Back Workouts – Best Exercises

A broad back and a kickass V-shape look perfect, isn’t it? You want it, I want it, every man wants it. It looks manly, and significantly improves your aesthetic physique. A huge back will definitely improve your performance as well. It will help with your gym performance and with your daily needs such as carrying things around, playing with kids, and soon. However, a broad back with a V-shape isn’t something you can get so easily. It requires time and dedication, with a lot of hard work. However, no time, work, or dedication will bring the results you want without proper knowledge of how to do it.

That’s why Body Gear is here. We will help share what you need to know about the best back exercises, so you can implement them into your back workouts for the best and fastest possible results. Moreover, at you can find the Gear for your Body that helps you achieve your body physique and performance goals much faster. They will also help break through plateaus if you’re an experienced lifter. You can get the best quality compounds from the most popular manufacturers for the cheapest prices online!

Anyway, here you will find various back exercises for you to try. Pretty sure you’ve already tried some of them, but there are some variations and maybe some new back exercises you may find. Include them and this way you’re going to make sure you’re gaining the back muscle you’ve been dreaming of.

In the end, the back workouts I will share below may be new for you, but they are sure to work.

The Best Back Exercises For You

These are some of the best back exercises for you because of a number of factors. Those factors are:

  • Ease to learn and perform
  • Total muscle stimulation and intensity
  • Their go-to status among seasoned lifters
  • Availability of machines/equipment in most gyms

So, are you ready for a big back? Check the exercises you should include in your workouts below.

The classic pull-up

An overhead pulling movement, like, for example, the classic pull-up, is definitely one of the best back workouts you can implement into your workouts. There are different variations that I recommend implementing. Each comes with their own advantages as they work slightly different muscles. Wide grip, close grip chins, neutral grip among many others – they are all awesome! You can go for chin-ups, wide grip pull-ups, neutral pull-ups, weighted pull-ups or chins, spotter, machine, or band assisted pull-ups, pull-ups on gymnastic rings, and numerous others – they all come with different advantages as they work different muscles. Assisted variations are great, exactly as the weighted ones are, depending on your rep range and experience.

Bent over row

Bent over row is another exercise that you must include in your back workouts if you want the muscular back muscles. A well-rounded back exercise, this move is the key to building the upper back, lower back, lats, traps, and spinal erectors – in short, your entire back! You could start heavy bent-over rows at the start of your back workout with heavy weights and lower rep ranges. But you could also go for lighter weights and more reps too. Similar to pull-ups, there are various variations you could add to your back workouts. Some include bent-over dumbbell or kettlebell rows, underhand or overhand grip bent-over rows, as well as pendlay rows (each rep starts from the floor).


Deadlift is an exercise that most people add only on their leg days. Yes, deadlifts are great for your legs, but they are also one of the best exercises for back muscles too. That’s why deadlifts are easily some of the best and most popular exercises around – they work so many muscles! Therefore, a lot of seasoned lifters focus both their back days and leg days around deadlifts! It is extremely important, however, to nail the form! But once you do, you can go for those huge weights which bring huge results. Moreover, more often than not, seasoned lifters go for heavy weights, with sets of fewer than 8 reps, at the beginning of the workout when they are still fresh. Deadlift variations include barbell deadlift from the floor, Romanian deadlift (using barbell or dumbbell), trap bar deadlift, barbell rack pull, snatch grip deadlift or others.

Seated row

The advantage of the classic seated row is that it maintains constant tension through every inch of the movement, unlike many free-weight variations around. Moreover, most gyms provide a variety of handle grips, which adds quite significant muscle variation to this back exercise. Usually, it is performed toward the end of the workout. You can go for slighter higher reps with it, of about 10-15 reps. Some key row variations that you could add to your back workouts are machine seated row, plate-loaded high row, high cable standing row, single arm cable row (kneeling, seated, half kneeling), cable row (narrow, medium, wide, overhand, underhand, neutral grip) and others.

T-bar row

The T-bar row may seem like another bent-over row variation back exercise. Nonetheless, the T-bar row actually has some huge differences. For example, you can stack on more weight (which will lead to higher muscle contraction). Moreover, you may also have a choice of hand positions and width, which again leads to different muscle contractions. For example, with a wide grip, you focus more on the lats. With the neutral grip, you will target the middle back better (such as traps, rhomboids, and teres). The T-bar row variations that you can add to your best back exercises list for your next workout include the landmine row holding a wide T handle or the bar, the T-bar row, or the lying T-bar row.

Lat pull-down

Should I even mention it? You could grab it with a wide-grip bar (which is very popular), or a close neutral grip for activating the lats. You could go for a multitude of grips, which allow for a longer range of motion, increasing the time under tension for lats, and ensuring you grow huge back muscles. It is very important to keep a proper form during this movement, keeping a slow tempo, with controlled movements. Squeeze hard at the bottom of each rep and allow a good stretch at the top of the move. Examples of lat pull-down variations for ultimate gains include neutral, underhand, or overhand grip pull-down (narrow, medium, or wide), single arm pull-down, rope handle pull-down, half kneeling, or full kneeling pull down among others.

Single-arm Smith machine row

The reason why single-arm Smith machine row is so helpful is because it provides a fixed plane of movement, allowing you to pull heavy loads with a lot of stability. This exercise can deliver outstanding results. You can think of it as a cross between a dumbbell row and a machine row. It uses the benefits of both for maximum gains. As with other back exercises, there are different variations you could add to your training plan such as the Smith machine bent-over row or bodyweight inverted row, including the single-arm Smith machine row.

Single-arm dumbbell row

It is easily one of the most popular back exercises out there, which is nowadays an absolute classic when it comes to the best back exercises. It allows you to move a lot of weight, especially if you want to use straps. This is why you will gain huge muscles. However, it is one of the back exercises that a lot of people make a lot of mistakes. Therefore, before you go for heavy weights, it is crucial for you to first ensure you nail the form. You can train bilaterally or unilaterally with it. You can also do it by placing one hand on a bench or without the bench. May also try one hand and one leg on the bench. There are other different variations you need to include in your workouts. Aim for 8 to 12 reps in the middle or the end of your workout.

Dumbbell pull-over

This single-joint move will allow you to really target and fire up those lats! It will work your lats even more if you’re strategic about your variations. You could try performing it on a decline, putting your lats under tension for a longer range of motion than when you use a flat bench. Again, there are different pull-over variations that help grow your back muscles. They include straight-arm pull-downs, decline or flat bench pull-over (with a dumbbell, barbell, or weight plate), as well as cable pull-over.

Chest-supported row

While each of these back exercises varies quite a lot, unlike the T-bar rows or bent-over rows, the chest-supported row will not set your lower back on fire. This means that it is a better option if you already suffer from lower back pains or if you’re a beginner. It is also a better option if you want to go heavy. The bench will also enforce strict techniques. Therefore, you need to keep a good form. Some variations include an incline bench chest-supported row (dumbbell, kettlebell, cable) or a seal row (barbell row on an elevated flat or incline bench).

The Best Back Workouts

Check below some examples of best back exercises, including sets, reps, and rest. Go for the proper weight that will allow you to do them with good form, but ensure you don’t go too light either. Remember that you need to target the back from all angles, so if you want to add some width to you, you will need the row variations among the pull variations. Yet, the machine that helps grow your back is another important element to add to your best back workouts. After all, it is not all about free weights. With machines, you could also go for high rep and short rest. Or you could go for low reps and heavier weight ensuring you do not risk lower back or core issues.

  • Rack pull – 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps with 120 seconds rest.
  • Neutral grip pull-up – 3 sets of 6 to 10 reps with 90 seconds rest.
  • T-bar row – 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps with 90 seconds rest.
  • Bent-arm dumbbell pullover – 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps with 90 seconds rest.
  • Reverse-grip bent over row – 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps with 120 seconds rest.
  • Wide grip seated cable row – 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps with 60 seconds rest.
  • Single-arm dumbbell row – 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps with 90 seconds rest (but no rest between sides).
  • Smith machine bent over row, underhand grip – 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps with 60 seconds rest.
  • Seated row, wide grip handle, overhand or neutral grip – 4 sets of 12 reps with 60 seconds rest.
  • Close-grip pull down – 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps with 60 seconds rest.

Ready For a Huge Back?

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Of course, you are! If you’re searching for the best back exercises to grow bigger and stronger back muscles, you’ve found the right place! At you can find a lot of helpful information about how to get bigger and stronger back muscles, including numerous other helpful info about how to get overall bigger, stronger, and leaner.

Not only that, but at you can find various gear that will support your goals for a huge back, and overall huge muscles! We have anabolic steroids and numerous other compounds that you could give a try and experience some mind-blowing physique and performance enhancement results! Try Body Gear today and you will enjoy the best quality compounds from the best manufacturers on the market for the best prices! This way you save money as you ensure the highest quality compounds that help you pack on muscle, get lean, and recover faster. This way, you can faster and easier smash your back goals, regardless if you’re a beginner or a seasoned lifter.


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