How to Gain Muscles in Bulking Phase

How to Gain Muscles in Bulking Phase

If you’re trying to put on size to your frame and gain muscles, you would want to learn more about bulking up. Bulking is by far one of the best methods that can help you grow muscle mass. When you bulk up, you gain weight, size, strength, and muscles. And in order to do it properly, you need to learn about this phase first.

Bulking is a period of time in which you’re taking in more calories than you need per day (or at least weekly) and putting those calories to good use with a proper training program. The excess of calories is going to help you build muscles that you tear in the gym.

Without a proper workout program, the extra calories would go into fat. Without a proper nutrition program, your muscles wouldn’t have the “tools” to grow. That’s why growing muscle is the process of proper training and diet plan.

There’s much more that you should know though. For example, you need proper rest (get enough sleep of 7-9 hours per day) because recovery is an extremely important factor in growing muscles. You also need to know how to properly diet (because there are different diet plans for bulking and other fitness goals). Moreover, there are also different training plans for hypertrophy (muscle gains) and other fitness goals such as strength gains, cutting cycles, etc.

You may decide to add anabolic steroids to your bulking phase and that can be really helpful in achieving your goals easier, faster, and to a completely new level. The problem is that there’s no point in using steroids for bulking cycles without nutrition and training for earlier explained reasons. Steroids, however, greatly assist these goals.


testosterone-enanthate-300mgBulking Nutrition

Most people (including myself) consider bulking cycles the most efficient, helpful, and fastest way of building muscle mass and adding weight and size. To do so, correctly plan your workouts and your nutrition.

For example, if the calories that you eat every day are equal to or even less than the maintenance calories (calories that you burn a day) then your body simply doesn’t have the fuel it needs to build the new muscle blocks. In this scenario, your body is trying to keep you alive and it can’t focus on building new muscle tissues. Nonetheless, if you eat more calories (surplus) than your body burns, then you have enough calories left for your body to repair and build muscles.

On the other hand, if you’re eating way too many calories (and/or undertraining) then your body must do something with the “extra” received so it layers them around the muscles adding extra fat. The body doesn’t store 100% of the extra calories as hard muscles, unfortunately. Some of them still go into fat. This is why it’s called “bulk” in the first place.

  • Therefore, bulking is the period when you’re adding muscle, size, strength, weight, and fat too. That’s why it’s the period when bodybuilders run a bulking cycle in the off season when they don’t really care about the added fat.
  • They would later burn it with the help of a cutting cycle. The cycle that aims for burning fat and maintaining lean muscles. It has a different training routine and you eat in a caloric deficit.


Bulking Without Fat

While it is possible, it has been proven numerous times that it’s much easier to gain strength AND fat than losing that extra fat through cutting, rather than trying to gain lean muscles without any fat at all. You could easily increase your muscle mass by 20 pounds in 3 months. 10 pounds would be fat. You would then shed it off in about 3 more months so you’re left with 10 pounds of lean muscles in 6 months. Attempting to lose fat AND gain muscles at the same time won’t add 10 pounds of lean muscles in 6 months.

Even during bulking, you would still need to be careful with the extra layer of fat. While some attempt “dirty bulk” and they do not care at all about whatever amount of fat they add, I still recommend being careful with it and going with a more “clean bulk”.

It’s the method when you add fat, but not too much, making it easier to burn during a cutting cycle. Nonetheless, it’s just about perfect for you to grow muscles, and gain size and weight with an overall improvement in strength indicators.

Eat Right

So, what are the basics of a nutrition plan for bulking up? First off, you need to calculate your calories. There are online tools that can help with that as you need to indicate your age, height, weight, and weekly activity level to determine the maintenance calories.

As said, you need to eat more calories. Most recommend 10-20% extra, but you could increase to 30% or so as long as you’re on anabolic steroids. Nonetheless, decrease if you notice you add too much fat. Increase calories, however, if you notice that your progress hinders.

Therefore, if your maintenance calories per day are 2,000, for example, then you could increase to 2,200-2,600 per day. Work your way up from this. You could increase or decrease based on your needs, goals, preferences, results, etc.

But except for eating in a calorie surplus, calculate your macros. That’s why it is important to avoid junk food. Eating a Big Mac is going to fulfill the calories you need per day, but it won’t provide you with enough macronutrients. You need to consider the proteins/ carbohydrates/ fats ratio. A gram of protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories while one gram of fat contains 9 calories.

You would need a ratio of about 15-20% of fat; 30-40% of protein and 40-55% of carbohydrates out of 100% of calories.

This means that 100 grams of fat would offer 900 calories while 100 grams of proteins and carbohydrates would offer 400 calories. Do the math, determine your macronutrients, and work from there.

Don’t exclude fats or carbohydrates. They are actually very important for you to grow. Carbs, for example, are the main energy source for your muscles to perform when you’re training. Keep protein in the 0.8-1.2 g per lb range (1.6-2.4 g per kg) of body weight.


Training During Bulking

As I said, there are different workout programs for different goals. If you’re aiming to grow muscles, you need to exercise differently if you’re aiming to gain strength for example. For example, you can allow more time in between sets when you’re in hypertrophy training. But this is just one example of a difference among many others.

Below I’m going to share some basics for you about how to train properly when you aim to grow muscles.

Train More Often

It’s very important to train a muscle more frequently to see it grow. You need to train more frequently which would increase the training volume without putting too much stress on a single session. Trying to cover it all in a single session is likely to lead to low stimulus, injury, improper technique, and excessive soreness.

If you train your legs in about 40 weekly sets, then it’s much better to train 20 sets one day and 20 sets the other day rather than all of them on the same day. Except for low stimulus, you’ll likely need to reduce the load and that’s not going to be as effective.

The point is that it’s much better to train 6 times a week for 1 hour than 3 times a week for 2 hours.

Reps Range

Next – make sure you’re trying a variety of rep ranges. For example, according to experts, training movements in the 8-15 rep range is going to cover most in terms of muscle growth (given that the last 1-3 reps are already hard). Nonetheless, some exercises like bench press and squats, for example, could go within the 5-10 reps range. At the same time, training abs, for example, is rarely enough for 15 reps. So there are other types of exercises that you would need to aim for 20-30 reps.

You would need to find out what works best for you in order to take the maximum. It depends on your diet, training volume and intensity, recovery needs, soreness, etc.

Nonetheless, try to make sure you have enough reps. Not too much (meaning the weight is too low) nor too little (meaning the weight is too high).

Progress Increase Volume

When you’re in a bulking cycle, your body has plenty of energy and strength. You should put it to good use and increase the volume (total weekly sets) whenever you can feel like doing so. Allow your body to recover though. So start with a total weekly set of about 12 and increase up to about 20. These are the weekly sets per muscle group.


More to Know

You should train until almost complete muscle failure. Be careful not to do so with big weights though to avoid injuries. Drop sets can help you with this allowing you to train to near muscle failure. Drop sets would ensure every single muscle fiber gets burned allowing for bigger muscle growth. You’ve got to finish your normal weight set and then slowly reduce the weight that you’re repping until your muscles can barely perform even on the lighter weights.

Needless to mention that you need to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. It may sound ordinary, but it’s very important for your muscles to get a good night’s sleep of at least 7-9 hours per day.

Recovery is an extremely important process in bulking cycles. And our body recovers when we’re sleeping. Especially because at night our body secretes most Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which is vital for growing muscles.

In Conclusion

What I mentioned above are only some basics for you to bulk up. It’s obvious that you can’t grow muscles without “the basics”. That’s why, if you plan to gain muscle mass and strength during a bulking plan, start calculating your calories and macronutrients and make sure you’re doing it right. Start working out properly and frequently to make sure the muscles break. Also, getting enough rest and sleep to assist muscle recovery which is extremely important to allow them to grow.

DIANAMED-10-Methandienone-DEUS-MEDICAL-e1580818014681You may also add supplements from your local supplements store that might assist your bulking cycle. Some of the most common ones are pre-workout supplements to offer the energy required to perform. Weight gaining supplements that assist your muscle growth as well as creatine which is one of the most studied and proven supplements to help muscles increase in size. There are also vitamins and minerals including various herbal compounds that may help too.

  • Nonetheless, anabolic steroids are the best things on the market for helping you to bulk up fast and efficiently. If you search for bulking steroids, we can help you with your needs. At you’ll find the best anabolic steroids on the market for the best prices. We can help you in regards to your steroids questions if you have any.

So, get the best quality steroids for the cheapest prices and run them alongside a proper bulking train and diet plan. You’re sure to love the outcome!


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