Superdrol Gains

Anyone who is searching to enhance their physique and performance would really love Superdrol gains. This is one of the best steroids out there for transforming your physique quickly and greatly enhancing your performance. That’s because it’s an extremely powerful steroid that will offer crazy results really fast. The problem with it is that it’s so powerful that it can cause some very harsh side effects too. This is the reason why you may find online people suggesting that Superdrol is the best thing that happened to them, or you may find others saying that they will never touch this steroid ever again.

This is the reason why I strongly recommend learning about it first before you actually use it. Superdrol gains are extremely attractive. We are going to talk about them more here. But then again, please remember that the side effects may be pretty nasty too. Before you actually get to use it, we can help you determine the best way to do that. So, if you start with it, you may be interested in what to expect. We’ll share info about Superdrol gains, results, and benefits. We’ll also share other valuable info. For example, the first thing you need to know is what Superdrol actually is.

What is Superdrol?

Superdrol is just the most popular brand name for the steroid that is Methasterone. Methasterone is also popular as Methyldrostanolone. The same substance has two names. But it also has other brand names except for Superdrol too – this is just the first brand and the most popular one.


Methasterone is an orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid because it has C17-alpha alkylation. The steroid is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and it is extremely similar (chemically) to Drostanolone (Masteron). Yet, some small chemical changes are making them two very different steroids.

Drostanolone is injectable and is pretty mild. Methasterone is oral and extremely powerful. Therefore, Superdrol is a potent anabolic steroid with lower androgenic features. According to numbers on paper, it has a 400 anabolic rating and 20 androgenic rating. Being DHT, it does not aromatize into estrogen either. Nonetheless, because it is an oral steroid, it does have a risk of liver toxicity. Yet, because of the same reason, Superdrol is going to offer extremely fast.

Superdrol half-life is only about 8 hours. It will start working almost immediately and you can feel its effects really fast. Considering its huge potency, a lot of people are tempted to use Superdrol. It can be an awesome compound for achieving exceptional anabolic benefits without the need to inject a steroid.

  • Moreover, it may not offer nasty androgenic issues due to mild androgenic ratings and may be extremely helpful for those who are afraid of estrogenic issues because Superdrol won’t aromatize. Therefore, virtually all Superdrol gains lean muscle gains, without fat or water retention.

Superdrol Benefits and Effects

Methasterone AKA Methyldrostanolone is offering some all-around great effects. It can be a perfect cutting compound but it also may be a mind-blowing off-season bulking steroid. It greatly depends on your diet and workout plan. An appropriate diet will help you gain lots of lean muscle tissue or will help you burn fat while maintaining lean muscle tissue and achieving a dream physique. All because of its chemical composition. It has a combination of being highly anabolically potent and yet, without aromatizing activity. That’s why the gains are free from water retention.

As said, all Superdrol gains, with a proper diet, will be nice, clean, hard, and dry. Exactly as with Masteron (Drostanolone). But Masteron won’t really help gain muscles because of low-moderate anabolic activity. Superdrol, on the other hand, can help you gain a lot.


Nitrogen Retention and Protein Synthesis

Superdrol (Methasterone), similar to most steroids, will do a great job of improving protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. This is where the anabolic activity starts. Superdrol helps with it more than most other steroids, that’s why it creates the perfect anabolic environment. Therefore, it can greatly help you improve your ability to build lean muscle tissue. Or, it would greatly assist the maintenance of your current muscle mass whenever you’re going through a cutting or fat loss phase.

Cutting and fat loss phases require you to be in a caloric deficit (fewer calories than your body needs). This is the only way to burn fat. But sometimes, it may also lead to muscle loss too. When having a perfect anabolic environment in the body, you can burn fat without losing muscles.

Performance Benefits

Superdrol is going to offer a lot of physical benefits. But in addition to those physical benefits, it will also provide a lot of performance advantages too. Using Superdrol you’re going to notice a significant increase in your strength and endurance. You’re going to notice a boost and great improvement in the intensity of your workouts almost from the first week of using it.

People report being able to break their personal records when it comes to lifting weights. You will be able to lift more, do more sets, and/or more reps. Therefore, you are going to be able to complete your current workout regimen way more efficiently and with less weariness and fatigue. You can work out longer and more intensively. Of course, this greatly helps achieve more physical benefits too.

Moreover, you will notice a great improvement in recovery. Those who use Superdrol say that they require less time to rest between sets, they have less muscle aches and discomfort and they have an overall speedier recovery times both during workouts and between workouts. This means that your muscles will be ready to work again much sooner. You can work out the same muscle groups sooner and more often with higher intensity. Of course, this speeds up your outcomes.

Bulking Benefits

Superdrol is an awesome off-season mass builder because of its high anabolic activity. If you’re going to eat clean, and have enough protein and more calories than your maintenance, you will notice an awesome enhancement in terms of muscle mass addition. It’s not uncommon to add 20 lbs during a short cycle of Superdrol when you work out correctly and use it properly.

It’s going to help your body take the most out of the foods you eat, transforming them into muscles. That’s why, if you work out and diet correctly while adding Superdrol to your regimen, you will get bigger. And because of the non-aromatizing part, your gains are clean and dry.

Cutting Benefits

Because of huge anabolic activity and no estrogenic part, you will greatly benefit by adding it to your cutting cycle too. As said, when you’re cutting, you need to burn more calories than you consume. This usually leads to your body becoming catabolic, burning muscle for energy. It’s not uncommon to lose muscle tissues while on a cutting cycle.

However, adding Superdrol would prevent this because of its very high anabolic rating. It will protect your muscle tissue and will make sure that your body will take only fat as its source of energy. People with a slight caloric deficit diet report that they even gain muscle while losing fat. Those with a lot of caloric deficit diets report that they lose a lot of weight and burn fat fast, without losing any muscle.

Low calorie diets also make you recover slower and perform poorer. Nonetheless, Superdrol will prevent these issues too. That’s why Superdrol can be an excellent cutting compound.

Superdrol Gains and Results

While using Superdrol, you can expect some really nice quality mass gains. While you may experience even more massive overall gains with other steroids, it’s important to understand that a good amount of those gains will be in the form of extra fluid that you will likely lose post-cycle. Superdrol does not aromatize so all the gains will be dry and hard. So, gaining at least 10 lbs of lean muscle tissue is very possible. While you can gain 20 lbs or even more, it requires you to be very vigilant with your lifestyle (diet and workout) as well as dosage.

But remember that Superdrol is more than just a mass gaining steroid. You could use it for virtually anything that you need when it comes to bodybuilding and body composition goals.

You will notice the great benefits of Superdrol because of its great ability to enhance metabolism too and create a perfect anabolic environment. It will make you be able to yield clean gains or maintain existing gains rather than losing muscle tissues during cutting cycles. It promotes a high anabolic state of the body while also encouraging the fat burning process.

Thanks to the fact that it will not cause water retention or bloating, Superdrol effects are going to bring out a very hardened and dry look. You will have less fat and water whereas muscles get big and pumped. It is very hard to achieve a similar physique with other compounds.

Then again, you will notice other positive effects that you can’t see visually. You will enhance recovery, strength, endurance, and stamina. This will ultimately lead to faster and much more results. Your workouts play a significant role in the way you transform your physique. Superdrol greatly enhances workout efficiency.



Superdrol gains are awesome because this steroid is extremely powerful. But being so potent it’s also likely to bring out negative side effects. In order to yield the best results and stay away from those side effects you need to learn how to use it and you need the best quality Superdrol. can help you with both. While we sell the best Superdrol for sale online, we may help you determine how to use it for you and your needs. Moreover, as a bonus, we keep the cheapest prices. You make sure you buy the best quality, we help you learn how to use it and you will also save money. Gear can be expensive so that’s very important.


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