Reducing Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)

Do you struggle to get rid of those man boobs? Read this article and you’re going to find lots of helpful information. You will learn how to fight off gynecomastia (man boobs) in the most efficient ways. So, one of the best things to get rid of the man boobs (gyno) is to smash it in the gym. That’s why, if you do experience this not-so-pleasantly-looking breast enlargement, you have to workout hard!

We do know very well that it can be embarrassing having man boobs. If you develop them, it can lead to low self-esteem, avoiding the mirror, and those occasions when you may need to take your shirt off.

But, there’s a lot more you need to know about gyno. First things first…

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is very popular among bodybuilders shortly as Gyno, is an overdeveloped (or enlargement of the) breast tissue in men and boys. The breasts are becoming larger and often grow unevenly. Often resembling female breasts when it gets worse if not treated. Most often, this is the result of changes in levels of the female hormone (estrogen) and the male hormone (testosterone). But it also could appear due to an increase in other hormones such as prolactin. Whatever the case, gynecomastia (gyno, man’s boobs, enlargement of breast tissue, bitch tits, or whatever else you call it), although not dangerous, is not looking good.

  • At early stages, gynecomastia may not be very “visual”. It can appear in one or both breasts and it starts as a lump or fatty tissue beneath the nipple. The first things that you may experience include sore or sensitive nipples. Then it increases to a lump or fatty tissue beneath the nipple.

The reason why gynecomastia is common among steroid users is because anabolic steroids cause hormonal imbalances. A lot of steroids are testosterone variants that are converted into estrogen in the body. While increasing estrogen, it leads to gynecomastia. Others are increasing prolactin, which, then again, leads to gynecomastia. Nonetheless, you may experience gyno even if you do not use anabolic steroids.

While there are various ways that could protect you from experiencing man boobs while using anabolic steroids, here we are going to talk about gyno, how to deal with it, and so on and so forth.

Getting Started

You may do everything alright and still experience this problem. You may follow a healthy diet, work out your chest, drink a lot of water, and get plenty of sleep. Nonetheless, you can still notice that there’s fatty tissue under your pecs. Again, with or without steroids, even while it seems you’re doing everything perfectly, this can be a problem. So, as I said, man boobs are likely not because of something that you’re doing or are not doing, it is often because of a hormone imbalance. Likely too much estrogen and sometimes, because of too much prolactin hormone. Or, simply because the testosterone to estrogen ratio isn’t in the range.

The good news about this is that since you already know about it, you can start controlling it. Read on for helpful info regarding it.

Chest Exercises Fix Man Boobs?

While you should work out as it can help, a lot of people believe in a popular myth – chest exercises will fix your man boobs. Well, that’s actually wrong. In fact, did you know that bodybuilders are actually more prone to man boobs? As we all know, bodybuilders tend to have a lot of chest workouts. This means that it doesn’t matter the number of workouts that bodybuilders do, they are prone to it.

Gynecomastia often appears because of an imbalance of hormones. They experience it, often, because of using anabolic steroids. Gyno is a popular and common side effect of anabolic steroids. This means that it doesn’t matter how many push-ups, dips, or bench presses you do, as long as your hormones are not in range, you’re very likely to experience gyno. And the worse the hormonal imbalance – the worse the man boobs get.

In fact, working out your chest could make this issue somewhat visually worse. It won’t make it worse directly, nonetheless, it could make it appear worse because man boobs are appearing because of the layers of fat in the tissue in your chest. So, when you are working out your chest, you’re growing and increasing the muscle behind those fat layers (obviously). This is going to result in the muscle pushing the fat forward. This makes it more visible.

In the same way, when you’re trying to reduce belly fat, you do not focus on crunches that will target the ab area. While crunches and other abdominal exercises will help gain more abdominal muscles, you still won’t have visible abs as long as there’s a lot of fat covering them. What you should do instead is to reduce the fat that covers those abs to make them visible.



With bigger chest muscles, if you have gyno, it’ll be more visible. Moreover, that type of fat is not the one that you can reduce through diet. While it may be helpful to an extent, it’ll still be there as long as you do not have your hormones in range.

Dieting and Gynecomastia

As said, man boobs are basically fat tissues. It would be obvious that losing weight (burning fat) is going to shred those man boobs. While dieting could be helpful to some extent, there are still people with relatively low body fat percentage and still experiencing gyno. Moreover, you should know that in some instances, dieting could actually make it worse as long as your diet is not balanced well.

  • Let me explain. Of course, to lose fat, you need to have a restrictive diet. The problem is that with a restrictive diet, you are at risk of depriving your body of the proper nutrients that help your body maintain a proper hormonal balance. This is likely to push your hormones even more out of range. Of course, this makes your gyno worse.

For example, each one of us needs fatty acids and cholesterol in order to create testosterone. The problem is that during a low-calorie diet, we tend to avoid eating both of these key testosterone building ingredients. Therefore, our body cannot make enough testosterone. Without enough testosterone, and especially with higher estrogen levels, it leads to worse issues.

Therefore, in order to get rid of man boobs, you need to restore your hormone balance. We all have testosterone and estrogen. And we all need both of these hormones in order to properly function and stay healthy. That’s true regardless of our gender. What really differs from one gender to another is the amounts of these hormones. For example, men have more testosterone and less estrogen. However, women have more estrogen and less testosterone.


You may have noticed that a lot of steroid users are not experiencing any gynecomastia (man boobs) during their steroid cycle. Nonetheless, many (most) tend to experience this issue after their cycle ends. Why?

Well, during the cycle of anabolic steroids, you tend to add testosterone in all your cycles. In fact, many use testosterone alone with a high success rate for all their bodybuilding goals and needs. Therefore, during the cycle, they have a high level of testosterone in their body.

Nevertheless, during the cycle of anabolic steroids, the body stops producing natural testosterone levels. This is a defense mechanism of the body against too high testosterone levels. When the body receives signals that there’s too high a level of testosterone (because you use testosterone exogenously) it stops producing more on its own. That’s no problem as the body still receives it from testosterone injections. Therefore, you still have a high ratio of testosterone versus estrogen.

Nevertheless, that’s a problem when you stop the cycle (injecting exogenous testosterone). While the body will restart the production of testosterone as soon as you stop using exogenous testosterone, it takes a while until it gets back to its full ability to produce normal amounts of testosterone. Usually, it takes months, sometimes even longer.

Therefore, your body is left with no exogenous testosterone (since you stop) and it’s still unable to produce enough testosterone on its own. But estrogen levels remain the same. Therefore, it leads to a very big imbalance between your testosterone and estrogen, thus, gynecomastia appears.

  • PS: You should be aware that gynecomastia can occur even during the cycle of steroids too. Testosterone (and other hormones) convert into estrogen. This is potentially leading to too high estrogen levels, therefore, causing gynecomastia.

What To Do Then?

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after each cycle with anabolic steroids or whatever other compounds that are affecting you hormonally! This is why a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan is so important! A PCT helps restore the natural hormonal balance by boosting natural testosterone production and, if necessary, reduces estrogen. This will reduce man boobs and will lead to numerous other health benefits. Will help maintain gains, improve mood, and sexual health, and so on and so forth. Basically, PCT helps you stay away from low testosterone symptoms, including gynecomastia. 

Restoring Your Hormonal Balance

You can restore your hormonal balance naturally. If you do not use anabolic steroids, these are the methods that I’m going to recommend to you in order to restore your hormonal balance. In fact, these are the methods that I will still recommend you to follow even if you do use anabolic steroids, but there are some other things that you should do as well if you use them.

In the end, there are many ways to restore your hormonal balance naturally. Some things that you can benefit from when attempting to increase your testosterone levels and reduce estrogen include:

  • Shred excess body fat
  • Improve muscle growth
  • Having a nutritious and clean diet
  • Avoid bad habits
  • Sleep properly
  • Including many others

When you restore a normal hormonal balance, it leads to numerous benefits such as:

  • Burning fat easier
  • Gaining muscle and strength
  • Boosts energy and stamina
  • Increases sex drive
  • Boost mental health
  • Of course, will help you get rid of man boobs

Additionally, it is very important to mention that you need anti-estrogens and PCT when using steroids. These are the ones that can actually help you rebalance your hormones which is going to help you lead to all of the above-mentioned benefits. Most importantly: burn that stored chest fat and fight against man boobs.

Restore Hormonal Balance While Using Steroids

If you do use anabolic steroids, these are important to follow, but you still have hormonal imbalances. For this reason, I strongly recommend you add other compounds. For example, you may need anti-estrogens (AKA estrogen blockers). While your testosterone increases (when using exogenous testosterone), it converts into estrogen and this may lead to higher estrogen levels. Therefore, gynecomastia (and other high estrogen symptoms) may appear. That’s when anti-estrogens get handy.

You have two options:

  1. Nolvadex (tamoxifen)
  2. Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) such as Arimidex (Anastrozole), Aromasin (Exemestane) or Femara (Letrozole).

Both will deal with gynecomastia (gyno) in their own ways.

Nolvadex (tamoxifen) will bind to estrogen receptors in the breast tissues and will block their action, thus preventing or even reducing already existing gynecomastia. But Nolvadex will not lower total estrogen levels. This can be advantageous if you don’t need to reduce estrogen but you need to deal with gyno. It is disadvantageous if you actually need to lower estrogen.

Aromatase Inhibitors will lower total estrogen levels in the body. This will reduce the amount of estrogen reaching estrogen receptors in breast tissues, preventing or even reducing already existing gynecomastia. But AIs will lower total estrogen levels. This can be helpful in dealing with other high estrogen symptoms. However, crushing too much estrogen comes with negative side effects.

Some people use both of them for even deeper effects. Which ones to use depends on each person and each case individually.

In The End

There’s no faster, better, and more effective way to reduce man boobs (gynecomastia) than Aromatase Inhibitors and Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate). While they can be extremely helpful even if you do not use anabolic steroids and still experience gyno, they are almost a “MUST” in your cycle and post steroid cycle.

Nolvadex is extremely helpful in Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) both to keep you away from gyno and to boost the natural T levels. Additionally, you can use it during the cycle just to deal with gynecomastia. Nonetheless, most steroid users have Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) handy during the cycle if you get gyno and/or other high estrogen symptoms. Also, may need some during PCT, only if actually required.

So, if you want to blitz those man boobs, with steroids or not, better check into AIs and Nolva.


At you can find the best products for the best quality. You’ll be able to save a lot of money when purchasing them and we also sell the best quality anabolic steroids for the best prices. With the help of our products, you can be sure that you’re going to reduce your man boobs, shred body fat and enhance muscle growth!

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