Masteron Side Effects

Masteron side effects are generally very well tolerated by most people using it. Nonetheless, being milder than other steroids doesn’t mean that it’s absolutely safe. Masteron is still very likely to cause side effects so I strongly recommend learning about it as much as possible before actually using it.

When you’re informed about the side effects, you know what to expect from a cycle with this steroid and you’ll also learn how to deal with those issues.

Good News About Masteron Side Effects

The good news about Masteron (Drostanolone) is that it won’t cause any liver damage. It will not increase liver enzymes considering that it doesn’t pass through the liver. The two versions of Masteron – Propionate, and Enanthate are both coming in the form of injection. There’s no oral Drostanolone. It lacks the C17 AA and that’s why it’s not hepatotoxic.

Another good news is that it lacks aromatizing activity. This is a DHT derivative steroid so it won’t cause the estrogenic side effects that a lot of steroids come with. That’s why there’s not going to be any water retention or gynecomastia occurring. However, it’s important that if you add Masteron with aromatizing steroids (and I do recommend stacking it with testosterone, which is aromatizing) you’re likely to experience these issues. In fact, Drostanolone has some anti-estrogen properties (works like an aromatase inhibitor) so it could actually deal with them. Some people actually add this steroid to their cycle to reduce some aromatization (and estrogenic side effects).



Before You Use Masteron

Before we continue sharing Masteron side effects, please be informed that Masteron is just the brand name. The active substance is Drostanolone and whatever product contains this steroid is causing these issues. 

Also, despite the fact that there are no hepatotoxic or estrogenic issues, Masteron is still likely to cause other side effects. It’s important for you to know about them before actually running a Masteron cycle.

Luckily, this is a fairly mild anabolic steroid. This means that most people tolerate it much better than other more powerful anabolic steroids. Even if you do experience side effects, they are least powerful in comparison with powerful steroids.

Moreover, most side effects from this steroid are similar to other steroids and they are milder. This means that if you’re familiar with other steroids, you’re likely to know what to expect from this steroid.


Androgenic Side Effects

In case you’re suffering from hair loss or baldness and/or acne is in your genes then the androgenic activity of Masteron (Drostanolone) can speed up these problems. They could bring them much earlier than would have happened naturally. Other androgenic side effects include oily skin, aggression, and temper among others. Generally, they are very closely related to the genetic makeup of the user and, of course, dosage and cycle length.

It’s important to understand that not all men experience hair loss. In some cases, some men have zero issues. That’s because androgenic issues are mostly coming down to genetics. That’s why if you’ve experienced serious acne as a teen (or still suffer from it), for example, Drostanolone (and any other steroid) is likely to make it worse.

Because of androgenic activity, women are likely to experience virilization issues too. There are much better options for females searching for steroids for physique and performance enhancement. Masteron is likely to cause masculinization so it’s a fairly poor choice for their needs.

Cholesterol Side Effects

Although Masteron is causing fewer negative effects on cholesterol values than other powerful steroids (or especially oral steroids), as with any other steroid, is still capable of causing these cholesterol issues. And it’s perhaps the most serious possible side effect that you can experience from using Masteron.

Drostanolone is likely to negatively switch your cholesterol values as it can simultaneously increase the bad type of cholesterol (LDL) and decrease the levels of the good type of cholesterol (HDL).

For this reason, I strongly recommend people with already existing cholesterol issues (or cardiovascular health) stay away from anabolic steroids. Those who do add it to their cycles, please keep a close eye on cholesterol levels during the cycle. Make sure to have a cholesterol friendly diet too.

Masteron (Drostanolone) is a steroid that is mainly used for cutting cycles. That’s why it’s unlikely for you to have foods in your diet that put cholesterol at risk. Nonetheless, keeping a close eye on it is still a good idea. Especially because Masteron is a steroid that you always need to stack with other steroids. Multiple steroids together cause even more cardiovascular and cholesterol strain. Consume Omega 3 fatty acids and add cholesterol friendly foods like nuts, avocado, garlic, and others. Cardio exercises also contribute to maintaining healthy cholesterol.

Not controlling cholesterol health is likely to cause cardiovascular strain and issues such as high blood pressure, heart issues, and so on and so forth. 

Testosterone Suppression

As with any other steroid, Masteron is going to suppress the natural production of testosterone. Being milder means that its suppression rate is not as bad as with other steroids. But it still inhibits endogenous testosterone production. Especially, as said, because Masteron is stacking with other steroids for the best results.

This means that I recommend two things.

  1. Always add testosterone to your cycle to avoid falling into a low testosterone state during the cycle.
  2. And always run a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after the cycle to avoid falling into a low testosterone state after the cycle ends.

It’s important to know that although natural testosterone production will start up again after the end of the cycle, that’s a very long and slow process. Until you’re waiting for it, you’re going to get into a low testosterone state where you lose muscle, gain fat, lose libido, and suffer from a lack of mental and physical energy including lots of other issues. That’s why a PCT plan after each steroid cycle is so important and so helpful.


Avoid Masteron side effects with proper administration and by purchasing quality Drostanolone. Unfortunately, a lot of companies sell under dosed and/or under quality Drostanolone and/or even mixed with other substances that are likely to exacerbate side effects or cause side effects that are not typical to Masteron at all.

Learn how to use Masteron and buy Masteron for sale at We’re going to help with everything you need for a successful cycle.



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