Quick Workout Tips For A Busy Schedule

We’ve all been in a rush at some point in the gym, so you plan to get the best out of your quick workout. It is best to plan your time ahead and provide enough time for your workouts in order to gain muscle and burn fat. However, we all know that there are times when we have a very busy schedule, therefore, you can only go for a short and quick workout. After all, a quick workout is still better than no workout at all. So, this is an article for those who do not have the time for a two-hour workout.

  • Here you’re going to find some of the best quick workout tips for those days when you have a busy schedule. These will help you get those gains from an intense and short workout session as long as you do it all right.

So, check out these tips:

Have a plan

To make the most of your short time in the gym and get the most out of the workout, you are going to need to have a plan before you start. That’s because it will help you track your routine, such as reps, sets, and weight. This will save you time as you know what you need to do, whereas you keep pushing yourself.

It is a good idea to have a backup plan. For example, you may want to use the bench press on a chest day, but it is not uncommon for all stations to be full. Well, have a backup plan available, such as going for the dumbbells. Don’t waste your precious time waiting for others to finish.

Group and order your exercise

You must make sure that your main movements are done first when you still have fuel in your tank. You may struggle to deadlift or bench press at the end of the day by wearing out yourself with other exercises first. This way, you know you’re working out big muscles, with big weights to reap those gains, even when during a quick workout.

Moreover, you’ll significantly cut down your training session time by ordering and grouping the exercises in a way that will reduce the travel across the gym and going for the necessary equipment. Crossing the gym and/or changing the equipment takes way more time than you may realize. Use this time as your resting time, and try to reduce their amount by grouping your lifts, which saves you time by staying at the same machine or station for multiple lifts.

Make your warm-up work for you

Even if you plan a quick workout, do not assume that you just can jumpstart your workout. Do not ever underestimate the power of warm up to avoid risks of injuries. But when you’re planning a quick workout as you’re short on time, make the warm up work for you. This means that you should get specific with your warm-up helping with what you’re planning to work ahead.

For example – there’s no need to do squats on a chest day. Instead, do a short circuit session of push-ups, bench press reps with an empty bar, or others that will warm up your chest exercises. Do a few quick rounds to have your heart pumping and your specific muscles ready for what’s ahead.

Focus on compound movements

Compound movements are extremely important both when you’re bulking and cutting, both when you have all the time in the world, or when you’re aiming for a quick workout. That’s because compound movements include more muscle groups and joints move simultaneously. They are very helpful when you’re trying to burn fat (as you work multiple muscles that burn calories), gain muscle (as you can lift heavier weights and work multiple muscles), and… they are incredibly valuable when you’re short on time. For very obvious reasons – you work multiple muscles all at once. Therefore, the right compound movement exercise could do the job of three different exercises, which saves you three times more time.

Whereas you may not get the same level of stress as an individual muscle group (that’s why single-joint/isolation exercises shouldn’t be underestimated), you’ll save lots of time and still cover the muscles you need to work out. Examples of compound lifts that hit multiple muscles at once are deadlifts, pull ups, push presses, dumbbell pullovers, dumbbell bench presses, and others. Don’t make them your entire workout, but definitely include a few compound movements in every workout.

Use supersets

Supersets are extremely helpful in achieving your bodybuilding goals even if you’re not short on time. But when you try to have an efficient and quick workout, supersets can be a game-changer! They can help you maximize the fatigue, and do it fast. In case you’re going to perform two glute exercises one after another, then your performance on the second exercise will greatly suffer. However, what if you work out two opposite muscles?

Therefore, if you work in supersets to opposite muscles, you can cut your rest time to almost nothing. You may need to rest just to catch your breath, but your muscles are always ready because they rest while working the opposite muscle. For example, instead of resting after bicep curls, squeeze in a set of triceps extensions. While you work on one muscle, the other rests. So you almost need no rest time.

Time your rest

Even if you perfectly group your muscles and even if you’re performing supersets, you may still need to rest. So, when you’re having all day to train, you may find yourself taking the time you need between sets and exercises. (But even then, ensure you’re not resting for too long unless you train for powerlifting). Yet, when you’re aiming for a quick workout, you need to ensure that your time is used as efficiently as possible. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your rest periods.

Scrolling on your phone between sets takes way more time than you may think. Aim to rest for 45-90 seconds. Set a timer and rest for the set amount of time, do not waste any time! Go for it if you feel you’re ready even sooner.

Ask to tap in

In the end, even if you have a perfectly planned routine, you may still hit a roadblock when all of the machines and stations you plan to use are busy. This is not uncommon on busy hours such as post 4 PM until 8-9 PM.

You may change your plan, move on to your next exercise, or… you could ask to tap in while that person using the machine is resting. Not only do you make sure that your training stays on track, but you could even get a new gym buddy which is always nice.

Example of a Quick Workout for Arms Gain When You’re Short on Time

As said, do not try to work out as quickly as possible whenever you’re in the gym, otherwise your performance and results may suffer. However, when you’re actually short on time and you need to go for a quick workout, it is important to make sure that you get the most out of your workout. After all, as said, a quick workout is better than no workout.

Below I’m going to share a sample workout that should take less than an hour to complete which still helps build up gains. It involves arms and shoulders – muscle groups that can be very time effective to work. Moreover, most exercises use dumbbells, so you can easily change between exercises. Ensure that you keep your rest time as short as possible (45 seconds or no more than 90 seconds).

It is important to understand, however, that bodybuilding is a slow game. You won’t see huge gains overnight. But this doesn’t really mean that your workouts always must be marathons. Sometimes, going for sprints every once in a while can even be beneficial. Moreover, you could speed up your gains and results by using the compounds you can buy for sale directly from Body-Gear.to. Anyway, check the quick workout example here:

  • Superset: seated dumbbell shoulder press and lateral raise 3×6&12
  • Superset: front plate raise and face pull: 2×12&12
  • Seated dumbbell curl: 3×8
  • Dumbbell overhead triceps extension: 3×8
  • Superset: incline hammer curl and triceps kickback: 2×12&12

Short on Time? You Can Still Reap Those Gains With Body Gear

Ultima-UndecaIn the end, thanks to these tips you’re still able to make some serious gains along the way, even if you go for shorter training sessions. Quick workouts can still be effective, as long as you’re doing them right. Combining longer workouts with quick workouts can be beneficial too.

However, if you are really looking forward to making gains and enhancing your performance in the gym faster, you should check out the compounds we offer for sale at Body-Gear.to. These anabolic steroids are the best quality on the market, which you can buy for the best prices, saving you time. We can also help you determine which ones to use and how to use them for the best results while making sure they are safe.

These compounds can help you boost your gains from a quick workout in multiple ways. Not only do they boost the recovery post workout, but they also boost the recovery during the workout, so you’ll save even more time. They also enhance strength and endurance, so you can lift for a longer period when you have time to, and lift heavier for bigger gains.


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