Exercises That Help Reduce Stress and Build Muscle

Unfortunately, the gym cannot be used as a sole replacement for therapy when it comes to managing and reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. However, sure as hell exercising in the gym significantly helps dealing with these mental issues. Numerous studies are proving that regular exercise is associated with emotional resilience to acute stress in healthy adults. Therefore, physical activity won’t only be beneficial for you physically, as it helps build muscle, burn fat, and reveal an overall much toned physique. But it would also be extremely helpful to reduce stress.

Yes, exercising alone won’t cure your depression or anxiety, but it will surely help. That’s why going to the gym can be one of the best things you can do when you’re feeling low, moody, sad, anxious, stressed, or depressed. Indeed, there are numerous other things you can and should do to manage these issues, such as going for a walk, staying in the sun, discussing with friends and family, asking for professional help, and numerous others. Still, are you feeling sad? Go to the gym! It is a damn good way to release all that emotion and tension after a tough time which will help reduce stress!

It could be stress from work, home life, or whatever else – you need to blow off some steam and let it go. Things build up in our lives, and we often need to find ways to get rid of them. Exercising is the perfect way!

Weight Lifting vs Other Exercises to Reduce Stress

Some would say that running, yoga, or boxing can be extremely helpful for letting it go, blowing off steam, and ultimately relaxing. I agree with all of that. Each can be super helpful. But lifting heavy can help more than you’d think! When tensions are running high and you’re feeling super frustrated and anxious, throwing some weights around can be extremely helpful. You may also have meditative running, relaxing yoga, or relieving boxing, but do add some heavy lifting sessions to your regimen. Make sure that those workouts will help you blow off a lot of steam and help you reduce stress, while you also manage to build muscle and burn fat!

In short, you’re going to start feeling much better after weight lifting exercises as you manage to reduce stress. But you’re also going to look much better, with more muscle and less fat!

The Locomotion

You will need the following:

  • Heavy dumbbells
  • Loaded sled
  • Turf space

Start with farmer’s carry. Have 6 rounds of 50 meters, while resting for about one minute and 30 seconds between carries. Carry the equivalent of your body weight. If there are no dumbbells that equate to that weight, go for a trap bar instead. Then go for sled push another 6 rounds of 50 meters. Again, push your body weight equivalent as fast as you can and also have 90 seconds rest between pushes. Lastly is the high box jump with 5 sets of 6 reps. Rest for as long as you need between jumps, but usually, that’s no more than 3 minutes and often less.

Upper Body

You will need the following equipment:

  • Dumbbells
  • Pullup bar
  • Bench
  • Slam ball

One perfect way to reduce stress is the medicine ball slams. Have five sets of 15 reps, using a relatively lightweight. Rest for about one minute between rounds. Then go for the dumbbell bench press 10 reps 4 sets. You’ll need to go heavy with this one. Then go for plyometric pushups as many reps as you can, four sets. Do not clap or hands or do any extra movement that is likely to lead to unnecessary injury. Rest for 90 seconds between each round (of plyo pushups and bench press). Finish off your upper body with EMOM chin ups, having 10 sets of five reps. EMOM stands for every minute on the minute. You start your clock and do five reps with the clock running. The remaining time from that minute is the recovery time. Start again when the next minute begins and repeat until completing 10 sets (minutes).

Lower Body

You will need the following:

  • Kettlebell
  • Leg press
  • Barbell
  • Squat cage

Paused back squats

When you feel like you’re soon going to have a mental breakdown, there’s almost nothing better than lifting a heavy bar. Go for an adequate weight of back squats that will allow you to have 5 sets of three reps with 2 minutes between rounds. Then go for the Romanian deadlift with five sets of 8 reps with also 2 minutes rest between rounds. With both exercises ensure proper form to ensure you avoid injury. Do not go too heavy or too low. Then go for kettlebell swing to squat swing having 3 sets of 12 reps. This is the typical kettlebell swing, but at the top of the move you use the weight to balance and squat and rise as you swing. Then lastly have a barbell split squat with 3 sets of 8 reps on each side.

Reduce Stress and Build Muscle With Body Gear

Generally, any exercise is doing a great job at reducing stress. However, here is a list of locomotion, and upper and lower body workout examples that will help you relieve the build-up frustration and reduce stress. That’s why, instead of taking all those negative feelings home with you, you better head to the gym first and let it all out. You’re going to come home feeling fresh, with positive thoughts and emotions. It is not only you who will benefit from these workouts and exercises that help reduce stress, but everyone around you too. That’s because you’re leaving the outlet of negative feelings and stresses of your life in the gym, making you a happier and calmer person. Your loved ones will really appreciate it.

Moreover, when you’re heading to the gym to de-stress from the day, it may soon become a habit. Finding this new hobby where you focus on your body will surely help you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Well, Body Gear is here to improve your body, which will surely help improve your mental health too.

At Body-Gear.to you can find Gear for your Body which will help burn fat and bulk up much faster. The gear you can find here will help you get shredded in no time. Moreover, it can help you break through a hard plateau too. All the products are 100% real and high quality from reputable manufacturers, meaning that you can achieve your dream body really fast. We can also help with personalized cycle advice so you would know how to use those steroids and/or other Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) so you could reach your goals without nasty side effects, be it cutting, bulking, or body recomposition!


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