Turinabol is the most popular brand name for the chemical 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone. But there are numerous other brand names such as Turanabol. Moreover, people often call it Tbol short. Or Oral Turinabol, Oral Tbol, and numerous other nicknames and brand names.
This is an orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) and is one of the very few steroids in existence that was created specifically for physique and performance enhancement purposes. Taking it into consideration, it’s quite obvious that a Turinabol cycle can offer awesome results.
This steroid was the main thing that allowed East German Olympians to dominate the Olympic Games from the 60s through the 80s. Back in those days, there were no proper anti-doping tests to detect all steroids as they can nowadays.
What is Turinabol?
This is an orally active steroid. Scientists created it solely for physique and performance enhancement needs. It cannot aromatize and has an anabolic rating of 54 with an almost nonexistent androgenic activity (rating of 6).
This steroid is very helpful for sportsmen because it does an awesome job of enhancing overall performance, without too much increase in weight.
- Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is a steroid that was derived from Methandrostenolone (Dianabol).
Turianbol vs Dianabol
Turinabol (Tbol) is actually a derivative of Dianabol (Dbol). It’s like a “little brother” of methandienone because it has much lower androgenic activity and much lower anabolic activity. Moreover, it cannot aromatize into estrogen as it’s resistant to the aromatase enzyme.
Therefore, Turinabol is much milder than Dianabol. It is not going to help you gain as much and as fast muscle gains as Dbol can, however, the gains are quality (without water retention) and it is overall safer.
Chemically, these 2 steroids are very similar. However, Turinabol has an added 4chloro alternation.
This makes them 2 extremely different steroids. With Turinabol you can expect slow and dry gains, not too much increase in weight as it cannot aromatize. But then we have Dianabol, which is the king of aromatization steroids. That’s why you can add a huge amount of weight in a very short period of time (but a big part of it is water).
Turinabol in Bodybuilding
A lot of bodybuilders use Tbol for their needs despite its low anabolic and androgenic ratings. However, it’s important to understand that because of this, Turinabol is not a good bulking steroid. There are much better options for bulking up and gaining weight and size (such as Dianabol and numerous others). Nonetheless, Turinabol still has awesome benefits when you know what to look for. It includes performance enhancement without adding too much weight. It’s also a great choice for cutting cycles.
For example, because Tbol doesn’t aromatize, you wouldn’t experience any estrogenic side effects. So, there’s no need to worry about them when you add this AAS to your cycle. You won’t experience gynecomastia (enlargement of male breasts), bloating, high blood pressure (hypertension), water retention (edema), and others.
Thus, you don’t need any aromatase inhibitors with Turinabol cycles. People who are most prone to estrogen related issues (that easily aromatize) would really love this steroid.
- NOTE! You’re still going to need AIs if you use Turinabol with aromatizable steroids. Since you should use it with Testosterone, prepare AIs. The point is – added Turinabol won’t make it any worse.
Turinabol Benefits
Tbol is actually having a lot of different benefits that you can take advantage of. Many people overlook Turinabol because it’s displaying low anabolic and androgenic ratings. But they do not realize anabolic and androgenic ratings can be deceiving. Therefore, this compound is able to offer awesome benefits.
Indeed, it won’t help you pack on immense amounts of muscles and gain huge weight. However, that’s actually a benefit for many people. For example, you’re getting physique improvement results and awesome performance enhancement results without weight gains. Sportsmen mostly appreciate this effect as they become stronger with more endurance while staying in the same weight class.
People who don’t want to look “freaky” big would appreciate the effects too. Turinabol would help you remain aesthetic. You won’t develop a body similar to Phil Heath. Instead, if you mostly love physiques similar to Jeff Seid – you’re going to love it.
This steroid would help you develop tighter muscles without a puffy look. It’s going to help you increase your overall strength and endurance with a slight increase in lean muscle tissues. It is also an awesome steroid for preserving lean muscle mass. During low calorie diets, you don’t have to worry about muscle loss when you have Turinabol in your cycle.
Another thing that people greatly appreciate is the fact that Tbol is well tolerated. This is a milder steroid than other compounds, therefore, side effects are lower/milder too.
One more thing to mention – Tbol does a great job at binding to SHBG strongly, and this increases free testosterone. As a result, your body can use more testosterone and put it to good use. Moreover, the addition of other steroids would greatly help either. Because SHBG neutralizes steroids, they get an enhanced effect when stacking with Turinabol (because Tbol neutralizes SHBG protein).
Turinabol Side effects
Turinabol is a great steroid in terms of lower risks of side effects. However, side effects are still possible. Especially if you are genetically prone to them, hypersensitive, or have allergies. Moreover, side effects are having a tight connection with the dosage and cycle length. Do not run high doses or/and for long periods to avoid side effects.
Liver toxic: Tbol is 17 alpha alkylated (C17aa) for surviving when passing through the liver. Add liver protection supplements during the cycle and avoid using anything else that’s causing more liver strain.
Estrogenic issues: Turinabol won’t cause any.
Androgenic issues: the steroid has an androgenic rating of 6. The androgenic issues (including virilization for women) are possible, but far not as bad compared to other steroids.
Testosterone inhibition: the suppression rate isn’t bad, but all anabolic and androgenic steroids inhibit natural testosterone production. Have a PCT plan prepared after each cycle with Turinabol.
Turinabol Administration
The half life of this oral steroid (that you need to swallow as it comes in tablets) is unusually long (compared to other steroids). It is about 16 hours and that’s why using it once a day is going to work well enough. Nonetheless, a lot of bodybuilders split their total daily dosage into 12 hour intervals for getting “perfect” stable blood levels.
Dosages by Gender:
- Male = 15-80 mg per day
- Female = 5-10 mg per day
Dosage by Experience (male):
- Beginners = 15-30 mg per day
- Intermediate users = 30-50 mg per day
- Professional users = 50-80 mg per day
The most common dosage for men is ranging around 50 mg per day. Moreover, I always recommend men stack the Turinabol cycle with other anabolic steroids. You would benefit from its ability to bind to SHBG and enhance effectiveness. Men stack it with Testosterone and maybe with other steroids too, depending on the level of experience.
Women, however, shouldn’t stack it with other anabolic agents to avoid an increase in risks of virilization issues. They also shouldn’t use any more than 10 mg a day due to the same reasons.
Women Turinabol Cycle Length: 4 weeks for beginners. And 6 weeks for those with more experience.
Men Turinabol Cycle Length: 6 weeks for beginners and intermediate users. 8 weeks for those with more experience and professionals.
Example of women cycle: Tbol 10 mg/day and Clenbuterol starts with 10 mcg/day and is increasing with 10 mcg/day every week. Both for 6 weeks.
Example of men cycle: Tbol 50 mg/day for the first 8 weeks out of the Testosterone Enanthate cycle of 12 weeks with 300 mg/week. Optionally may add Primobolan Enanthate around 500 mg/week for the entire 12 weeks and/or Trenbolone 50-75 mg/day for 8-10 weeks. Depending on the level of experience.
Aromatase Inhibitors only if you’ll require them during the cycle. Do not forget about the PCT plan.
Where to Buy Turinabol (Tbol)?
From Body-Gear.to!
On our source of Performance Enhancement Drugs (PEDs) you can buy a lot of different anabolic steroids and numerous other compounds from a lot of different manufacturers. You’re going to get the maximum quality steroids for competitive prices.
We carry a lot of anabolic steroids including Turinabol for sale. We also have everything you need to fully go through a successful Turinabol cycle that can help you yield a lot of results.