Break The Weight Loss Plateau

If you’re dieting for a while and notice that your weight loss simply… doesn’t happen, it could be due to a plateau.

First off, it is important to make sure that you’re honest with yourself and ensure that the weight loss plateau didn’t occur due to an incorrect training plan, or especially an incorrect diet. Without it, this is not a weight loss plateau, you’re simply not doing it correctly.

However, in case it feels that no matter what you do, you just can’t figure out how to break through that weight loss plateau, you’ve come to the right place. You’ll find a lot of valuable information that will help you get over it. So, you try to do everything alright – follow the right workout plans, eat well, and hit the gym often. What more can you do to get rid of the weight loss plateau? Luckily, there are things you can do.

It is important to understand, however, that there’s no “magic” that helps you with that. But if you understand human metabolism, you are definitely going to be on the right path to breaking through the weight loss plateau. You need to master the art of a cutting cycle – the combination of energy in, and energy out.

  • PS: Before we continue, I should mention that at you can find lots of products that can break through the weight loss plateau fast and efficiently. Cutting anabolic steroids, weight loss compounds, and various others can help you with that. We provide a wide availability of compounds for very low prices, all of the best quality. This way, you ensure to get the best possible results as long as you learn how to use them right. can help with that too!


What is a Weight Loss Plateau?

During a cutting phase, hitting a weight loss plateau means that you’ve hit something that feels like a “ceiling” in your weight loss efforts. This usually means that you haven’t really lost any weight for at least 2 weeks. That’s although you continue to have a great diet and workout plan. As said, if the weight loss results stop due to you having an incorrect diet or workout plan, that’s not a weight loss plateau, that’s you doing something incorrectly. But as long as you do it all correctly but you still hit that “ceiling” without any further results, then you should learn ways to break through that ceiling.

It’s important not to assume you’ve hit a plateau too soon because our natural weight can fluctuate across days or even weeks. That’s why it is important to ensure you have no progress for at least 2 weeks. That’s because of water retention and even bowel movements. So, when you are purposely trying to lose weight but the weight loss stopped or slowed a lot, then this is when you can consider you’ve hit the cutting and weight loss plateau.

As said, anabolic steroids and various other compounds can help break the weight loss plateau. But you should know that hitting a cutting and weight loss plateau is something normal. Experienced bodybuilders even expect it to happen. So, regardless of how much effort you put in, it is normal and natural to get stuck once or twice in a cutting cycle. Additionally, the further you are into a cut and the more fat you lose (the leaner you get), the higher the chance of hitting a cutting plateau. So, once you hit a low body fat percentage, you need to learn ways to get it even lower (if that’s your goal).

How to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau?

Breaking through a weight loss plateau starts with checking if you’re correctly measuring and recording your calories. You need accurate measurements for accurate results.

Even the small things add up, and nothing goes unnoticed. There could be things that are affecting your weight loss efforts without you even realizing it, which causes you to hit the cutting plateau. In case you are new to bodybuilding and cutting cycles, for example, it could be that you’re incorrectly counting or that you’re “cheating” too often. Fix those errors if there are any.

Once you’re sure your calorie count is on point, then you need to do one (or both) of the following:

  1. Eat less (reduce calorie intake)
  2. Exercise more (increase calorie expenditure)

We totally get it if you’re struggling to reduce your calorie intake even more. If that’s a real challenge, then there’s no need to go for the first option. In fact, eating even less if you’re already eating very small amounts can be a bit dangerous because your body could be deprived of the important macro- and micronutrients.

That’s why you need to get more active throughout the day in order to kickstart your weight loss again. You break the weight loss plateau by eating the same amount of food (calories) but exercising more, because you have higher calorie expenditure.

How much exercise? It depends on various factors such as your goals, body type, how you respond to it, and numerous other factors. But even something small can be helpful. For example, increase from 4 to 5 hours of weight lifting weekly. Also, you could increase your cardio. If you’re having 3 hours a week, increase to 4 or 5 hours per week. You can do both, and this will maximize your weight loss.

Still can’t get any help?

So, if you’re not eating too much and you can’t lose weight – you shouldn’t decrease the amount you eat because it can be unhealthy as you’re depriving your body of crucial nutrients. You should increase the amount of movements to boost calorie expenditure.

Nevertheless, you shouldn’t push your body to crazy exercise extremes (as you shouldn’t push it to crazy calorie restriction extremes) because it can be unhealthy too.

The human body is pretty resilient. But if you’re going overboard with your workouts, you’re going to start struggling with hunger and cravings even more. But worse, is that it is likely to lead to poor sleep, bad moods, low energy, and other unhealthy issues. Therefore, in case you’re maximizing your exercise time but you still have not lost weight, then there could be two other reasons why you’ve hit a weight loss plateau. Luckily, only a few people reach this point. But if you’re among the unlucky ones, I recommend you check these reasons:

Fat loss doesn’t occur due to water retention or bowel movements

Water retention plays a big role in how much weight you lose during a cutting cycle. There are cases when people do not seem to lose much (if any) weight for 2-3 weeks, and then they suddenly get rid of several pounds almost overnight. This is due to water retention that goes out of the body. This flush of water retention frequently occurs after a cheat meal or a break in your diet, because you increase calories (especially carbs) “damaging” the cortisol levels, leading to a reduction in water retention. Additionally, bowel movements make a huge impact. It is the bowel movements that make it so important to wait 2-3 weeks before you reduce your calorie intake or assume you’ve hit a weight loss plateau.

Fat loss doesn’t occur due to slowed metabolism

In case your weight loss plateau is not related to water retention or bowel movements, then it is very likely related to the natural metabolic adaptation that is common during cutting cycles. As you eat less, the human metabolism slows down, and in case you’re having a ridiculously strict calorie deficit your basal metabolic rate (BMR) decreases, leading to a negative impact on your results. That’s why you need to think gradually, not drastically! Cut your daily calorie intake slowly. Another way to start boosting your metabolism is to eat in calorie maintenance (with a great macronutrient balance) for a week or so.

Break a Weight Loss Plateau: Conclusion

Be aware that you’re not alone in struggles when it comes to breaking through a weight loss plateau. In fact, as said, a cutting plateau is completely natural and normal. Lots of advanced lifters even expect it to happen. But a few minor changes to your diet and exercise regime will help you stay on track with your cutting goals. Do not make any drastic adjustments. Do it all carefully and wisely. Here are some factors that you should consider:

  • Determine if you really are on a weight loss plateau by weighing yourself daily and averaging your weight across 2 weeks.
  • Make sure that you are really into a weight loss plateau, not that your results stopped because you’re dieting or working out incorrectly.
  • Ensure that you accurately measure and record your calories and what you eat, determining a proper macronutrient balance.
  • Increase the amount of exercise you get per week. Go for 5 hours of weight lifting and about 2-3 hours of cardio per week.
  • If you’re into a cutting plateau, cut your calories by about 100 calories per day every 2 weeks, reducing carbs, not protein or fat.
  • In case you can’t increase the amount of exercise and can’t lower the amount of calories, stop the cutting cycle. Bring back the calories to maintenance for at least 4-6 weeks to allow your body to normalize. Then start cutting again.
  • Add cutting anabolic steroids or weight loss compounds from These are the best quality compounds for the lowest prices. They are safe to use as long as you learn how to do it correctly (we can help) and they are going to help cut through fat while preserving muscle – the best compounds for breaking the weight loss plateau.



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