Trenbolone side effects are some of the nastiest side effects out of all other anabolic steroids on the market, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t control them.
Trenbolone is infamous as an extremely powerful steroid. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful steroids in the market and as you may already know – the more powerful a drug is, the more likely it is to cause side effects. That’s true about Trenbolone. And since it’s so powerful, Trenbolone side effects are likely to appear. Moreover, they are likely to be nastier than with other steroids. However, we should not forget that this is undoubtedly one of the top most popular and used injectable steroids in the market. And that’s for some good reasons. This proves that Trenbolone side effects can be controllable or completely avoided as long as you know what you’re doing.
What is Trenbolone?
Trenbolone is probably the most powerful and strongest of all other anabolic steroids out there which means that it is likely to help you completely transform your body. It has immense abilities to help you gain lots of lean muscle mass and burn body fat. The best part – it does it concomitantly!
But since it is a very strong and harsh steroid, there are a lot of real life stories from bodybuilders saying that it is capable of causing lots of side effects. This is the reason why Trenbolone is the steroid that should be used only by those people who have previous experience with other milder anabolic agents. That’s why I only recommend Trenbolone to those individuals that are in the bodybuilding and steroids industry for a while now.
Trenbolone (or shortly Tren) is an anabolic steroid derived from Nandrolone. This means that it is a member of the 19-nor family of steroids. Thanks to some chemical changes, this compound binds itself more efficiently and stronger to androgen receptors in the body. It displays a way more anabolic and androgenic rating.
While Testosterone’s anabolic and androgenic score is 100:100, Trenbolone has a rating of 500 each. This means that it is five times the strength of Testosterone. The structural alterations also contribute to Trenbolone being much more resistant to metabolic breakdown as soon as it enters your body. One more thing to mention – Tren cannot aromatize into estrogen. While it’s a 19-nor steroid, it can increase prolactin levels. But since it is immune to aromatization, it won’t increase estrogen levels.
- All of this clearly indicates how powerful Trenbolone really is. Tren is going to help users gain a lot of lean muscle mass (without water retention) alongside fat loss and display a hard and dry definition.
Trenbolone Side Effects Explained
There are a lot of people who praise Trenbolone for its amazing benefits. It is one of the most aesthetically pleasing steroids on the market as it will make you look hard, with lots of muscles and a low body fat amount. At the same time, it will greatly enhance your strength levels. You will be much stronger. People often break their personal records in the gym while on a Trenbolone cycle.
Nevertheless, as there are numerous benefits, there are also numerous side effects too. The huge potency of Trenbolone is what makes it so highly efficient and so bad in terms of side effects. That’s why there are some general rules that you should follow in order to make sure you avoid Trenbolone side effects. We’re going to share them later. But you should be aware of the possible Trenbolone side effects before using it. While the first few ones are common with all steroids (but more with Tren because it’s more powerful than other steroids – the main reason why you should use Trenbolone only after using other steroids first), there are some side effects mostly specific to Trenbolone.
So, the side effects include:
Androgenic Side Effects
If you’re genetically predisposed to suffer (or already suffering) from androgenic side effects, there’s barely any other steroid that will speed them up and/or intensify more than Trenbolone. That’s because this is one of the most androgenic steroids on the market. So, while all steroids can speed up and/or intensify androgenic steroids (depending on the dosage too), Trenbolone is among the worst since it is five times stronger than Testosterone.
If you’re prone or already suffer from hair loss, acne, excessive body hair growth, or irritability – it may be a good idea to avoid Trenbolone. All steroids can cause it. But not to the extent Trenbolone does.
Virilization Side Effects
As all steroids can cause androgenic issues in men because they all have some androgenic activity, they are all capable of causing virilization issues in women. But then again, not all will cause them to be as bad as Trenbolone because of its huge androgenic potency. That’s why women have much better options if they want to use steroids. Trenbolone is actually among the poorest choices for women. At least, as long as you want to keep femininity intact. Anavar, for example, is a much safer option for women.
Virilization is basically the process of masculinization – turning a man into a woman. It makes a woman develop some male characteristics. Such as growing jawline, clitoris, and hair on face and/or body. Reduces breasts size, leads to hair shedding, and hoarseness of the vocal cords including others.
Cardiovascular Issues
Trenbolone is not the worst steroid for your cholesterol values, but then again, as with all steroids, it will still negatively impact your cholesterol. And it’s also not a secret that steroids can increase blood pressure in users. Trenbolone is not different. While it’s not the worst for your blood pressure and/or cholesterol, it’s also not the safest either. I strongly recommend you keep an eye on your cholesterol and especially your blood pressure.
These issues could lead to cardiovascular strain. It can make your heart suffer. Needless to mention that all of this can lead to potentially fatal outcomes. Make sure you have proper heart health, cholesterol is in range and blood pressure isn’t too high before using Tren (or any other steroid). A proper diet and workout plan can greatly help with it too.
Testosterone Suppression
The last “category” of side effects that Trenbolone shares with all other steroids is testosterone suppression. As with all other side effects I’ve mentioned so far, natural (endogenous) testosterone suppression is likely to occur with all steroids, including with Trenbolone too. But as you can guess, the suppression is even worse with Trenbolone because of its potency. This means that even a low dosage of Tren for a short period is capable of completely shutting down your HPTA.
For this very reason, you really need a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan after each steroid cycle, especially with Trenbolone. You won’t need PCT only if you’re in TRT or if you cruise (which means you do not rely on your body’s natural ability to produce testosterone). In addition to that, I also strongly recommend using Trenbolone with exogenous Testosterone to keep high T levels during the cycle.
Tren Cough
Tren Cough is the nickname of the extremely common side effect amongst Trenbolone users. This side effect manifests as coughing spells that can range from very mild to very severe. The coughing spells are uncontrollable and they occur immediately after the user has performed the injection with Trenbolone steroid. Although the coughing spells can actually occur with all injectable steroids, for whatever reason it occurs way more frequently with Tren than with other injectable steroids. While it rarely happens with other injectables, Tren users report that it occurs at almost every fifth injection with this steroid.
Tren cough usually lasts for only a few seconds up to a maximum of a minute or two. It is not dangerous and it disappears on its own without special attention. It’s not fully understood why it mostly occurs with Trenbolone. Some suggest that its stronger structure than other steroids breakdown makes it lead to an inflammatory effect, especially in the lungs muscles, causing spasms and coughing. It is an attempt of the body to get rid of the foreign substances. While other injectables can cause this inflammatory effect in the body (especially in the lungs), again, Tren is more likely to cause it.
Reduction in Cardio Resistance
These Trenbolone side effects are very specific to Trenbolone rather than with any other steroids out there. That’s because Tren, for whatever reason, greatly reduces your resistance to cardio exercises. It’s very important to keep on performing them despite the reduction in resistance to cardio, but you may notice that your performance in this area drops.
People notice that it is very hard to perform cardio or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for longer periods of time while on the Trenbolone cycle. This usually goes away when you stop the cycle and again, you shouldn’t stop performing these exercises during the cycle. It seems that it all has something to do with the stimulative effects of Trenbolone.
Excessive Sweating
As I earlier said, Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid that has some effects on your Central Nervous System (CNS) working as a stimulant. Because of its “stimulative” effects, it can greatly help you burn fat easier and faster. But due to these effects, some people notice stimulant-related side effects. An increase in core body temperature is one reason why you can experience a reduction in cardio resistance and excessive sweating as well. So, lots of users report that Tren makes them sweat profusely, especially in the nighttime. There are other stimulant-related side effects, we’re going to report below.
Anyhow, because you might excessively sweat, I strongly recommend you keep an eye on your water intake. Making sure you drink enough water is important as long as you sweat a lot. And to reduce this, you may need to keep a cool climate, especially at night.
So Tren increases energy levels, makes you sweat a lot (especially at night), and has stimulant effects. I guess you know where I’m heading. A lot of people in the bodybuilding industry suggest that Trenbolone is causing insomnia. Because of all these factors combined, you may experience sleep deprivation, getting fewer hours of sleep, and/or reducing sleep quality.
There’s no need to mention how immensely important sleep is for your bodybuilding goals and for general health. You should make sure you get enough and a quality night’s sleep. Some people resort to sleeping pills.
Mental Issues
Due to all of its effects, Trenbolone is one of the worst steroids for your mental health. Aside from all the physical side effects, Trenbolone side effects also include psychological ones. In fact, all steroids could have a psychological effect. Some of them are helpful such as better mood, increased motivation, and others. But there are some mental side effects of Trenbolone that can be really bad.
For example, it can increase anxiety and depression and/or can enhance irritability and aggression. “Roid rage” is possible with all steroids, but especially with Trenbolone. Others even report an increase in paranoia. That’s why many call Trenbolone a “relationship breaker”. While some people can easily control and bear its physical side effects, they can’t deal with the psychological issues. You should make sure you do not break your work and personal relationships by listening to people around you while running the Trenbolone cycle.
Prolactin Side Effects
Trenbolone is immune to aromatization so it won’t cause or enhance estrogenic issues simply because it won’t increase this hormone in the body. But because it is a 19-nor steroid, it can increase prolactin issues. Cabergoline is capable of lowering prolactin, therefore, prolactin side effects. But you should only use Caber as long as you can confirm you have high prolactin. Otherwise, you risk crushing too much prolactin which is detrimental.
Yet, too high prolactin in the body can lead to various symptoms. Some of the most popular ones include sexual dysfunction (such as erectile dysfunction and/or low sex drive “libido”) and gynecomastia. That’s why some people report Gyno even if they use Trenbolone which cannot aromatize and does not have high estrogen symptoms. If gyno is prolactin based, anti-estrogens won’t be helpful, Cabergoline would.
Controlling Trenbolone Side Effects
In order to control the side effects of Trenbolone, you need to make sure you’re healthy enough in the first place. People with some health conditions could find that Trenbolone makes their health conditions even worse.
You also need to make sure you use Trenbolone after you previously used other steroids first. Many of its side effects are similar to other steroids, but they are worse with Tren since it’s more powerful. Using other steroids first will give you a good idea of what it is like to run steroids.
After all of this, if you choose to start with it – you need to make sure you buy quality Trenbolone. At you can get only the best quality steroids, including Trenbolone, all for the cheapest prices. Low quality and bunk Tren will be less effective and cause more side effects. Then you’ve got to start with a low dosage. Even if you previously used steroids, this is not your average steroid. It’s more powerful.
So, you should start slowly at a lower dosage. And should start with Tren Acetate because it’s a shorter ester. You can adjust dosage easier, get a faster idea of how it works, and in case you get side effects, Acetate ester will flush Trenbolone out of the system faster than other Tren esters like Enanthate or Hexa. This means side effects will disappear quickly.
Start with a low dosage up to 50 mg per injection, every other day. Have only Testosterone in the cycle (nothing else) to keep high levels of testosterone. Have anti-estrogens and Caber handy, just in case. Then PCT after the cycle if you’re not on TRT (cruising). No need to mention the importance of working out and dieting too.
If you follow this advice, you’re likely to avoid Trenbolone side effects.