Grow Your Chest and Shoulder Muscles

Every man (or at least most) dreams about huge chest and shoulder muscles! But how do you efficiently grow these muscles that tend to look so amazing? It is the heavyweights that are building chest and shoulder muscles? Or do they just make you lift stronger? Maybe you should do more rounds with lighter weights? Or better fewer reps but maximum weight effort? A lot of people are asking these questions when they want to maximize their chest and shoulder muscles. In fact, these are extremely common questions when it comes to gaining overall muscle and strength, regardless of the muscle group we’re talking about.

To be honest, I doubt that anyone can say with 100% certainty. Nobody knows for sure the best method for muscle growth because we’re all different, with individual genetics, metabolisms, muscle makeup, and so on. Nevertheless, there do seem to be some general rules that help gain muscle. Therefore, when it comes to growing your chest and shoulder muscles, it is best to follow some rules.

Here, we’re going to share some of the best exercises (of course, these are not all of them, as there is a huge variety of exercises for you to try) and some of the best methods to grow your chest and shoulder muscles.

  • Another way that would definitely help speed up your chest and shoulder muscle gains is anabolic steroids. They were proven by a lot of studies and people who already tried them that they are extremely efficient at speeding up muscle gains. Moreover, they are not focusing only on your chest and shoulder muscles – they’ll help gain muscle all over your body as long as you eat right and train all muscle groups!

The 5-20 Method

So, as said, lots of people are wondering whether it is better to do more reps with moderate weights, or fewer reps with heavier weights. The studies confirm that in order to get the best results it is best to go for both. That’s because this way, you’re going to get the best of both worlds. Have a spread of rep ranges, kicking off with a heavy lift, and then moving your way up to more reps. This means that you start with 5 reps and then work your way up to 20 reps.

Working this way, and doing the exercises I will share below, will work your chest and shoulder muscles, as well as your triceps – a group of muscles that are working together in perfect synergy. With these exercises and with the 5-20 method, you will hit your muscles from all angles with a range of reps.

So, you first warm up, then work your way through five rounds of the exercises I will share below in a circuit. You must make sure that you go for the correct form and choose your weight carefully. Both when you go for the high rep sets, and heavier weights lower reps. Also, in between each exercise, rest enough just to catch your breath. Do not have long rest periods. 30-60 seconds is enough for most. Then you can rest for 2-3 minutes between each set to fully recover, reset, and go hard again.

So, here’s what you aim for:

Standing Barbell Press

You start this movement by holding a barbell across the top of your chest. Take a breath and engage your core as you press the bar overhead. It’s important to squeeze your glutes so you can keep your back from extending. Lock the weight overhead. Lower the weight as you maintain control of your shoulders. Go for the correct weight to perform 5 reps.


Dips are great for your triceps and shoulder exercising, somewhat engaging your chest and your abdominal muscles too. You start by jumping up on two parallel bars with your palms facing inward and straight arms. This exercise can be done at home by using two boxes or the backs of two sturdy chairs. But you’re unlikely to have the barbell for the standing barbell press, and for the tricep extensions, you will have it listed below. As you’re up between the bars, slowly lower yourself down, engaging your core and not moving anything else except your arms. Lower until your elbows are at right angles. Make sure you do not flare outward. Push yourself back up to the top. Repeat this movement 10 times.


Start in a plank position. Make sure that your core is tight and that your hands are stacked below your shoulders. Keep your elbows close to your body as you bend your elbows to lower your chest close to the floor. Push back up explosively after your chest almost touches the floor. You could go for weighted push-ups (as well as weighted dips) if you’re a veteran with lots of strength. Repeat for 15 times.

Tricep Extensions

You start this movement by lying flat on a bench or on the floor with a barbell locked out above your chest. Bend at the elbows (only), keeping your arms still and slowly lowering the bar towards your forehead. Keep your upper arms locked and perpendicular to the bench. Lower the bar until you’re just about to touch your head, and press back up explosively. Carefully choose the weight to repeat this movement 20 times.

Want a Huge Chest and Shoulders (and triceps)?

If you’re ready to enhance your chest, shoulders, and triceps, making some huge muscle and strength gains, then try out this 5-20 circuit. Keep in mind that this is just an example of a 5-20 circuit, as there are numerous other exercises you could try. With the help of all the gym equipment at your disposal, there are numerous other 5-20 circuits you could try that could help boost your chest and shoulder muscles in no time.

Besides, you can try our bulking compounds that will significantly support your weight lifting journey, increase your performance, and boost your gains. Go for the best anabolic steroids quality from and you’ll also save money as you enhance your bodybuilding efforts, ensuring you’ll gain huge chest and shoulder muscles in no time!


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