Beginner Bodybuilder? Read This!

If you’re a beginner bodybuilder we want to congratulate you on taking the right path. You do not need to become a pro or to compete, however, bodybuilding is always a great option as it will make you feel better, look better, and regain huge confidence. Bodybuilding is not about stepping on the stage, it is about getting a better physique by burning fat while gaining muscle. But if you plan to become a pro and step on the stage, it requires even more work. There’s only one true way when it comes to achieving results in terms of bodybuilding – hard work. It is even more so when you attempt to step on the stage.

Bodybuilding requires a lot of dedication, consistency, and hard work. So, the journey from a beginner bodybuilder to a pro is a very long and hard one, but anyone who gets there will tell you: that it is worth it. Even if it’s that hard and such a long journey, it is important to remember: you can do it!

However, when you start bodybuilding as a beginner, it is extremely important to make sure that you are starting the right way. Incorrect ways won’t only lead to no (or very few) results, but you also increase the risks of giving up too soon, risks of injuries, tiredness, and other issues you wouldn’t want to face. For example, as a beginner bodybuilder, you need to do workouts suitable for beginners, rather than jumping straight to extremely heavy weights which could damage your muscles in case you attempt to do it without proper preparation and training.

  • So, here we are going to talk about nutrition, workouts, rest days, and supplements. Everything you need to start your bodybuilding journey, becoming the best version of yourself.

How to Become a Bodybuilder Guide

Find your motivation

Bodybuilding, as you already know very well, is not easy. That’s why, either you’re just starting bodybuilding or you’ve already been following this journey for a while, you need to find your motivation. You need motivation to start the bodybuilding journey and you should know that there are going to be times during your journey when the motivation will be low and you’re likely going to feel as if you want to give up. Motivation is crucial. We’ve all heard about it – if you have motivation you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. So, you need to find what motivates you to start bodybuilding and what motivation to keep on pushing even in the hardest times.

For most people, this motivation could be simply to sculpt their body into the best form possible. Others could dream about setting personal bests and smash records. Some may want to do it for health reasons. But there are also those who dream about becoming pros. Regardless of which is your goal – find the motivation and stick to it. Any reason is valid, just keep your motivation up. Visualize your results and keep working towards them. Imagine how it would feel like when you’ve reached your goal! How to do that? Find motivation!

Avoid rookie mistakes

As a beginner bodybuilder, you’re at the highest risk of making many mistakes. Lack of knowledge, skills, and experience makes you prone to make mistakes. While mistakes are common and natural, try to avoid as many mistakes as you can to get the best and fastest results. Mistakes do make us stronger, but why wouldn’t you learn from other people’s mistakes and speed up the process? For example, a lot of people attempt to bulk up too fast. Yes, lots of people are “bulking” – that’s something important for experienced bodybuilders who know how to pack on muscle quickly and efficiently.

As a beginner, avoid the mistakes in the gym after the gym. Also, avoid the mistakes in the kitchen. This means: instead of focusing on getting as fast results when you start out, focus on getting perfect form in the gym. SLOWLY move up the weights if you need to, do not go for ego lifting, otherwise you’ll hurt yourself. After hard workout sessions it is important to provide enough rest – get enough quality sleep. Another mistake – have a correct diet plan. Diet is just as important (if not even more) as training. Have a balanced and healthy nutrition plan.

Workout 3-4 times per week

A common mistake among beginner bodybuilders is that they do not offer their muscles enough time to recover and grow. Many do it in an attempt to gain muscle as fast as possible, but it works the other way around for them, hindering the results and increasing the risks of injuries. Keep in mind that you don’t need (and should not) work every muscle in your body every day. Doing so can slow your growth as muscles do not have time to heal and grow bigger and stronger. What you should do instead is to opt for 3 to 4 workouts per week. Daily workouts are for experienced bodybuilders who know very well what they’re doing. If it’s your first time stepping into a gym, three times a week could be more than enough. After a bit of experience, you could increase to 4 times a week too.

Four times per week is an ideal amount. First, because it will target your upper body for two days and your lower body for two days. Moreover, your muscles have enough time to heal and grow stronger and bigger. You may think that you’re not doing anything useful on those rest days, but it is those days that are in fact allowing you to grow muscles! (However, to do so, you need proper nutrition). As a beginner bodybuilder, your career and daily routine will be a big factor in determining how often you can train. 3 times a week is a great start, allowing you to get introduced to the schedule, and allowing your muscles to get introduced to the work.

Get the movements right

Even those who are working out in the gym for months (or even years) find it hard to get the movements right. This explains why people are lifting for years with little to no results. Regardless of what muscle group you’re training, you need to ensure you do it with the correct form. Start with basic exercises for each body part, and ensure you get the movements right. Do two different exercises per body part (chest, triceps, biceps, back, etc.). Aim for 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps for each exercise. Go for a weight that doesn’t feel too light after completing these reps, but do not go for too heavy weights because they will not allow you to perform the movement with perfect form (perfect form is crucial!). Also, do the movements in a controlled way, rather than just swinging it around.

So, for example, if you plan to work your shoulders, do 3 sets of 12 reps of shoulder press and 3 sets of 12 reps of lateral raise. As a beginner bodybuilder, you do not need a bunch of complex exercises. Lots of muscles will still be used when doing basic moves. Work all body parts equally (many guys tend to skip leg days – a huge mistake). Train your back, chest, legs, arms and abs. Abs are the only ones you can try at each training session. May have a 10 minute abs workout at the end of your training. And/or can add some cardio if you have anything left in the tank after training.

Diet is extremely important

Underestimating the importance of diet will hinder your results a great deal! That’s a huge mistake that you shouldn’t make as a beginner bodybuilder! Bodybuilding is not all about lifting, it is about eating the right amount and the right foods too. With all the training in the world, you wouldn’t get much results if you’re not fueling your body properly, both to lift the weights in the gym and to recover after doing so. Therefore, you need discipline in the gym, but you definitely need discipline in the kitchen too! Of course, the better your diet is, the better (and faster) results will be.

However, as a beginner bodybuilder attempt at least the very start of cutting out sugar, reducing your intake of simple carbs, unhealthy fats, processed foods, and junk foods. Avoid fried foods, cookies, white flour products, and generally – everything you know you can’t have. It will have an extremely big impact both on the way you feel and look and on your health too. Cutting out these foods is not enough, however. The next thing you’re going to need to do is to add a lot of protein. Add protein rich foods such as chicken, eggs, tuna, salmon, steaks, and others. Have salads, alongside small amounts of carbs such as brown rice or baked potatoes. Aim for the right amount of calories that come from the right balance of macronutrients: complex carbs, healthy fats, and protein. This way you’ll get the right amount of micronutrients too (vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants). The right balance of macronutrients with the right amount of calories will create a huge difference!

Supplements and Other Compounds for a Beginner Bodybuilder

You may think about whey protein and/or creatine which are studied supplements that ensure to help you achieve your results. You may not need them as long as you ensure that you get enough protein and creatine from your foods, however.

Yet, whether you’re a beginner bodybuilder or have already reached a plateau in your gains – you can use anabolic steroids which will significantly speed up the results from your discipline both in the gym and in the kitchen as well as help break through plateaus. In fact, as you may already know, there is nothing better than anabolic steroids when it comes to building muscle mass and burning fat.

Use Body Gear to get the best gear for your body to achieve success. At you get the best quality anabolic steroids for sale for the best possible prices. We can help you become a bodybuilder as long as you think about it. We offer the best quality gear for the best prices on the market. They will help recover faster, cut fat quicker, and build hard rock muscles. Yes, I know that you may be afraid of their side effects. However, we can help with cycle advice suggesting the best ways for you to use them so you would both reap the best effects and stay away from the possible side effects, ensuring you go for a safe cycle!


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