Upper and Lower Body Exercises

Are you searching for effective upper and lower body exercises? Check this article! You may know that in order to gain muscle and strength, there’s a science to it. You don’t just go to the gym and start randomly lifting whatever weights in whatever ways. If there’s someone who does, it is no wonder they just can’t grow muscle. To put on lean muscle mass, you will need to have a wise and informed approach to your diet (we have numerous blog posts that can help with that) and training (there are a lot of articles that can help with that too). However, here we’re going to share some efficient upper and lower body exercises to see progress.

  • But then again, before we continue I should mention that regardless if you’re a beginner or veteran lifter, you will need to know how to make serious gains. This involves putting a lot of work in the gym with proper form and doing math in the kitchen, eating healthy and correctly.

So, even if you’re a pro, or especially a beginner, here you’re going to find a lot of helpful info, regarding upper and lower body exercises. Use them in your gym sessions and you’re going to make sure to reap those gains or break through plateaus. These bodybuilding tips will help you unlock some new milestones. They help improve your technique, smashing it in the gym.

Upper Body Exercises

Most guys love training their upper body. The big upper body looks great, no doubt. However, to achieve results, you are going to need to train correctly. That involves a combination of compound movements and isolated movements. It is quite obvious that these are not all the exercises you can do to achieve a huge upper body. The list is almost endless. You should interchange exercises every now and then. But these are some of the best exercises.

Incline dumbbell bench press

It is a perfect way to build your upper chest. Make sure to tuck your arms at 45 degrees. Do it in a slow controlled movement.


Lean forward to do shrugs so your shoulders will be directly on top of the weight. This will give you a better range of movement and alignment.

Dumbbell row

Excellent for your lats, they are easier on your lower back by sporting your torso. Use a low incline bench, having a more stable position by resting on your elbow.

Dumbbell pullover

This is a highly underrated exercise. It can stimulate your lats, chest, and triceps all at once. Tuck your hips when you raise your arms, with lats stretched further, leading to more contraction.

Lateral raise

Lateral raises are perfect for delts. Slightly lean forward and raise your arms, having a better range of motion, and engaging more muscles.

Barbell curl

The biceps are pretty straightforward muscles. Try to go with a straight bar that fully rotates your wrist, getting better contraction from this exercise.

Triceps Press

Going for a standard cable press you are going to keep your upper arm glued to your torso, perfect for isolating two of the heads in the triceps, but leaving out the third. Allow the upper arm to drift forward slightly during the eccentric phase and tick it back to your sides as you press. You’ll engage all three heads at the same time. Control the movement!

Lower Body Exercises

Yes, training your lower body can hurt, we all know it. That’s why lots of guys hate training their lower bodies. However, never skip leg day! It burns more calories, it looks aesthetic, and it helps you have strong legs. After all, let’s face it – nobody loves a gorilla with a huge upper body and chicken legs.

Hip Thrust

Want huge glutes? Go for hip thrust. By keeping a short range of motion, you’ll focus on your glutes. Go for heavier weights. Go for the full range of motion including hamstrings and glutes if that’s what you need.

Back Squat

Back squats are versatile and highly helpful. They can be risky for beginners and people with lower back issues, but you must do them as long as you want huge legs. A common error when performing them is shifting the weight too far one way, either towards the heels or toes. Place a set of small change plates under the middle of your feet when warming up. This will engage your legs in the best way.

Romanian deadlift

You could find that sinking into a hinge is easier if you turn your feet out slightly. Such a rotation will place your glutes into a shortened position, stabilizing your hips and helping to support you.

Hamstring Curl

Using machines involves a fixed range of motion. This can be restrictive. Yet, they usually focus on single muscle exercises. When you use the hamstring curl machine, push your hips into the pad, with the thighs resting on the pad (don’t push against it). It won’t encourage you to put weight on a different part of the body.

Cable Crunch

If you want to target your arbs, cable crunch is a perfect way. This exercise isolates them very efficiently. Squeeze your glutes and lock your pelvis during the set. That’ll be the base for your abs to contract.

Upper and Lower Body: Conclusion

It is extremely important to understand that these are just examples of exercises. Changing up exercises is very important to see yourself grow. Moreover, it is of utmost importance to understand that good technique is crucial. You can grow way more muscle with lighter weights and proper form, than heavier weights without incorrect form (and avoid injuries). Of course, you shouldn’t go for too light weights, but going for a challenging weight and still having a good technique is what helps you get the most from your time in the gym, amplifying the work you put in. Moreover, the exercises that you choose for your routine must work for you, not against you.

In the end, the combination of correct exercises, with the correct nutrition plan is what helps you reach your goals. But if you add the products from Body-Gear.to, you’re sure to get outstanding results and do it fast. Various compounds can help you boost strength and lean muscle growth, boost metabolism, energy, and endurance, and burn excess body fat. So, as long as you want to take your physique and performance to the next level, break through plateaus, or speed up your results – get the best quality anabolic steroids from Body-Gear.to for the best prices online. We’re going to help you with everything you need, including personalized cycle advice to make sure you get the best results without side effects!


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