Speed Up Muscle Gaining

When it comes to muscle gaining, it is pretty obvious that everyone would love to do it as fast as possible. We all know that it takes time, work, and patience. Nonetheless, there are still various ways to speed up muscle gaining. If that’s what you’re searching for, you should read this article.

You can gain muscle fast, well, faster than other people, but that’s only if you do it right. While you can’t go from skinny to monster overnight, when you’re on the right path of building muscle, you’ll speed up the muscle growth process.

Whether you’re a beginner or a professional lifter, these tips can help get you closer to your goals faster. Here is what you can do in order to build muscle fast:

Up Your Training Volume

If you’re trying to gain muscle fast, it’s pretty obvious you need to work out. But if you’re a professional who plateaued from gains, it may be a good idea to increase your training volume. Lots of beginners may need to increase their training volume too, but it’s mostly true for most pros. Training volume – AKA the number of reps multiplied by your number of sets.

Most people attempt to go on with super heavy weights until they can’t go anymore. Instead, you may want to lower a bit of weight and add a few reps.

There are various studies that in order to go into the hypertrophy phase (the one that helps build muscle), you need to have a perfect balance of reps and weight. Lower weight with more reps is good for endurance. Heavy weight with lower reps is good for powerlifting. However, hypertrophy is somewhere in the middle.

You will need to perform each of your lifts in 3-6 sets of 8 to 20 reps.

Do It Slowly

Instead of doing exercises with super heavy weights 8-15 reps fast, it would be much better to do the same 8-15 reps, but slower. You will find out that you won’t be able to do the same super heavy weights. What you need to aim for is to do exercises properly and slowly, with a pause. That’s when you trigger hypertrophy and magic happens.

Do not aim for as heavy weights as possible because you’re not in a competition. You’re trying to build muscle fast. And sometimes, lighter weights help you build muscle faster. Your aim is to “tear” as many muscle fibers are possible during workouts. And you tear them when doing it correctly.

Reduce Between Set Rest Times (or, Sometimes, Increase)

The reason why I say that you need to reduce between set rest times is because nowadays gyms are full of those who are on their phones during workouts. It is very easy to start screwing up with your phone in between sets, forgetting about how much time you’ve been sitting on it. It’s best to keep your screen time to a minimum in order to build muscle fast. Aim for short rests between sets. I recommend keeping your phone on Do Not Disturb and allowing yourself 30 to a maximum of 90 seconds rest.

On the other hand, some people do not rest enough, starting the next exercise too fast. Their bodies are not ready for the next set, they can’t properly perform, so they do not “touch” the muscle fibers they need to in order to achieve hypertrophy. But that’s rarely when someone does not rest enough. Usually, especially in the 21st century – you need to rest less.

In the end, it’s all about muscle building hormones. That’s why anabolic steroids are so helpful for your goals – they are basically hormones. During those short rest periods, both your testosterone and human growth hormone levels are encouraged to quickly release. This release is what helps your fatigued muscles. That’s why anabolic steroid users have a huge boost in strength and endurance (among recovery and numerous other advantages).

In the end, you shouldn’t be afraid to push your muscles to the limit. That’s because fatiguing them is necessary for muscle growth.

Get Lots of Sleep

The best way to build muscle mass fast is to… forget about the alarm clock. Give your body the sleep it needs. You need to give your body enough time to recover. While I understand that it’s not possible to forget about the alarm clock because we have life outside the gym, we need to sleep as much as possible.

As you sleep, your body releases human growth hormone – it is mandatory for muscle gaining process. Sleep will also help keep cortisol (the stress hormone) in check, supporting muscle growth. Being deprived of sleep, your body won’t recover enough and won’t release muscle building hormones like testosterone and HGH that it needs.

Eat In A Calorie Surplus

It’s pretty obvious – if you want to gain muscle, you need to eat more. You attempt muscle growth. The “growth” occurs from something – the foods you eat. If you want to grow, you need to eat more. Calculate your calories and make sure to eat at least 500 quality calories per day. Needless to mention you need nutritious food!

Get Casein Protein

Eating protein before bed can greatly support your recovery and, therefore muscle gaining process starts. You can opt for casein protein that you can get from powders, cottage cheese, milk, or Greek yogurt, for example.


Creatine is a popular supplement in bodybuilding for its muscle building abilities. This supplement is naturally produced by the body and stored in the muscles. However, if you increase the number of creatine you eat (from supplements and/or foods), you may speed up muscle gaining. It helps most when you’re lifting heavy weights during your workout.

Use Body Gear

Be sure that you will build muscle fast with Body Gear. In fact, this is the fastest way to speed up muscle gaining process. While resting (sleep), eating (foods) and training (workouts) are the basics of muscle growth, as you may already know, anabolic steroids are extremely effective in speeding up the process of muscle gaining – achieving your physique and performance enhancement goals.

  • Body-Gear.to is the best place online to buy anabolic steroids for sale of the best quality. We will help you with an individual cycle plan that is going to help you get the best results as fast as possible. Moreover, we will help you remain safe while you use those steroids to get the fastest way to build muscle.

It is well known that steroids are the fastest way to speed up muscle gaining. With proper use of high quality products (which you can buy from our site and learn how to use them here too), they’re also going to stay safe. Buy bulking or cutting steroids that you need and save money!



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