calories
  2. Calculate your macronutrients


Fat loss only occurs when you are consuming fewer calories than your body burns. The maintenance calories are the calories that you need to consume a day for maintaining the weight that you’re currently sitting on. You can calculate the maintenance calories depending on your weight, height, gender, lifestyle as well as exercise levels. You can calculate calories with an online calorie calculator tool.

Let’s assume that your maintenance calories are 3,000 calories a day. Well, you now need to reduce them by about 10% up to 30% less. Reducing with more (even if you can, because it’s very hard) I wouldn’t recommend. That’s because less calories than 30% less than maintenance are very likely to lead to drastic muscle and strength loss.

In fact, I would recommend starting slowly at 10% less than maintenance and then slowly trying to reduce up to 30%. Anabolic steroids do help to preserve lean muscle tissues but you still need to be careful.

So, if your calories are 3,000 a day, then you should eat about 2,100-2,700 calories a day. Let’s assume 2,500 calories per day.

Now, determine your macronutrients.

Cutting Cycle Bodybuilding


There are 3 macronutrients: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Each plays an extremely important role in your diet. When calculating them, remember that one gram of protein and carbohydrate contains 4 calories while one gram of fat contains 9 calories.

Now, 100% of your daily calories needs is 2,500 calories. You need to split the macronutrients into about 50% of proteins, 30% of carbohydrates, and 20% of fats.

There are different ratios, but this is one of the most popular ones. You could try anywhere between 30-60% of proteins, 30-60% of carbs, and 15-30% of fats.

You need a high protein intake to aid fat loss, boost metabolism, preserve lean muscle tissues and reduce your appetite. Usually, around 0.9-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. 1g of protein = 4 calories.

Reducing fat during cutting cycles is common. However, not eating enough is going to lead to various issues, including the inability to preserve muscles. So, you need a bit less fat during cutting, but don’t exclude it completely. 1g of fat = 9 calories.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your muscles. Therefore, carbs are the key factor in preserving lean muscle mass during cutting diets. Usually, people calculate carbs based on the proteins and fats they take, and the remaining calories are from carbohydrates. 1 g of carbohydrate = 4 calories.

Therefore, you should calculate your calories, reduce them by 10-30%, and eat the correct ratios of macronutrients.

  • PS: Considering that processed foods (junk/fast foods) lack macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals, they are not a good addition to any cycle. Not even a bulking cycle when you need to eat more calories than maintenance.

Cutting Cycle - Workout Plan

Cutting Workout Plan

When you’re cutting, you should switch your training plan too. At least, if you’ve been in a bulking plan until you started your cutting workout plan. When you’re bulking, you attempt to “tear” the last little bit of muscle fiber during the workouts. This way, it recovers with new muscles. But for that, you need more calories and you need to train with heavy weights.

It’s a little bit of a different story with cutting cycles as you need weight training (don’t stop weight training as it helps preserve muscles) but you don’t aim to grow muscles. You don’t eat too many calories either. That’s why you need to slightly reduce the weights and don’t attempt breaking personal lift records during a cutting phase. You need less weight and less resting times between sets. However, you need more reps.

Moreover, you need to have different types of exercises too. Additionally, implement more cardio exercises and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). The point is that you should keep your heartbeat increased. This way, your body burns more calories allowing you to lose fat.

So, instead of 6 weight training a week as you would do in a bulking cycle, you need 3 weight training a week and 3 cardio training. Moreover, you should implement more cardio after each weight training that is either more intense or longer (or both, if you can).

With the help of training, you’re aiding the fat loss (boosting metabolism, etc.) and you preserve muscles. Unlike bulking cycles when you attempt to lift heavy weights to gain muscles.

Other Recommendations


It’s highly important to remember that this diet and workout cutting information only covers the basics. There’s so much more to learn. Yet, without the basics, it’s fairly obvious you can’t reach the goals. Moreover, the closer attention you pay to details, the faster and more efficient it’s going to be.Cutting Cycle Recommendations

Except for all of that, pay attention to the amount of sleep you have at night. It’s a cliché, but sleeping 7-9 hours per day is essential for proper recovery, preserving muscles, and losing body fat. I can’t stress enough how important getting a good and enough night’s sleep is.

Watch your water intake too. Remaining hydrated helps lose fat and stay healthy. Make sure you drink enough water. Moreover, stay away from liquid calories. Many people do not realize that a lot of sports drinks, energy drinks, and so on and so forth contain calories. A lot of them. If you drink tea or coffee, try to drink them sugarless.

Add supplements, vitamins, minerals, and herbal compounds to your diet. They may be helpful. They could assist your weight loss journey and some of them may even reduce the damage and side effects of anabolic steroids. There are a lot of vitamins, herbals, minerals, and supplements in your local supplement store. While they are not essential, many of them might actually help you a lot.

Needless to mention that it’s highly important to watch out for what you’re eating exactly. Avoid junk food and add vegetables and fruits. Again, it may sound like a cliché, but that’s what actually works!

If you add anabolic steroids, make sure you buy only real and high quality ones and use them correctly and safely. They can really help, but they can cause side effects if you use them improperly.

The Bottom Line

A cutting diet is extremely helpful at maximizing fat loss while preserving lean muscle tissues. Most people run it after a bulking cycle when they gain a good amount of muscle. But bulking cycles often involve gaining fat too.

So, bodybuilders run a cutting cycle for around 8-12 weeks before a competition or show to get rid of the excess fat and maintain the muscles they gained during a bulking cycle.

The cutting diet plan is different from the bulking diet plan in terms of a bit less fat and carbohydrates and considerably fewer calories. Calculate your calories and macronutrients. Moreover, a cutting workout plan is different from a bulking workout plan in terms of less weight and more cardio with different workout techniques.

Continue strength training to help you preserve muscles and increase the daily activity level including cardiovascular exercises to help you get rid of extra layers of fat.

Primobol-100-mg-balkan-new-label-Rebranding-e1554904568803Lastly, anabolic steroids are highly helpful in both bulking and cutting cycles. But there are different steroids for different needs with different doses. To find the perfect ones, you need to take into consideration a lot of different factors. We can help you with that. We can also help you receive the best quality steroids on the market for the cheapest prices.

At we can help with cycle advice about steroids, help you get real steroids, and save a lot of money including lots of other advantages.


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