How To Bulk Up Fast

Nobody has the patience to bulk up so we would all love to do it as fast as possible. Although we all should learn to have this patience to bulk up, there are still methods that can help bulk up faster. Whereas there is no shortcut and we still need to work out hard, and diet right, if you are following the right methods, you can still bulk up fast. So, today, we’re going to determine how to bulk up – fast.

The bulking season (usually, when months start to feel colder and you don’t have so many opportunities to whip off your shirt, showing off your muscle definition) focuses on supersizing those muscles and strength gain. Therefore, it focuses on two core principles: consume a lot of food in order to keep yourself in a calorie surplus and lift big – regular exercise to trigger muscle gain (hypertrophy). This will help you bulk up before the next cutting season hits (where you focus on muscle definition). While it may sound easy enough, there are still lots of mistakes that a lot of people tend to make.

We’re here to share tips and methods on how to bulk up fast, the right way.

Mistakes To Avoid When Bulk Up

One of the most common and biggest mistakes out there during bulking season is that the so-called “dirty bulk” is going to help get you those everyone-beloved gains. A dirty bulk is typically a diet full of fatty fast food and some crazy shakes. Basically, it involves eating “whatever your eyes see”. The problem is that usually, such a diet type has very little nutritional benefit. This is basically a binge fest without cheat meals because every day is a cheat day. It sounds like a dream come true, but it usually leads to excessive weight gain and minimal muscle growth. That’s something you surely want to avoid.

So, the right way to bulk up fast definitely doesn’t consist of a dirty bulk plan. This type of routine usually results in an enlarged waistline, with a lot of fat addition, and likely causing havoc on your internal organs and overall health. In short, the food you eat is the fuel. And as you wouldn’t put cheap fuel in your Ferrari, you definitely wouldn’t want to put cheap (poor quality) foods in your body (as long as you think of it as a Ferrari-type of body).

Bulk Up The Right Way

Bulking up the right way means that instead of eating processed, junk and fast food sitting on the couch, you’re eating good quality protein, complex carbs, and essential fats, with enough fiber as well as enough micronutrients (like antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals). At the same time, besides a healthy diet, you’re getting decent sleep and are working out intensely and regularly. This is the basics of a healthy bulk.

In other words shortly – you’re working out hard, eating smart and balanced, while getting a lot of rest. In order to support muscle growth, you need to provide everything that your body needs to grow. That includes healthy food options. Filling your body with greasy foods will not only add fat and make it unhealthy for your body and organs but will hinder your performance in the gym, which hinders your muscle building potential too.

Moreover, whereas you could use anabolic steroids to provide the anabolic (muscle building) hormones to your body, the right diet and workout plan still helps provide other anabolic steroids that your body still needs to grow muscle!

So, anabolic steroids are doing a perfect job of boosting muscle growth. Anabolic steroids are perhaps the best way to bulk up fast. There’s nothing better when it comes to bulk up fast. They help speed up the process a lot. But still, to bulk up fast the right way, you still need rest, smart foods, and a workout. This is how you take the most advantages out of those anabolic steroids you may plan to use to bulk up fast.

It is very important to plan ahead and keep track. A long term strategy of nutrition and training hard is what helps you go through the bulking cycle successfully.

How Much Should You Be Eating?

Similar to losing weight, everything is different when it comes to the best way to gain muscle. There’s no size that fits for everyone. We all have our own needs, goals, and body types. You should learn to listen to your body and see what works best. Still, one thing that makes us all alike is that we need the right type of food, and in order to gain muscle, we generally need to eat in a calorie surplus. How much of a surplus, however, greatly differs from one person to another. Genetically gifted people could gain a lot of muscle with only a little (or even no) surplus. Those unfortunate people who are genetically doomed may find it hard to gain despite their huge calorie surplus.

Luckily, however, anabolic steroids can help both these types. In the end, you may have heard that there are usually three types of people when it comes to bulking up and gaining weight.

  1. Ectomorphs. Those with fast metabolism, which make gaining weight harder. These people need to eat a lot of calories to bulk up.
  2. Mesomorphs. Those with average metabolism, and awesome genetics, make it all very easy to gain muscle mass for them.
  3. Endomorphs. Usually, these people find that they can gain weight (and fat) fast and easily. They need almost no calorie surplus to gain weight.

Rule Out Calories For Bulking

In the end, you need to work out your own calories and find out what works best for you and your bulking plan. First, you need to find your maintenance calories. That includes the basal metabolic rate (BMR) with your weekly activity level. After you find it out, you need to eat more than maintenance calories to gain weight. That is going to be a calorie surplus. How much of a surplus depends on each person individually. Usually, you should aim for about 10-20% above maintenance. Some people go straight to around 500 calories over their maintenance which is another fairly good plan.

In the end, you shouldn’t attempt to get too many calories over the maintenance because this will most likely turn into too much fat. It is obvious why you shouldn’t get too few calories over the maintenance – you may not bulk up. At least, you definitely won’t bulk up fast.

So, a 165 lbs (75 kg) man has a BMR of about 1,750 calories a day. Assuming he is relatively active, that would be around 2700 calories a day for maintenance. If he wants to bulk up, he wants to add up about 10-20% more. This means 2700 calories per day + 270-540 per day which means he should eat anywhere between 2970 to 3240 calories a day in order to keep a calorie surplus and bulk up.

You may adjust calories (add or remove) based on your activity levels and results. For example, you need to increase more if your activity level increases or decrease if your activity level decreases. Or could decrease more in case you notice you add fat or increase in case you notice little to no results.

Tips To Create a Bulking Food Plan

So, after you’ve made your calculations, you’ve finally found out the amount of calories you should consume per day. The thing is that you can get that exact number of calories every day from both junk food and healthy foods. That would make a huge difference. The reason is that your body may receive or may not receive whatever it needs in order to grow muscles, because it is not all about calories.

Two different people with the exact same stats, activity levels, and calorie amount per day they consume will get two very different results depending on the macronutrients they get. One may get more fat with less muscle, and the other way may get more muscle with less fat, despite the same activity level and calorie intake. So, you need to establish the macronutrient breakdown of your diet. That’s why you shouldn’t load yourself with the wrong foods.

  • The approximate macronutrient breakdown involves around 40% of carbs, 25% of protein, and 35% of fat. You could slightly adjust according to your needs, but nothing too drastic, otherwise you risk going in the wrong macros bulking plan.

This is the reason it is so important to pay attention to what you’re eating when you’re bulking (the right types of food). At the same time, keeping track of how many calories you’re eating is super important too (how much you’re eating). In short, you pay attention to how many calories and grams of each macronutrient you eat. In most cases, this will usually provide you with enough micronutrients too (antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals). But if you binge fest on junk, processed, and fast foods – you’ll be very unlikely to get the necessary micronutrients and won’t have a good macro balance.

The Best Products To Bulk Up Fast

Anabolic Steroids

Everyone knows that there’s nothing better than anabolic steroids to help you to bulk up fast. There’s nothing that will help you speed up your muscle building process. So, when it comes to products that help you bulk up the fastest way, anabolic steroids are what you should be looking for. You may be afraid of their side effects because the media puts them in a bad light, making them look extremely dangerous. While it is true that anabolic steroids can have side effects, you can keep them at bay as long as you use quality steroids and know how to use them right.

Luckily, you can buy real and the best quality steroids (for sale, for the most affordable prices) directly from Moreover, also here, you can learn how to use them correctly. With an individual cycle plan, we help determine which steroids you need and how to use them right, specifically for you and your bulking goals.

In the end, here are some examples of steroids that help you bulk up fast – Testosterone, Dianabol (methandienone), Anadrol (oxymetholone), Deca Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate), Equipoise (boldenone undecanoate) and others. There’s also HGH (human growth hormone) that helps speed up muscle growth in different ways than steroids do. They are not essential, but they will definitely speed up the process of muscle growth and can help gain muscle mass even if you hit a plateau. They help gain muscle over your natural limit.


Vitamins, Minerals, and Antioxidants

Your body requires these micronutrients in order to power up your strength, provide defense against injury (and even against side effects from steroids), speed up protein synthesis which helps increase muscle growth, and numerous other benefits. The reason why they are not essential is because, usually, if you have the right diet, you are getting all of them from the foods that you’re eating.

However, they can still be helpful as your body gets a higher amount of these micronutrients. They are even more helpful assuming that your body doesn’t get some of them. Some examples include vitamin D3, vitamin C, vitamin A, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, copper, beta-carotene, anthocyanins, and others.


Again, supplements are not essential to bulk up fast, but they can be helpful to help bulk up faster. We’re talking about various supplements that can help achieve your goals. The two most popular ones are creatine and protein. If you get enough of them from food, however, you don’t need them. Probiotics, caffeine, beta-alanine, L-Leucine, and L-Arginine are also some examples of supplements that can help keep your body in top form while you’re pushing for those gains.

In the end, as you may see, no products are vital in order to bulk up as long as you have the right diet plan, get enough sleep (rest), and workout correctly. However, each and every one of these products can help to bulk up fast. So, if you’re looking to do it fast, you should consider adding at least some of them. If you’re financially able, you could add all of them. Adding the right products (steroids, supplements, and micronutrients), with the right diet (foods you eat), the right workout plan (training plan), and the right amount of rest – you’re on the sure and right way to bulk up fast!

Best Bulk Up Exercises

As long as you’re searching for those massive gains, the time that you’re spending working out needs to be spent on maximizing the time under tension of your muscles. Maximizing the time under tension of your muscle will maximize the micro tears, inflammation, and blood flow in those muscle fibers that they need in order to grow.

That’s why you need enough sleep and a proper diet – you allow those muscle fibers to repair, which results in huge strength and muscle gains. That’s why one can’t go without the other. You need rest AND diet AND workout. If one of them is off, you can’t grow muscle.

So, when you plan your bulking exercises, you need to base your workout around compound movements. Some good examples are deadlifts, bench presses, squats, chin-ups, as well as bent over rows. At the same time, you aim to limit the calorie burning metabolic conditioning. That’s why some avoid doing any cardio during bulking at all. Whereas it can be helpful to keep you healthy, you definitely don’t need it to grow muscle. And if you struggle to eat more and gain more muscle, avoiding cardio might actually be a good idea.

Muscle Groups To Train During Bulking Cycle

When you want to bulk up and do it fast, you need to train each major muscle group at least twice a week. This will maximize the results and help speed up the muscle building process. I would recommend starting with four sets of 6 to 10 reps of the compound exercise in each workout. As you are progressing each week, you should aim for a progressive overload. This usually involves increasing the weights during exercises. This will gradually overload your muscles for maximum results.

  • After you’ve worked out with huge weights in the big lifts you should provide the necessary rest of your bulk up workouts, focusing on accessory work. This involves single joint movements, such as pec flyers, lateral raises, tricep pull-downs, and bicep curls.

So, want to get big? Lift big! And the best advice you will get in order to bulk up is – go hard or go home. Make sure you won’t grow muscle as long as you stay in your comfort zone. Do not rush your workout, but work out until your muscles cannot take much more.

For that, you should go through slow tempo rest-pause sets. Select the weight that you can rep ten times (with good form) until you cannot do it anymore. Then do 2-3 more reps while allowing a bit of form loss. You shouldn’t be able to reach 15 reps until you have a horrible form, but you shouldn’t attempt doing so because of the risk of injury. In short, you need to feel the burn and work to failure!

Best Exercises to Bulk Up

There are plenty of exercises that you should implement in your bulking workout plan. But I am going to share some bulking exercises that you just can’t omit when attempting to bulk up fast.


This exercise targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. You should go heavy with four sets of 5-8 reps. The deadlift is among the best total-body moves for building muscle and burning fat. That’s why it is such a popular exercise.


Another exercise that you have most likely heard about before because of how immensely effective it is. This one targets your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. You could also have a different variety of squads too. Aim for 4 to 5 sets of 6 to 8 reps with moderate heavy weight.


You just can’t be big without a big back and arms. A chin-up is definitely among the best bulking exercises around that targets your upper back, biceps, and core. You should aim for 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 12 reps with a fairly long rest in between sets (of 2-3 minutes). You can use different variations too.

Incline Bench Press

What kind of a bulking workout plan is without the famous bench press? This one mostly targets your chest, as we all know, but it also targets the triceps and shoulders too. You could involve different variations when on an incline, either upward or downward. You could start with dumbbells if you’re a beginner because it is safer. Aim for 4 to 6 sets of 6 to 10 repetitions with moderate loads.

Bulk Up Fast With Body Gear

If you want to get huge gains fast, Body Gear is your best friend. Besides the fact that we offer a lot of valuable information regarding how to bulk up fast, the right way to work out, and how to have the right bulking diet plan, we also provide valuable information on how to use anabolic steroids the right way. Not to mention that we provide powerful bulking compounds that help you get there in no time.

Buy real and quality steroids online at and you’re on your right way to get all the gains fast. We are also going to help you save money, as we provide the best anabolic steroids on the market for the best prices. If you’re afraid of the side effects or are unsure which steroids you need or how to use them right, a professional bodybuilder can help you with that, with an individual cycle plan. So, learn how to correctly bulk up fast in terms of diet, workout plan, rest, as well as anabolic steroids and in some months you will become the absolute best and biggest version of yourself!


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