Trenbolone Enanthate


Here we’re going to talk about the anabolic steroid that the world is regarding as the most powerful steroid on the market – Trenbolone with Enanthate ester. Here you are going to find more information about the pros and cons of Trenbolone Enanthate, how to use it for bodybuilding purposes including other valuable information. 

First off – you should be aware of the fact that people regard Trenbolone in bodybuilding as one of the most powerful (if not the most) anabolic steroids on the market. Tren is having an anabolic and androgenic activity that is five times higher than that of Testosterone. That’s why it is such a powerful steroid. People use Trenbolone both in bulking and cutting cycles as well as for body recomposition purposes. Thanks to its huge potency, in bulking cycles Trenbolone Enanthate is immensely effective at building huge amounts of muscle and gaining immense strength. In cutting cycles, this steroid can help you get shredded, hard, and with defined muscles. That’s because it burns body fat while maintaining lean muscle tissues. People report that they even gain lean muscle with Trenbolone in their cutting cycles.


Of course, that’s all true given the fact that you have a proper diet and workout plan. If you follow the basics of bodybuilding (working out, dieting, etc.) thanks to its amazing properties, it’s pretty obvious that it could help with your body recomposition goals.


You should know that Trenbolone is a controversial steroid. There are people who complain that Tren is too harsh causing nasty side effects. While others say that this is just a myth and they use Trenbolone with a high success rate, the side effects of Trenbolone in bodybuilding are legendary. Due to its huge potency and power, it’s indeed more likely to experience side effects from this steroid than from other steroids. Most of which are milder.



Trenbolone Enanthate vs Other Types of Tren

Overall, there are three different types of Trenbolone. There’s Trenbolone with the following esters:

  • Acetate
  • Enanthate
  • Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

All of them have the exact same hormone (main ingredient) – Trenbolone. Therefore, there’s going to be absolutely no difference in the way this steroid will work. The attached ester to the main hormone is there just to extend the release of the hormone in the body after administration (after performing the injection). The ester is not going to change, in any way, the way the hormone is going to work. Trenbolone (or whatever other hormones that the ester is attached to) will perform the same way.

Since different esters are having different release periods, it means that each Trenbolone version is having different half-lives. That’s why, each of the Trenbolone versions will take a different amount of time to fully “kick in” your body, and a different amount of time to clear out of the system. This is why each version of Tren has different administration schedules. Of course, you should use the shorter ones more often in order to maintain stable blood levels in the body.

However, shorter esterified Trenbolone is going to yield faster results. In addition to that, if you develop negative side effects from using it, they will quickly disappear after discontinuing using it, considering that it flushes out of the system.

Generally, the ester will not influence the way Trenbolone works. It influences how fast or slow you will get the results. Considering that Enanthate is a long ester, the intensity of its effects will be slightly less impactful, but they are going to be long-lasting. Moreover, there’s no need to inject it too often in order to maintain stable levels of this hormone.


Trenbolone Acetate

Trenbolone Acetate, on the other hand, is a shorter ester and will offer fast results, but you need to inject it more often. Additionally, it is going to clear out of your system much faster after you stop using it.

For these reasons, Trenbolone Acetate is a more popular version. Whereas you need to inject it daily or at least every other day (unlike twice a week as with Testosterone Enanthate), it offers faster results which people love. Moreover, since it’s so powerful, it’s likely to cause side effects that will go away quickly when you stop using Tren or reduce the dosage. Both are making Tren Acetate more attractive to lots of people. Especially for beginners who have never used Trenbolone and are trying to get an idea of how this hormone works for them.

Longer Tren Versions

  • Trenbolone Enanthate, however, is a more suitable option for those who already know how Trenbolone works for them and don’t want to inject this compound too often since it is slower-acting.
  • Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) is an even slower-acting ester than Enanthate. That’s why most people go for Trenbolone Enanthate or Trenbolone Acetate depending on what they’re searching for.

Trenbolone Enanthate Benefits

Trenbolone is a powerful steroid that is going to help a lot when it comes to physique and performance enhancement. Being so potent, it will have intense effects. Not as intense as with Trenbolone Acetate, considering that because of the Enanthate ester, Trenbolone will fully kick in the body a bit slower. Here are the main benefits and the main reasons why athletes, bodybuilders, and so many gym rats are using this powerful and popular anabolic steroid:

Increases Strength Levels

If you start using Trenbolone, get ready to become really strong. You will be able to lift some huge weights that you haven’t ever been able to lift before. Immense strength increase is the reason why Trenbolone is among the favorite steroids among powerlifters and strongmen. It’s a steroid with huge anabolic and androgenic activity, therefore it’s one of the best steroids for huge strength increase. According to people using it, you will be able to break your personal records in the lifting heavy weights game by a lot!

Muscle Mass Gains

With great strength comes great muscle increase. It is pretty obvious. You will not only become stronger, but you will also become bigger too. If you use Trenbolone Enanthate in a bulking cycle, you can notice a huge increase in lean muscle tissues.

The great news is that the muscle gains will be dry and hard. Tren is immune to aromatization and won’t increase estrogen levels. That’s why all the gains will be lean. You won’t get the watery appearance and puffy muscle look. Instead, you will pack on size and get bigger while appearing drier and harder.

Pumped Muscles

Trenbolone is removing water retention from withinside the muscle cells. This is going to make your muscles even harder and drier but in addition to that, it makes them appear fuller. You’re going to look as if you’re constantly having a pump. This is a very visually pleasant effect.

Burns Fat

The reason why you can use Trenbolone Enanthate for cutting cycles too is not only because it can help you grow muscles and maintain muscle mass while you’re in a caloric deficit, but you can also burn fat with the help of this steroid. Indeed, Tren does increase the fat-burning processes. Those people who used this steroid will agree with that. In bulking cycles, it helps you gain less fat. In cutting cycles, it’s highly effective. Trenbolone does so through various processes. For example, one of them is that it reduces cortisol – the stress hormone. The more of this hormone you have, the more fat your body stores.

In the end, Trenbolone is like an “all you need steroid” when it comes to a perfect physique and a huge improvement in performance indicators. The problem is – it’s so powerful that not everyone can tolerate it.


Trenbolone Enanthate Side Effects

Again, Trenbolone is an infamous steroid for its negative side effects. There’s a myth suggesting that if you are not experiencing any side effects from using Trenbolone, then you’re either not using enough, or you got a bunk product.

Well, that’s just a myth, but it still should give you an idea of how likely you are to experience side effects. You are going to get your physique and performance to the next level with lots of muscle and strength gains while burning fat. However, you are also going to experience some side effects.

For example, there are some side effects that apply to absolutely all anabolic and androgenic steroids. Of course, Trenbolone is no exception to this rule. In fact, since Tren is more powerful than most other steroids, the side effects will be more intense. The side effects that I’m talking about are:

  • Androgenic issues (such as hair loss, acne, aggression, and others)
  • Cholesterol and cardiovascular issues (negative effects on cholesterol values and hypertension including some heart-related diseases)
  • Natural testosterone suppression in men (you will need a PCT plan after the cycle and use Tren with base testosterone)
  • Virilization in women (the masculinization effects are likely to be so strong with Trenbolone that women shouldn’t use this steroid under any circumstances)

Some side effects that are specific to Trenbolone include:

  • Tren cough (coughing uncontrollably for about a minute after injecting it, but mostly occurs with Tren Acetate than Trenbolone Enanthate)
  • Reduce in endurance (it is increased body temperature making people have less endurance to cardio exercises)
  • Increase in prolactin. Tren is a 19-nor steroid like Nandrolone. That’s why it may increase the levels of this hormone, leading to some high prolactin symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, low libido, and/or prolactin-based gynecomastia.

The good news is that Trenbolone doesn’t cause any estrogenic side effects. You won’t get gynecomastia (due to high estrogen), water retention, or other high estrogenic issues. Additionally, Trenbolone is a harsh steroid, but not for your liver or kidneys. It is not going to increase liver enzymes like oral steroids would.

What you should watch out for when using Trenbolone Enanthate

  • Increase in blood pressure. This steroid will increase red blood cells and will negatively impact your cholesterol values. This is very likely to increase your blood pressure, leading to hypertension. It is one of the reasons why people also suffer from “Tren Sweats”. This is part of the reason why your endurance lowers and this is part of the reason why you might sweat much more. The intense sweat might also lead to night sweats. It could lead to insomnia.
  • Stimulant effects. Indeed, Trenbolone does have stimulative effects. It is part of the reason (in combination with night sweats) why many people experience insomnia while using it. But except for sleep disturbances, Tren also can make you experience some form of anxiety or even paranoia. That’s why some people call this steroid a “relationship breaker”. If you’re paranoid, already suffer from anxiety and/or insomnia, or are aggressive and/or jealous naturally, Tren can make it even worse. Generally, stay away from it if you have any mental disorders. But if you’re a calm person, you may not notice any of these issues.
  • Hair loss. If you care about your hair – Trenbolone can be one of the worst steroids out there because of its huge androgenic activity. There are some people who do not experience any hair loss. There are also those who notice some, but it seems like it comes back after the cycle ends. Male pattern baldness is mostly a genetic side effect. If you have it running in your family, Trenbolone Enanthate is very likely to speed it up.


Using Trenbolone Enanthate

If you choose to use Trenbolone Enanthate, you need to use it pretty much the exact same way as you would use Testosterone Enanthate. That’s because both are injectable steroids that you need to use intramuscularly at the same frequency – twice a week. In fact, if you choose to use Trenbolone Enanthate (or any other Tren version) I strongly recommend using base testosterone in your cycle. But most people choose Testosterone Enanthate with Trenbolone Enanthate since both offer the same ester and the same half-life with the same ability to kick in and flush out of the body.

Trenbolone Enanthate cycle length is usually 12-14 weeks. Some people use it even longer (when they have more experience) and others use it in a bit shorter cycle of about 10 weeks. Remember that it takes just 4-6 weeks of continuous use to fully kick in your system and take full effect.

Trenbolone Enanthate dosage is commonly ranging between 200-600 mg/week. It’s not very common for someone to use more or less. I recommend starting with a lower dosage and then slowly increasing it as you have more experience. Better yet, start with Trenbolone Acetate to have a faster idea of how Tren works for you.

You could use it for cutting and bulking cycles. Often, however, people use Tren Acetate for cutting cycles since they are shorter. But they go for Trenbolone Enanthate for bulking cycles since they are longer.

You can stack Trenbolone with virtually any anabolic steroid. But stacking it with other powerful steroids such as Halotestin, Anadrol or others requires you to be extremely careful. You should know what you’re doing.

Buy Trenbolone Enanthate For Sale

sixpex-trenbopex-e200If you think that Trenbolone Enanthate is the right steroid for you and your needs, make sure to buy a quality product. In fact, any compound that you plan to buy and use should be of the best possible quality, of course. You need to be careful what you’re putting in your body. After all, it’s not only about the results that you’re getting with high-quality products, it’s about getting fewer side effects and it’s about your health.


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