How To Clean Bulk

When you’re attempting to gain some serious muscle, you’re likely looking for a bulking cycle, and I would recommend you check ways to follow a clean bulk plan. There are several ways to bulk up, and if you’re not doing it correctly, you may end up gaining too much fat, or not gaining muscle.

You need to learn how to clean bulk, which will help you gain muscle in a sustainable, healthy way, without adding fat or putting your health at risk.

What is a Clean Bulk?

As you know, bulking means you’re eating in a calorie surplus. You basically eat more calories than you burn. The aim is to gain weight. You pair it with high intensity resistance training in order to rocket those gains, get stronger, and pack on size and muscle. However, a clean bulk is very similar, but it involves paying closer attention to what you’re eating and having a controlled calorie surplus. That’s because this way, you will avoid gaining excessive fat and straining your organs.

A clean bulk still involves eating in a calorie surplus, still involves training hard, heavily, regularly, correctly, and so on. The difference between a clean bulk vs a dirty bulk is that a clean bulk is about limiting the calories from junk food, processed foods, unhealthy foods, etc. which promotes lean muscle growth.

A clean bulk, therefore, is going to help you feel better, look better, and perform better. Nonetheless, a dirty bulking plan is going to help you add weight faster. Yet, it will compromise your organs, and overall health, and way more likely to add excessive fat gains. That’s why I wouldn’t recommend a dirty bulking plan, and I would always recommend a clean bulk.

Dirty vs Clean Bulking Foods

During a dirty bulking plan, there’s basically nothing you can’t have. And there’s no limit to calories. But a clean bulking plan involves eating in 10-20% (maybe more if using anabolic steroids) over the maintenance calories and only healthy, and whole foods. A dirty bulking sounds good, but there are side effects to consider:


  • Excess fat gain
  • Feeling sluggish
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood sugar levels
  • Among others

A clean bulk doesn’t allow you to eat as much as you want or whatever you want. But you avoid those side effects and you’re way more likely to love the way you feel and look. That’s why I recommend a clean bulk plan.


Starting a Clean Bulking Diet

In order to start your clean bulk, you need to first know your maintenance calories. You can use online calculators to help you estimate that number. There are various factors that determine your maintenance calories such as your age, gender, weight, height, and weekly activity level. So, when you find it out, add 10 to 20% more for a calorie surplus. Usually, that’s in the range of 250 to 750 calories for most people. This is the surplus of calories you should be eating per day. For example – your maintenance is 2500 calories per day, you should be eating 2750-3000 calories per day.

Besides calories, you should master your nutritional intake. You should aim for 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. And also get about 30% of your calories from fats. The rest – carbohydrates. Usually, a clean bulk breaks down the macronutrients into:

  • 40% protein
  • 30% carbs
  • 30% fats

(where 2750-3000 calories is your 100% of calories, following the example above.)

In order to achieve such a balance, you need to make smart food choices. Look at food as fuel that helps you make gains, fuel your workouts, help recover post-workout, and so on. You should also make sure you get enough micronutrients (such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants). To get the right balance of macronutrients and enough micronutrients, you should avoid high fat, high sugar, processed foods, junk foods, and other unhealthy foods.

  • More calories means more weight. However, the macronutrients will determine the type of weight that you will gain (fat or muscle). That’s why you should aim for the right balance of macros.

Clean Bulking Foods (Which To Eat and Which To Avoid)

Keep high calorie, junk, unhealthy, and processed foods at bay. Focus on whole, healthy, and unprocessed foods. The amount of processed foods during a clean bulk should be kept at a minimum.

Foods to eat:

  • Healthy fats (avocados, nuts, olive oils, fatty fish)
  • Lean proteins (turkey, chicken, greek yogurt, fish, eggs)
  • Fruit (berries, pineapple, bananas, oranges)
  • Legumes (chickpeas, any beans, kidney beans)
  • High quality carbs (quinoa, oats, whole grain pasta, sweet and white potatoes, rice)
  • Veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, spinach)
  • Drinks (sugarless tea and coffee, lots of water)

These are just examples of foods you can eat.

Foods to avoid:

  • Highly processed foods (fried foods, sugary cereals, fast foods, chips, canned soups, ice cream, cakes, candy, packaged pastries, processed meats like sausages)
  • High fat proteins (fatty cuts of pork or beef)
  • Saturated fats (various oils, margarine, butter)
  • Drinks (sugar coffee or tea, lemonade, soft drinks, fizzy sodas and any sugary drinks)

These are just examples of foods you should avoid.

Other Important Facts to Consider

During a clean bulk (in fact, during any bulking program) there are various other important things you should keep in mind. They will significantly help with your bulking goals. They go as:

  • Get plenty of sleep. Clean bulking food, dirty bulking food, cutting, or whatever else – you need to get a lot of sleep in order to achieve your goals. Rest is extremely important for mass gain. Feeling fatigued or overtraining will not grow your muscles. In fact, the actual moment when you grow muscle is when you rest and sleep!
  • Cardio and clean bulk. We all think that cardio is only helpful for losing weight or staying fit. In fact, some cardio during a clean bulk can help promote cardiovascular health and keep some fat gains at bay. It helps you stay fit and may even aid recovery.
  • Compound movements. I can’t stress the importance of compound movements when you aim to grow muscle. While you can go for isolation lifts in order to grow muscle in places where you most want it, compound exercises are crucial during any bulking plan. These movements use more muscles, allowing you to go for bigger weights, and promoting mass gains!
  • Avoid prolonged bulk. After a while of bulking, your body’s insulin sensitivity may start to decline, making it easier to gain fat. Also, your body can get used, making it easier to bulk up. You need to stop every once in a while to give your body the time it requires to get accustomed to the new weight. Then you can restart again.

Clean Bulk Benefits

  • Clean bulking foods limit excess fat gains. During a clean bulk, you have a calorie surplus but in a calorie controlled approach. Moreover, the most important is that the calories you are taking are whole, unprocessed, healthy foods. You limit the junk, high fat, and high sugary foods. These two will support your muscle gains, not fatty gains.
  • Reduces health risks. By eating whole, unprocessed, healthy foods, you will not experience the health issues commonly associated with consuming too many calories from junk foods. Some of the most prominent health issues in a dirty bulking plan include high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure levels, putting a lot of strain on your organs.
  • Great nutrition. While it is almost the same as when talking about reducing health risks, a clean bulk plan will fuel your body with excellent nutrition. You won’t only get a proper balance of macros, but you get plenty of vitamins, fiber, minerals, and phytonutrients. You’ll have a great digestive system, reducing the risks of diabetes, heart disease, and many more.

Clean Bulk Downsides

  • May not progress as fast. During a clean bulk, you’re eating in a controlled calorie surplus. This leaves room for further bulking progress. That’s why the progress may be slower compared to the progress of a dirty bulking plan that involves eating way more calories. Moreover, if you’re unsure what you’re doing during a clean bulk, you may misjudge your calorie needs. This means that you could stop further progressing without you even knowing it. Especially that you must adjust calories every couple of weeks as you gain more weight.
  • A clean bulk is pretty strict. The major downside of a clean bulk is that it is pretty strict. While it allows you to eat a variety of foods, it still requires a relatively strict eating pattern. But this is what differentiates those who are muscular and fat (usually with health issues) from those who are muscular and lean (usually very healthy). You need to avoid processed foods, sugary foods, junk food, fast food, high fat food, and others. These are usually the foods that a lot of people are craving such as snacky foods and others. But you must focus on the healthy, nutritious ones that you can have. This is a bigger problem especially when holidays and parties are around the corner.

Ready To Clean Bulk?

Sure you are. While a clean bulking diet may seem pretty restrictive, keep in mind that it still involves a calorie surplus and it still allows you to eat a variety of different foods. If you’re new to the clean bulk, it is the beginning that seems the hardest. You must count the calories and pay close attention to what you’re eating. Yet, remember that you still eat more than your body needs. Plus, you’re allowed to about 10% of high fat or high sugar foods from your calories. But still make sure that at least 90% of your calories come from unprocessed, whole, unhealthy foods. Also, go for the right balance of macronutrients in order to make sure you keep fat at bay and support your workout, recovery, and muscle gains the right way.

But if you’re serious about lifting heavy and achieving some huge muscle gains, Body Gear is here to help you. Besides lots of helpful information and personalized cycle plans, you can buy our bulking anabolic steroids that will provide the best effects when it comes to bodybuilding. There’s just nothing better. At you can buy the best steroids for sale on the market, ensuring you get 100% real and best quality products, for the lowest prices on the market. We can guide you to bulking, guide you on how to use steroids effectively and keep the side effects at bay, including lots of other helpful info. With Body Gear, you’re on your way to bulking up fast, safely, and efficiently!


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