Masteron Cycle


Drostanolone commonly known as Masteron is an injectable anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS). Drostanolone is sold as other brands too, but Masteron is the most popular.

  • It comes in a short based ester (with a half-life of 1-3 days) as Masteron Propionate.
  • Also, it comes as a long based ester (with a half-life of 7-10 days) as Masteron Enanthate.


Whatever version you choose to run, you get the same Drostanolone. Usually, the ester to run depends on the Masteron cycle length. For example, 8-10 weeks are usually with Drostanolone Propionate. Longer Masteron cycles usually go with Drostanolone Enanthate.

This steroid is a poor choice for bulking because it doesn’t grow as many muscles as other steroids do. Instead, it is one of the best steroids for cutting and cosmetic needs. It does an amazing job of burning body fat and hardening up your muscles. It is known to increase the efficacy of other steroids too. That’s why it is always stacked with other steroids and never used alone.

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The steroid is mostly used as a pre contest because the maximum advantages of a Masteron cycle are received by people who are already lean with a decent amount of muscles and low body fat levels.

It is used for cutting and for displaying a harder body appearance.

Masteron Dosage During The Cycle

As mentioned, to get the maximum results out of using a Masteron cycle you need to stack it with other anabolic steroids. The results also depend on your training schedule as well as how good your diet is while using this compound. But, needless to mention the importance of Masteron dosage and cycle length.

  • Masteron dosage is anywhere between 200 mg and 1000 mg weekly.

200 mg is for a slight boost, 300-400 mg is what beginners go for, 500-600 for more advanced users, and doses higher than 700 mg weekly are attempted only by professionals.

  • Cycle lengths are anywhere between 6 and 16 weeks.

The most common Masteron cycle lengths are 8, 10, and 12 weeks.

Women aren’t really recommended to run a Masteron cycle because of the availability of other better compounds for their needs. Such as Anavar or Primobolan. However, if you still go for it, the weekly dosage shouldn’t exceed 100 mg and the cycle length shouldn’t be longer than 6 weeks.


Beginner Masteron Cycle

Those who just start a Masteron cycle should know that it shouldn’t be used alone and they should run it only if body fat percentage is low.

  • It can be Drostanolone and Testosterone both with Enanthate ester, both used 2 times a week for a total of 10-12 weeks as a first cycle. Dosages usually are 300-500 mg per week of both.

Or higher Masteron dosage such as 400 mg weekly and 300 mg Test weekly.

  • Another example can be Drostanolone and Testosterone both with Propionate ester. These should be used for about 8 weeks only as a first cycle.

They would kick in much faster, but you need to use them daily. Or at least every other day. Daily dosages are usually 50 mg or EOD 100 mg per injection.

Intermediate Masteron Cycle

People with a bit more experience might either increase the dosage or add another (a third or even fourth steroid) to the cycle. Usually, cutting steroids. Orals such as Anavar or Winstrol. Injectables such as Primobolan or Trenbolone. But since Trenbolone and Winstrol are powerful steroids, they are not good choices for intermediate users.

Here’s an example for intermediate user Masteron cycle:

1-8 Weeks

Masteron Propionate 100 mg a day

Sustanon 150 mg 3 days a week

Anavar 50 mg a day (split into AM/PM administrations)

Professional Masteron Cycle

A professional Masteron cycle means that it can be used only by professionals. Those people have vast experience with Drostanolone as well as multiple other anabolic steroids. These people can adjust dosages and cycle lengths according to their own needs and their experiences. The below example is nothing more than one of the many of different examples. It is not recommended for beginners.


1-12 Weeks

Masteron Enanthate 400 mg x 2 times a week evenly apart = 800 mg weekly

Trenbolone Enanthate 300 mg x 2 times a week evenly apart = 600 mg weekly

Primobolan Enanthate 300 mg x 2 times a week evenly apart = 600 mg weekly

Testosterone Enanthate 200 mg x 2 times a week evenly apart = 400 mg weekly

As oral, you can add Winstrol 50-75 mg a day for the last 6-8 weeks of the cycle.


Mast-E200-hutechRemember that each cycle should be run in conjunction with a proper diet and workout plan. Have a PCT plan after each cycle and have cycle supporting supplements/ medicines ready.

Masteron is great for displaying muscle definition and a harder appearance. That’s why it is mostly a pre-contest drug. Make sure to use it properly. Also, make sure to get the best quality Drostanolone.

  • You can do it on as we work with GMP accredited manufacturers only and we’re the marketplace of steroids with the cheapest prices for each brand.

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