How To Deal With Hunger During Cutting?

So, you bulked up and now you want to reveal those hard earned muscles and you are trying to cut fat and maintain your muscles which means that you need to deal with your hunger now. Or you let yourself get carried away for a bit and now you want to get back on track and have the same goals, attempting to burn that fat. Regardless – you’re searching for an effective cutting cycle, however, there’s one huge problem that stays in our way – feeling hungry.

Hunger is perhaps the biggest issue we need to deal with when trying to burn fat during a cut. If you want an effective cutting cycle, you will need to learn how to deal with and control hunger. Otherwise, you may find yourself starving, feeling a grumble in your stomach, which can make you “explode” and eat whatever is in your sight, ruining those goals.

Before we continue, I must mention the importance of eating right, with healthy and balanced foods while nailing your workouts. These are the basics when it comes to physique and performance enhancement. Another thing that can greatly help is anabolic steroids. Even if you find yourself a bit more than you should have, they can greatly help boost your body into burning those calories faster and more efficiently. Moreover, they help your body take the most out of the foods you eat and workouts you do. This way, you’re way closer to your bodybuilding goals.

  • Just make sure you use high quality steroids, the right ones for you, and use them correctly. Luckily, is here for you to help with all these needs. Anyway, let’s get back to the “hunger part”.


How To Control Hunger

I’m going to be fully honest with you. When hunger hits during a cutting cycle, it can be very difficult to stay on track. Anyone who’s been in a similar situation can approve. The worst is that the temptation to chow down a huge pizza is getting stronger daily.

The thing is that when you’re trying to lose weight, it involves a sudden change in your daily calorie intake. This change leads to an increase in hunger. That’s especially true if you are cutting for the first time. The good news is that there are various ways you can do that can help deal with the growling stomach. Using those methods will greatly help you stay on track.

It’s important to understand that it is not a single secret answer to all your hunger prayers and it’s not an easy way. Nonetheless, there are science backed ways that can help control those nasty hunger pangs.

So, have you ever wondered: “How to stop being hungry; How to not feel hungry; How to eat less; and How to suppress your appetite? Read on!

Control Your Appetite

There are various solutions when it comes to suppressing your appetite and hunger. You may find some of them better than the others, while other methods could be better for other people. Some methods involve a lifestyle change, others have a strong connection with the type of food you eat. Keep in mind: what you’re eating has a huge impact on how hungry you feel throughout the day!

Eat More Protein

It is no surprise that you are left scratching your head wondering how to stop being hungry all the time if you do not get enough protein in your diet. Protein is increasing the feeling of fullness. It makes your stomach satisfied for longer periods and it responds to the satiety feeling. In short, eating more protein will not only help build muscle and burn fat directly but will help you stay on track with your cutting goals with fewer calories that you’ll be tempted to eat. Numerous research suggests protein is very important to support your cutting goals. It’ll reduce calorie intake, prevent muscle loss, and help with your weight loss goals.

Get Plenty of Fiber

Fiber will also help you eat less, reducing hunger pangs. Fiber usually makes you feel fuller and a diet rich in fiber usually also contains other crucial micronutrients like minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants! After getting enough fiber, your stomach is feeling fuller for longer, reducing the hunger feelings. Moreover, fiber can “stretch” your stomach, which also aids this goal. Studies prove that fiber-rich foods can increase your feeling of fullness by about 31%! Peans, beans, and lentils are just some examples that are full of fiber!


The way you get those calories also plays a role. For example, you may attempt to get extra calories from shakes and smoothies during a bulk, as you attempt to eat more calories. During a cutting cycle, you need to eat them, in order to stay full.

Not only that but “how you eat them” is important too. Studies suggest that chewing promotes satiety too! That’s why it is important to eat solid foods. That’s because the time you spend chewing allows more time for signals of fullness to reach the brain. Not only should you eat your calories, but it’s likely you’ll feel fuller if you eat solid food and if you chew it slower! Make sure you chew all your food and do it slowly and thoughtfully.

Drink A Coffee

Coffee is popular for boosting your energy levels and for helping you burn fat. Most cutting diets involve coffee. As an additional bonus, research suggests that coffee can also suppress your appetite. A cup of coffee could do the trick while boosting your metabolic rate and aiding fat burning – awesome! Can go for a decaf if you’re worried about staying up all night.

Drink Plenty of Water

Besides the fact that you should drink plenty of water as long as you’re searching to improve your physique and performance enhancement, drinking more water can often help you eat less. Of course, water is not food. However, often we may mistake feelings of hunger for signs that our body is just looking for hydration!

What I’m trying to say is that instead of going for a snack, try drinking enough water first. Keep drinking water regardless if you’re working, at the gym, or wherever. It may help you feel full for longer and eat less the next time you eat. Try drinking water before and after you eat. It actually works. Drinking after eating will help you feel fuller for longer. Drinking straight before eating, will help you eat less by about 22% according to studies!

Pay Attention When You Eat

Your stomach has a close connection with your brain! As said, eating (chewing) slowly can greatly help. On the other hand, if you’re eating while distracted (watching TV, for example) or eating fast it is going to be harder for your brain to recognize your stomach is full. Do not focus on other stuff than your food such as TV or your phone when you eat. Practice mindful eating and you’re likely to notice you will eat less and feel fuller. It’s not me saying this, studies prove there’s a connection!

Dark Chocolate

I understand that dark chocolate is not the tastiest food, but its bitterness can help decrease your appetite and reduce the sweet cravings. It also has slow digestion, allowing you to stay fuller for longer.

Add Ginger

Ginger has lots of benefits including: lowering blood sugar, helping osteoarthritis, aiding weight loss, and numerous others. Studies prove that ginger can reduce the hunger of participants after a meal. So, it can help reduce hunger among other benefits!

Add Spice

OK, ginger may not be to your taste, but you can also add some spicy foods which can help reduce your appetite. They also can generate heat, which will increase calorie burn. Additionally, they have compounds like capsaicin (found in hot and sweet peppers, respectively), that can increase the feeling of fullness.

Use Smaller Plates

Again, this is another brain trick that can help you reduce hunger and feel fuller. When we’re eating off a large plate, we naturally up our portion sizes, without thinking about it! Restaurants know this trick and that’s why, if you noticed, they tend to use large plates. This way customers will feel more hungry, ordering more food. It’s because our brain “thinks” we need more food. We look at the “tiny” portion on a big plate, feeling deprived of food. Conclusion? Try to eat on smaller plates! You’ll reduce portions unconsciously, feeling fuller.

Get a Bigger Fork

Then again, another brain trick, similar to the size of the plate you eat from. A bigger eating utensil can have an impact on how much food you need in order to feel full. Studies suggest that you could eat about 10% less in order to feel full by using a bigger fork rather than a smaller one. Yet, do not do it with your spoon as it works the other way around (having the same effect as a bigger plate).

Exercise More

You need to go hard in the gym if you want to smash those goals. But if you’ve ever gone to the gym already hungry, you may have noticed that exercise suppresses your appetite. Moreover, exercising can reduce the activations of foods associated with food cravings. Want to lose weight? Go to the gym instead of the kitchen!

Burn Fat

I mean… I know it sounds paradoxical but if you want to eat less, you need to burn fat. Especially around the middle. The fat around your organs and at the waistline can increase your appetite. Reduce it and you’ll eat less. In short, it works like a spiral. The less you eat, the less you’ll want to eat.

Get Rest

Studies suggest that when you’re running on low rest, your appetite can increase, plus you’re more likely to make poor food choices. By getting enough rest you’ll stay on track by being more mindful about the food choices and by reducing appetite.

Minimize Stress

Often we may not even realize how much we eat because of the stress. In fact, stress can have a very negative impact on numerous other parts of our life (such as sleep, muscle building processes, and others). Sometimes, we can also start eating simply because of boredom (over true appetite), sadness, happiness, or stress. Studies suggest that cortisol is a hormone that will spike food cravings and desire to eat when it spikes. What does it have to do with stress? Cortisol spikes when we’re stressed! Reducing stress will reduce cortisol and this will reduce your appetite.

Add Omega 3s Fats

Omega 3 fats are very helpful at increasing levels of leptin. That’s the hormone that signals satiety and fullness. Eat lots of omega 3s and it will help curb the appetite. Add foods high in protein and high in Omega 3s (fish and algae oils are rich in Omega 3s) and you’ll melt that fat away.

Protein Snacks

I recommend staying away from those snacks when you’re cutting. However, if you do plan to snack, go for those that are high in protein for the reasons I’ve earlier mentioned.

Stash Foods Away

Studies show (and I guess we can all agree) that if we see foods – we want them. If you have some candies in the house, stash them away so you won’t see them. Replace them with healthy choices instead in places you see such as your fridge.

Narrow Your Choices

The above recommendation may not always work. We know where we stashed those foods, we know they are there and we know we are hungry and we want them. An even better solution would be to narrow your choices. You may be tempted to eat unhealthy foods while you’re in the store, but forget about them as soon as you get home. But if you purchased them, you’ll still continue thinking about them. What should you do? Narrow your choices. Do not buy any foods that you shouldn’t be eating. Only go for healthy foods. You’re less likely to cheat.

Oh, and try to avoid ads with food. Such as Facebook ads, Instagram ads, or ads on TV. Then again – if you see them, you’ll likely want them.

Keep Pushing

Similar to when you quit smoking, or start a weight loss program, the initial weeks are the hardest. It is the “adaptation” period that gets hard. At the start of your cut, you may not stop thinking about foods. But you need to keep on pushing.

Remember I said that it works as a spiral? The less you eat – the less you’ll want to eat. The less you eat, the less fat, the less foods you’ll crave. Do not give up too soon. Moreover, your stomach may be enlarged from a bulking cycle or from junk foods you’ve been eating too much and for too long. Your stomach will restrain after a while!

You need to get plenty of exercise and keep your mind occupied in order to get easier through the adaptation period to the new calorie intake. But you do need to give your body a chance!

Remember Your Mission

Lack of motivation is the number one reason why people give up. But if you’ll keep your eyes on the prize, or whatever else keeps you motivated – you won’t give up. Keep on working hard and you’ll get there!

Add Helpful Compounds To Reduce Hunger

Semaglutide Ozempic 2mg/vialAs said, it may feel difficult at first. Especially because your body needs time to adapt and you may not see any instant results, which makes you lose your motivation.

Instead, you can add anabolic steroids that will greatly boost your goals. They will not curb your appetite, instead, they will make sure that you can eat more without getting fat and help burn that fat off faster and more efficiently. By eating the same amount of calories with steroids as you would do without them, you’ll ensure you burn that fat way faster. At the same time, they will help you build that lean muscle! Or you can try other compounds such as Semaglutide which was found helpful at reducing hunger pangs.

Moreover, there are weight loss products like Clenbuterol that studies prove to have some appetite suppressing effects! In the end, if you’re looking to support your cutting goals, our 100% quality anabolic steroids and weight loss products will help you cut through fat while protecting and even helping you gain lean muscle mass! Body Gear has you covered when it comes to smashing your cutting goals!


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