Nolvadex PCT


Nolvadex PCT is very similar to Clomid PCT because both are Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) that are working in very similar ways. A lot of people combine Clomid and Nolvadex during their PCT plans, but many uses just one of them. Here we are going to talk about Nolvadex PCT. You are going to find a lot of valuable information as long as you plan to use anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS), considering that Nolvadex is very important for AAS users for various purposes. For example, a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan is essential.

First off, it’s important to understand that Nolvadex is a SERM, it is preventing the active estrogen from binding in the estrogen receptors that Nolvadex is already bound to. Moreover, remember that it may have the effects of both antagonist and agonist of estrogen receptors in different parts of the body. For example, it works as an antagonist in estrogen receptors in breast tissues, but as an agonist of estrogen receptors in the uterus.

Yet, we’re mostly going to pay attention to its antagonist properties because that’s what makes Nolvadex PCT so effective.

  • It’s also important to understand – Nolvadex is not reducing the flow of estrogen in the body like Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) such as Exemestane, Letrozole, or Anastrozole. It only blocks the estrogen hormone from reaching the estrogen receptors.

What is Nolvadex PCT?

sixpex-nolvapexPCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy which is extremely important when a steroid user finishes using an anabolic steroid cycle. That’s because PCT helps the user enhance the natural testosterone production that was damaged during the use of steroids. So, a PCT helps you maintain the gains and remain healthy after stopping the use of steroids.

Nolvadex is the drug that people use for PCT. Nolvadex or Nolva is the most popular brand name for the substance Tamoxifen Citrate. While other brand names are available of Tamoxifen, Nolvadex is the most popular.

Tamoxifen is the chemical that selectively binds to estrogen receptors in the body blocking estrogen from doing its job in those parts of the body. Nolvadex (tamoxifen) can greatly help restore the body’s natural hormone levels after a steroid cycle. Besides, this drug is also helpful in preventing side effects such as gynecomastia.

Therefore, the two main purposes that bodybuilders use Nolvadex (Nolva) are to help prevent or treat gynecomastia (gyno) and as a PCT to deal with testosterone suppression.


Nolvadex in Bodybuilding

So, Nolvadex is an amazing anti-gyno treatment and an awesome compound for boosting natural testosterone production.

Let’s explain. When steroid users run aromatizable steroids such as Testosterone or Dianabol, they are turning into estrogen in the body. This is leading to high estrogen symptoms such as gyno, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, water retention, and other high estrogen related symptoms.

Nolvadex works by binding to estrogen receptors in the breast tissues. In the medical world, doctors use Nolvadex to treat hormonally positive breast cancer. There are breast cancers that require estrogen to form and grow. Since Nolvadex binds to estrogen receptors in breast tissues, the cancer cells do not receive estrogen so they die. The same goes for gyno which requires estrogen. Therefore, it has the same principle of working for men and women.

  • Tamoxifen, however, doesn’t lower total estrogen levels. Therefore it will not deal with other high estrogen symptoms such as water retention, gynecomastia, hypertension, and other symptoms.
  • Yet, Nolvadex is extremely effective at helping you to increase LH (Luteinizing Hormone) which is essential for creating testosterone. This is what helps users recover from a cycle, making it highly popular and effective for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).


How Does Nolvadex Works For PCT – Post Cycle Therapy?

When a person is using anabolic steroids, the pituitary gland is receiving signals that too many hormones are produced. Therefore, it stops working. As a result, your LH levels greatly drop, sometimes going to almost zero. Therefore, the body is not producing its own testosterone anymore because Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is vital for producing testosterone. In short – when you use anabolic steroids, your natural testosterone production greatly, sometimes completely shut down.

  • That’s why it is so important to run Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) each time you come off a steroid cycle. It is going to help your body recover HPTA and the natural production of testosterone. This will not only make you help maintain the gains you’ve made during the cycle but will keep you healthy too. Low testosterone levels can come with a lot of different nasty issues!

Considering that Nolvadex is blocking estrogen from reaching the pituitary gland, it stimulates the hypophysis to release more gonadotropins. This leads to a faster and higher release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). This is what spikes the total testosterone levels. It helps your body recover much faster, better, and easier, minimizing the loss of gains and the risk of feeling unwell.

Nolvadex is capable of increasing LH levels from 0 to over 10IU – above the normal reference range for an adult male. That’s how your testosterone levels spike. You can confirm this with bloodwork after stopping the cycle and then after/during the Nolvadex PCT plan.

Yet, the spike in LH and testosterone are temporary, while you’re using the compound. When you stop using it, the levels will come back to normal, and considering that exogenous hormones (anabolic steroids) are already out of the body, the HPTA is able to recover back on its own.

Nolvadex For Gyno

Gynecomastia (gyno) is one of the most common side effects associated with the use of anabolic steroids. While gyno is not particularly dangerous, it’s one of the worst-looking issues. Therefore, it can have some very negative effects on a person’s self confidence.

Gynecomastia is the condition when a male body is getting excess estrogen. It occurs because there are certain steroids that aromatize into estrogen in the body (like Dianabol, Testosterone, and many others). The result of high estrogen could cause a man to grow breasts.

At the onset of symptoms, the gyno is making puffy and/or sensitive nipples and/or small lumps of fat on and around the nipples. But if you do not deal with this problem, it could lead to breasts resembling female breasts. It all occurs because too much estrogen reaches breast tissues.

Considering that Nolvadex (tamoxifen) is blocking estrogen from reaching estrogen receptors in the breast tissues and preventing it from doing its job, this will help prevent or even treat gynecomastia.

If this condition is untreated, it could lead to a man developing breasts resembling female breasts that would require surgery to deal with it. Additionally, remember that Nolvadex doesn’t lower total estrogen levels. It will not deal with any other high estrogen symptoms. Plus, a lot of people combine Nolvadex with Aromatase Inhibitors to deal with gynecomastia. While AIs lower estrogen, Nolvadex blocks estrogen from reaching the breast tissues.


Clomid vs Nolvadex PCT

Nolvadex (tamoxifen) is considered stronger than Clomid (clomiphene). For this reason, a lot of people find that Nolvadex is better than Clomid for PCT plans. Yet, you should know that they are similar. They are both SERMs, with similar mechanisms of action and both prevent estrogen from binding to receptors.

You should try both of them to see which one is better for you. Additionally, a lot of people (including myself) found that a combination of both Clomid and Nolvadex for PCT is the best. They seem to have some kind of synergic effect when you use them together. Moreover, it’s far safer to use both in lower doses, than only one of them in higher doses.

Moreover, it’s important to mention that although both are SERMs, Clomid is not very effective for treating gyno. So, when talking about PCT plans – you should find which one is better for you and your needs (often used together). But for gyno treatment, Tamoxifen is a much better option. Clomiphene is almost never used for gynecomastia prevention or treatment.

Nolvadex Side Effects

Nolvadex PCT can be a great compound to restore your natural testosterone levels or it could be an awesome product to prevent or treat gynecomastia during the cycle. But despite it being extremely beneficial and a drug that can greatly lower the side effects of steroids, it may come with its own set of side effects.

Most people tolerate it very well though and not everyone experiences negatives. Those who do experience some negative side effects, usually, tolerate them well. Really nasty side effects almost never occur and in most cases only if abused with too high dosage and/or too prolonged use.

When it comes to side effects – some people suggest that it may reduce libido, while others suggest that it could increase libido. For most people, it works as a libido booster, but in case of abuse, it could also reduce it. Moreover, due to the way it affects estrogen, some people experience headaches or hot flashes. Keeping it cool, enough sleep, and taking a painkiller are enough to deal with such issues.

  • Some people with sensitive digestive tract may also notice stomach upset such as stomach cramps, stomach ache, gas, flatulence, constipation, bloating, or diarrhea.

Anyway, in the end, remember that Nolvadex is meant to repair the damage, not cause some more.

Nolvadex Dosage

Nolvadex PCT dosage usually starts at 40 mg/day and then slowly goes lower to 20 mg/day and sometimes even lower to 10 mg/day. You may also start your PCT plan at a lower dosage of 20 mg/day in case you had a really mild cycle (with SARMs, prohormones or short-low-dosed mild steroid cycles) and continue with it or lower to 10 mg/day.

  • The most common Nolvadex PCT plan is 4 weeks, but it could be as long as 8 weeks for very powerful PCT plans after very harsh steroid cycles.
  • The most common Nolvadex PCT plan is 40 mg/day for 2 weeks and then 20 mg/day for 2 more weeks (4 weeks total). You may adjust cycle length and dosage according to your needs, but most people find this plan enough for their needs.

Nolvadex dosage for gynecomastia treatment depends on various factors. It’s also up to 40 mg/day, although some people attempt up to 80 mg/day in case of serious gynecomastia. Cycle length depends on many factors. Mostly, on how well tamoxifen deals with your gyno.

Buy Nolvadex For Sale



In the end, as long as you plan to use anabolic steroids, there are two reasons why you would need to have Tamoxifen on hand. You may need a Nolvadex PCT or you may need it to control gynecomastia during the cycle. Also, it is a very good compound that most people tolerate very well without side effects or at least, with tolerable side effects.

You just need to make sure you use it correctly and, of course, you need to make sure that you will get high-quality Nolvadex.

At you could buy Nolvadex for sale and we make sure you get the best possible quality. Additionally, on our site, you can buy the best quality anabolic steroids and anything else such as Clomid for enhanced PCT or aromatase inhibitors for even more protection against gynecomastia. Save big thanks to your low prices and get big thanks to your quality gear!

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